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Everything posted by sjenkins

  1. I agree. The issue is finding the file; spent an hour last night until I defaulted to this. Does not seem to be where the mosquitto docs say it should be and Michel is out of town until tomorrow. The others are saying he knows the most about this.
  2. @EWhite appreciate the feedback ; couple questions: 1. just to be clear, did you delete back to root on the topics? 2. you mentioned everything else is working. Above here you said everything was not sending status. Is that a change with this or were the other devices working. thanks
  3. @GTench Yes I am finding this out with another plugin as well. Not sure if this happens with every name change or something special here. Bit of a PITA for the users. Thanks for the feedback, I will bring it up on the developers forum. Glad all is working well. You must not have any multi-room scenes, as one of my G3 users found where the discovery went into exception (not a crash but effectively tanked updates of scenes) when it tried to discover one. Maybe if you have a min you could make one and fire-test it for me on G2 as the discovery functions are completely separate. No rush, but I'd be interested that it works.
  4. For those not on the other stream there is a solution to try & looking for feedback on.
  5. per @TJF1960 I would delete all under tele, tasmota, and stat. Do NOT delete $SYS I agree this is NOT the way I would prefer to be sending regular users to. At this point it is outside our plugin and better than sending people into SSH ing into the EISY and deleting files. The program status/control problem he brings up sounds like a profile file issue which is more in my bailiwick to fix. I can get to it tonight after work.
  6. As this is happening to some and not others, as well happening to some switches and not others I am coming to conclusion that this is to do with the gen.mosquitto server and its persistence. This survives reboot & deletion of an individual plugin. As well as restart of the mosquitto server. I guess that is why they call it persistence. My theory as we all had to delete and install rather than upgrade with the name/author change on this plugin due to the different serial number associated with it, I am thinking that mqtt topics have been corrupted as some things have changed. For those who have an MQTT Explorer on their Mac or the equivalent on Windows, you can get to it your server. This is at the ip of your EISY and the port number 1884 You will find your topics there. Delete back to the ROOT one or all of your switches. You may need to restart the plugin. Your only loss here will be the current status of your devices. ** for those who don't know what I am talking about, wait a few hours until we get some answers from a few users If we prove this out with a number of users, we will find a more elegant way to do this for all users. I may need some help from @bmercier as I don't think we can expect all users doing this. Basically the mosquitto.db needs to be deleted while the service is stopped on the gen.mosquitto.ud server.
  7. @apostolakisl such a good idea that I have been trying to do it for the last 2 months The latest PG3 update of last week allowed developers to change names and some other things. But I am a bit confused because I changed it last week, so it should be updated in the store on your PG3, it is in my other users.
  8. Hey guys, can I get some data from you. As you heard both @TriLife & I are getting status' , also I think I am hearing that some of you are getting mixed results with some working and some not. Is the only device affected the switches? could @EWhite , @maxnorth attach debug level logs? Please point out which are working and which not please. Has anyone done a reboot of their EISY? Because of the variance of experience I am wondering on that too. We should be able to figure this out before too long. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. I think this may be with the latest PG3 update & name changes. With the updates that @TriLife and I made I think the number which goes along with the plugin may have finally changed from the old xKing version of MQTT. I had to do the same, delete and reinstall, but didn't think anything of it.
  10. Thanks to @glarsen for pointing out that multi-room scenes broke discovery. This update should fix that for both G2 & G3. Also changed a timer on node throttling as I was getting the dreaded "red box" in the bottom right for the first time. VERSION = '0.1.10' """ 0.1.10 DEBUG multi-room scenes sending Discover into exception FIX Throttling timer from 0.1s to 0.2s past versions: 0.1.9 DONE Fix G3 Events stop working after some period of time 0.1.8 DEBUG branch 0.1.7 DONE rename nodes if changed in PowerView app 0.1.6 DONE parameters based on shade capabilities 0.1.5 DONE format for program setShadePosition DONE set Shade Position change using False to define which parameters to change DONE more debug on G2 so it acts as expected 0.1.4 DONE add node_queue & as result need pause updates while in discovery DONE FIRST TRY G2 tilt feature 0.1.3 DONE node discover rewrite to allow add/remove DONE add event 'homedoc-updated' currently no actions DONE limit room label size to 15 as room - shade/scene < 30 for ISY DONE clean up LOGGING.debug messages DONE G2 bug fixes 0.1.2 DONE change icons to nicer ones DONE docs with screenshots & description for udi spotlight DONE add troubleshooting document DONE add some support for G2 gateways (no gateway push, only polling) 0.1.1 DONE tap into gateway events, which allows longPoll update to move from 30s to 60s DONE active scene indications from events DONE shade motion indicator from events DONE shade position update from start, stop, online events DONE remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) DONE update readme & config instructions to highlight G3 scope 0.1.0 DONE handle multiple gateways automatically, picking primary & switching if required DONE updated configuration instructions as well as link to the forums 0.0.9 DONE fix uom for positions(100) & ids(107) DONE more notices clean-up DONE shade naming to include room as scenes DONE remove status based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) 0.0.8: DONE handling of notices individually DONE polling 5s short-poll 30s long-poll DONE status for programs (positions etc) 0.0.7: DONE faster status updates when command is given DONE bug fix DONE re-order of parameters displayed 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
  11. Thanks @raymondjiii, for your thorough problem solving. As a macOS user who spun the Russian roulette yesterday and updated ; without issue ; I have been reading with interest. I love my Mac and I love my IoX, java meh.
