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Everything posted by LFMc
Nokia isn't "selling" anything and has almost nothing to do with this product line. They just sold their name to be used by Smarthome/Insteon. It's silly to me for posters to keep referring to the product line as "Nokia's" as if that makes it magically better or to come from Europe. So viva NiNo or Nokeon or Instakia, etc, etc. ?
Talk about 2413S PLMs on ebay, there is one that has 3 days of bidding to go and it is already up to over $200. Wow. https://www.ebay.com/itm/154712653107?hash=item240597bd33:g:2GQAAOSwXsdhmtFs
I have an Outdoor Insteon On/Off module that is acting up, so I thought I would open it and check the caps. But this device is totally sealed in it's plastic box, I guess to protect it from moisture. Has anyone found a way to open it so that it might possibly be resealed after repairing it?
I had an under foundation leak that drove up my bill, to add to the issue it was a hot water line. I noticed my gas HW heater was cycling a LOT when I was in my garage and could hear it. I found the hot spot in the floor of my home with an IR laser thermometer. All that to say is the city I live in worked with me on the water bill. I gave them proof of damage and repair and they averaged out my bill for that month and gave me a refund. Sometimes it might take a letter or repair bill from a plumber. Of course cities may vary, but it is worth a try. Unfortunately I couldn't get a refund on the excess natural gas. Good luck on the monitoring solution.
I am running about 6 Insteon outdoor modules (PN 2642?) for many years and of course they are all downstream to GFIC units. I have had 1 outdoor module fail in that time period. They are in the open and do get some rain on them. I have had one GFIC get too sensitive and pop too often, so I replaced it and no more issues. Just mentioning this because the Insteon outdoor modules do work well outside and communicate well. I would never put the indoor units outdoors.
A good place to start is with your own router/firewall's documentation. Hopefully it supports creating a host VPN on it that would give you access to your entire network from anywhere. Mine supports PPTP clients which work from my Android phone or any Windows device I am using without adding any special software client outside my network. .
TeamViewer still (last time I looked) has a free home use version. I have a paid version from Solarwinds, but its part of my business license. The VPN via Windows PPTP or through your router is handy also if you can use RDP, but only with Win10 Pro as you have stated. Be sure to put an On/Off Insteon switch on your PC just in case you need it.
Be sure to CC me when you explain this one. My curiosity is peeked. ? But I think I can envision your usage.
One feature that might help us with others in our family by allowing them to use UD Mobile, but not change features or to allow them to drill down into programs, variables, etc, would be a local "setup" password on UD Mobile. It might lock them into favorites only and not allow accessing home folders, editing or adding icons or other features without entering the local password.
Just curious, would this fix the in-rush auto sensing of an insteon Lamp Linc switch to allow automatic turn on of an LED lamp when you turn the lamp on locally (not by turning on at the Lamp Linc device or with an insteon command)? I seem to have trouble getting that feature to work on LED lamps plugged into the wall. Being these are single bulb lamps, I don't have the option of using one incandescent bulb in place of an LED bulb. Is there something better than this to fix this problem? I.E. I am not sure where you would install this past the Lamp Linc device.
Big thank you to all those who did not order anything from Smartlabs on this sale. That means my order should go though just fine while the rest of you argue about how many angels can sit on the head of an Ninsteon switch that doesn't exist. It is entertaining, especially those that post about "Nokia's" new product who obviously are not reading the fine print that Nokia is and will not sell, manufacture or distribute anything other than licensing their name to Smartlabs. As so well stated by The Who in "Won't Get Fooled Again": "Meet the new bossSame as the old boss" ???? If you sensed a heavy dose of skepticism and sarcasm in this post, you are probably correct. (-;
Works great!! Thanks for the quick response! Great product.
I did like Larry for my programs to turn off during vacation. One variable that I toggle zero or one does the trick instantly. Of course you have to add the IF condition to the affected programs.
I updated my UD Mobile from .8x to .92 yesterday. Opened and re-synced it. I started having issues immediately with all folders in the favorites area. When trying to open folders in the favorites home page, the app will either disappear without notice or warning or throw an app crash message (Which I did respond on one of these through the email it offered). But, there seems to be no problems going through the home side of the app and drilling down to any device or program. Occasionally, I think after having the up up and running for a while (several minutes?), I will be able to open a favorites folder. But even then I have seen strange behavior such as no indicator circles on devices unless I open up the device menu and close it, then the indicator will appear. But every time I open the app and try to use a folder in favorites right away, it crashes. LMK if you need anything. My phone is a Motorola X4 (Android version 9) and I am using the ISY portal and local Wifi. I have tried re-syncing and restoring from backup (re-syncing again) with no change in the problem. Edit: I created a new folder in favorites and even with nothing in it, it crashed also when opening it.
Introducing the Insteon Thermostat add-on communications dongle
LFMc replied to TrojanHorse's topic in Coffee Shop
On the CAO tag app or my.wirelesstag.net web page there is a comment/description area for each tag. I put my battery change dates, brand of battery, etc. and it becomes a history log. Better than marking up the tag each time. -
Don't know what it is but man, sign me up! That is one great sales video. ?
This one misleading statement is shown over and over in this topic and it misleads many, imho. Nokia's own words on their Smartlabs hosted web page clearly refutes it. Smartlabs is licensing the Nokia name for a "new" product line that is not available yet and is only sold by Smartlabs. Nokia produces nor sells nor backs any of it. If you can't read their disclaimer to the new product, here is the text: Sorry, but it bugs me when people state that it is a "Nokia" product, it isn't. The fact is the new "Nokia" product is simply an attempt by Smartlabs to elevate their brand status by licensing the name for a slightly upgraded or improved new product. Good for them, at least they are doing something to get more recognition for their products. So this is a "newer" product line for them and obviously where they are putting in their development & marketing efforts and money. Maybe we should call the new products Nokisteon, Instekia or No-on to differentiate. ? <rant off>
Nokia doesn't make, sell or distribute anything from Smartlabs. Smartlabs just licensed the name Nokia as their brand.
It seems to me that a lot of people commenting on this Insteon-Nokia announcement seem to be implying that Nokia is licensing Insteon technology to build and sell product. From reading prior articles and the web page below, it seems it is the opposite. Insteon (i.e. Smartlabs) is only licensing the name/brand Nokia from them. Nokia doesn't appear to have any skin the the game at all. To me that says this is all Smartlabs' deal to elevate the brand of their products. It doesn't sound like Nokia is involved technically at all. Do others see this differently? From the Nokia web site: https://www.nokia.com/shop/smart-lighting/nokia-smart-lighting-bridge/
Thanks for the quick reply, info and tips. I added both of my wifi networks to "local networks" previously and thought that was it. But I had to go back under the "advanced" area under "edit system" and add local credentials. While I was at it, I turned on "request status of integer variables" and now everything shows up instantly. I haven't experienced any delay starting it yet, but I probably will experience it sometime later I guess. FYI, I have a 120 integer variables, so it should have some impact. I may try out the emulator later and see how the desktop works for now. Thanks again for your help.
I really like the UD Mobile app, thank you so much for creating it. Is there any possibility of it getting ported over to run on a PC without using android emulators? If not, is there a particular emulator that works well with it? I have a folder of variables in my favorites area. I view them multiple times a day. But, many times it takes 15-20 seconds (after opening up the variable inside the folder) for the value to pop up. The old UD-Ajax app was 10x faster doing this. Is there a problem or fix for this? And yes, I do have local access via my wifi on the app, i.e. I am not going through the portal that I know of. So my local wi-fi gateways are added and active inside the app.
I do enjoy your rants. ? But consider this, being sued is not the same as being guilty, not even close. In today's (last 50 years) litigious environment, most civil suits are high level business weapons to shame another company publicly and in the media because so many people assume being sued = being guilty. Probably almost as many suits end up being dropped. Not that IP theft doesn't happen, it does, but most of it occurs by nameless groups via the "dark" web, imo. In the end, the public rarely hears of the outcome of most law suits, just the beginning bad optics of being sued.
Circling back to the original intent of this topic, Intel chief says get ready, 1-2 more years of chip shortages and the worst is yet to come. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57996908
But it is a sales leading device. I.E. anyone buying a PLM is going to buy probably at least 10-30 other Insteon devices. So I would be totally surprised if they were to totally stop carrying it.