  12. Fixed issue where G3 would stop updating as SSE events would not update after a number of hours. VERSION = '0.1.9' """ 0.1.9 DONE Fix G3 Events stop working after some period of time past versions: 0.1.8 DEBUG branch 0.1.7 DONE rename nodes if changed in PowerView app 0.1.6 DONE parameters based on shade capabilities 0.1.5 DONE format for program setShadePosition DONE set Shade Position change using False to define which parameters to change DONE more debug on G2 so it acts as expected 0.1.4 DONE add node_queue & as result need pause updates while in discovery DONE FIRST TRY G2 tilt feature 0.1.3 DONE node discover rewrite to allow add/remove DONE add event 'homedoc-updated' currently no actions DONE limit room label size to 15 as room - shade/scene < 30 for ISY DONE clean up LOGGING.debug messages DONE G2 bug fixes 0.1.2 DONE change icons to nicer ones DONE docs with screenshots & description for udi spotlight DONE add troubleshooting document DONE add some support for G2 gateways (no gateway push, only polling) 0.1.1 DONE tap into gateway events, which allows longPoll update to move from 30s to 60s DONE active scene indications from events DONE shade motion indicator from events DONE shade position update from start, stop, online events DONE remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) DONE update readme & config instructions to highlight G3 scope 0.1.0 DONE handle multiple gateways automatically, picking primary & switching if required DONE updated configuration instructions as well as link to the forums 0.0.9 DONE fix uom for positions(100) & ids(107) DONE more notices clean-up DONE shade naming to include room as scenes DONE remove status based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) 0.0.8: DONE handling of notices individually DONE polling 5s short-poll 30s long-poll DONE status for programs (positions etc) 0.0.7: DONE faster status updates when command is given DONE bug fix DONE re-order of parameters displayed 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
  13. Yes, and. The issue with that is his use of ESPhome , it’s a platform in its own right. So he is really programming his application as a set of JSON scripts which ESPhome then handles as a platform. So not much to easily compare. That is why I was thinking if I could understand the HA comms. For now my very ugly method of adding a pi with HA is working more reliably than you might think. My current frustration is that the author seems to want the MQTT version to go away. It was why we purchased hardware. There currently seems to be one sided dialogue with little from the author. Happy if I’m wrong here but I am subscribed to the issues & that is my read.
  14. Minor debug and name change to HunterDouglas per naming standard. Means it will show up on the store list in proper alphabetical order, instead of near the bottom with the old hunterdouglas name.
  15. Installed and the new features are working, thanks Benoit!
  16. Upgrade & reboot worked as expected. Attempted a name change on my plugin & no joy. Stayed the old name in the store and back-fed the old name to the developer list, but my changelog did update. @bmercier I will also put in a ticket.
  17. I’ve gotten so frustrated with the mqtt version I abandoned it & put home assistant on a pi. I have no use for HA otherwise. I am now backfeeding to the ISY the variables I want. Pain in the a** but it is working. certainly not the recommended solution. My next step was to figure out how the HA protocol works. Sounds like a time sink. I would really rather they just fix the mqtt version. Seems like he knows how as this esphome version is bulletproof.
  18. @GTench Not currently as it makes that choice at the start. Would require some rewrite, and a tester (hint hint). No reason it can’t be done, I just don’t know how the gateways operate together or are talked to separately. Might make more sense just to run two instances of the plugin. There isn’t any other cross talk between blinds. You could make your own scenes in the ISY. I’d be interested how their app handles it.
  19. I think I’d agree with you both. I am also in the Insteon, YoLink camp; with some plugins to do special things like blinds, plus some homemade esp32’s using mqtt for fun. My recent poor, few year, experience with zwave does not help, just ripped out all but one or two irrelevant devices. Just read another article of the fragmentation of Matter. Happy it exists as a choice but my needs are met elsewhere. “Matter doesn’t matter to me!”
  20. So, to the meat of it: The plugin should change based on what you modify in the PowerView app names in addition to adding/deleting shades or scenes. I added this after cleaning up mine a bit & realising I wanted it. We are getting 10 more shades in the next month or so. Most of them will have secondary axis as most are double rollers. One also has the header move up/down. Should be able to test some new types.
  21. So 10min after I made my change it changed the name back on mine too. Go figure. This is why I wanted to change the name of mine from hunterdouglas to HunterDouglas the lower case gets sorted to the end I will ask the Discord development guys on how best to change it. btw: : Sorry if by doing this I messed up your programs (this was more frustrating than any issue so far, arrrrg)
  22. Can you refresh your store?
  23. ok , so did something kind of severe... I have been wanting to change the name to HunterDouglas since about the beginning to match the naming convention and make the plugin easier to find. so I deleted the old one (still shows in list but no install option) Shows in the store further up the list as HunterDouglas and version 0.1.8 Works on mine but if this doesn't work I don't know any more nuclear option.
  24. ok I went to 0.1.8 and it seems to be sticking ; so weird
  25. wow ; went to mine & it showed 0.1.7 did a refresh of the store and it reverted to 0.1.6 let me do a new push to my GitHub and see if it sticks... if not I'll have to put a ticket in.
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