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Everything posted by sjenkins

  1. figured out the issue. If you didn't do the partition version originally but did the simple version then this one won't work. I had to do the below (remember this wipes out everything on the storage drive) zpool destroy storage gpart create -s gpt nvd0 after that I could run the script... bash -c "source ~admin/setup_nvme_boot.sh; setup_nvme_boot" For the faint of heart, wait for the packaged version later this week.
  2. @MBell, if you looked at the communications which came out this also was not only a UDI issue, but a dependancy from Paho(MQTT) which pushed a breaking change. You might be right that their push was off or even that UDI needs to have their software protect itself better. There are many ways to ask for 'process improvements' but 'what a joke' is just plain rude. You have been on the forum for a while so you see the culture and how things work here. Perhaps you just had a bad day but you may want to think before hitting send next time.
  3. @Dave Green this is not an AcuRite issue. This a udi_interface issue. you may need to wait until Monday for @bmercier to do an update. Patience for the moment, here is a link to his message.
  4. Not fair, you asked google. šŸ˜œ in my Defense it had not bubbled up in my project/give-a-sh*t list. might be a good node server, eh? I was looking for my next one; Iā€™ll take a peek as well.
  5. as far as I know they do in order to get them as a device on Alexa/google through skills. At least I haven't heard of a way around it.
  6. I have a few of these i3's and haven't noticed the timing issues ; are what you have noticed from the switch to other devices, switch to isy program, or program to switch ? or all. Just asking so I can set up an experiment on mine. Like many on this channel I have a mixed environment of old and new Insteons. MUCH prefer them to z-wave in about every way. Also, I have had the old Insteon hub (and trashed it) ; but would buy another if that was the only way to do updates, they are not that expensive. Knowing it is an advertised feature, Has ANYONE seen if there has been an Insteon update on ANY device since the new i3's came out?
  7. It may have even been a macOS change because I remember the old plus signs as well but have been coming in from a Mac for 10 years. Woke up one day & could barely see them; so Iā€™m looking for who to blame
  8. @Michel Kohanim, ok I think its ready!
  9. The biggest change here is to take advantage of the Pushing of events from the gateway, while still Polling every so often as belt/suspenders. This allows scenes to indicate they are active and shades to be updated closer to real time which indicating when in motion. Some cleaning up of the code to make it more reliable. Deleted parameters from being displayed ; still have to get to the input side without making a node for every shade type. Enjoy, & please give feedback! Also to remind that this ONLY works on V3 (G3) gateways. Sorry but older V2 (G2) are a different API and I do not believe they push events. Polling: Full update of shade and scene datae loaded from the gateway - happens at start-up and LongPoll - really should just be the extra belt/suspenders as the Push should catch all/most events. - program limited to no faster than once per 3s - suggest 60s for LongPoll Pushing: Data is pushed from the gateway and regularly checked - updates are checked for every ShortPoll - includes Motion-Started, Motion-Stopped, Scene-Activated, Scene-Deactivated, and Shade-Online (pushed infrequently, likely as a keep-alive for the push stream) - suggest 5s for ShortPoll VERSION = '0.1.1' """ 0.1.1 DONE tap into gateway events, which allows longPoll update to move from 30s to 60s DONE active scene indications from events DONE shade motion indicator from events DONE shade position update from start, stop, online events DONE remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) DONE update readme & config instructions to highlight G3 scope add to future version: TODO remove set position parameters which are not useful to certain shades 0.1.0 DONE handle multiple gateways automatically, picking primary & switching if required DONE updated configuration instructions as well as link to the forums past versions: 0.0.9 DONE fix uom for positions(100) & ids(107) DONE more notices clean-up DONE shade naming to include room as scenes DONE remove status based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) 0.0.8: DONE handling of notices individually DONE polling 5s short-poll 30s long-poll DONE status for programs (positions etc) 0.0.7: DONE faster status updates when command is given DONE bug fix DONE re-order of parameters displayed 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
  10. @GTench, so sorry it looks like you have a v2 (or v1) powerview. It's why I put the little 'legal' statement in the instructions that v2 was out of scope. I love these blinds & I do believe you can buy and "drop-in" the v3 gateways as I had the option of either version about two years ago. From what I know the api is a fair bit different. There in an Indigo plug-in which I used to get started & it services both. I have since moved to using features which do not exist in v2. If there is a demand I could eventually come back and at least put in the basics for v2. here is the link to the indigo plug-in which services both. -- obviously it would need to be converted for polyglot. https://github.com/sdf-cnicorp/indigo-powerview
  11. just to verify, those are version 3 gateways? can you goto each from a browser and hit them with one should give you a large array and the other a message saying it is not primary.
  12. hi, @GTench, did you add to the configuration with gatewayip and the ip of your gateway eg ? have not had good luck with default powerview-g3.local working on the eisy. Just noticed you have two gateways (like me) per the instructions you can put an array for the gatewayip config variable which contains the ip's of the two gateways. One will be master but it can change with outages, etc. Below is what is in mine, please note the ip's are in quotes : gatewayip ['', ''] Let me know if this doesn't work for you. A copy of the logs helps even more. I am soon to put up a new version which will use a feature of the gateways in which I will only have to update on the long poll which the gateway will push more 'as they happen' updates.
  13. @paulbates Let me know & happy to test ; I'd love to shake that useless app as well.
  14. I use the grey theme, you should be thankful you see them at all.
  15. I have Samsung tvā€™s and use the Alexa routines. Unfortunately if the SmartThings app falls off your phone (due to lack of memory or something) it will stop working. Have not invested the time to make this work with preferrred paths. My marantz behaves much better with my isy. Love to hear of someone who put the time into this one without killing power to the Samsung , I know how to do that but then you lose standby ā€œfeaturesā€.
  16. @Michel Kohanim, very cool. Let me attempt the next two Todo's. Is there timing for the next 'blash'? TODO tap into gateway events - this, I believe, works like a push for updates when the move starts and is completed for scenes and shade moves. TODO remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) - this I don't know how to do without creating a separate node for each shade type. Effectively I want to have inputs for only the parameters the shade has capability for. It means the profile nodedef is different. Can the controller if/then which nodedef is picked using the same python code? I have not asked the crew on discord this question yet as up until now I didn't know how to word the question
  17. I think this plug-in is pretty stable at this point. I am using it in my home now. Removed the need for the user to know which gateway is primary & added automatic switching between the gateways if primary changes, which I am told can happen. Updated configuration instructions & added link to this forum. Feedback is welcome. VERSION = '0.1.0' """ 0.1.0 DONE handle multiple gateways automatically, picking primary & switching if required DONE updated configuration instructions as well as link to the forums add to future version: TODO tap into gateway events TODO remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) past versions: 0.0.9 DONE fix uom for positions(100) & ids(107) DONE more notices clean-up DONE shade naming to include room as scenes DONE remove status based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) 0.0.8: DONE handling of notices individually DONE polling 5s short-poll 30s long-poll DONE status for programs (positions etc) 0.0.7: DONE faster status updates when command is given DONE bug fix DONE re-order of parameters displayed 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
  18. I gave your insteon forum post some love.
  19. A few refinements for updating as well as presentation. Based on capability no longer presenting irrelevant data. Need to do the same for the parameter input, just not sure how to do that without making a new node. I think I finally have the right uom's for the parameters. Input is welcome! VERSION = '0.0.9' """ 0.0.9 DONE fix uom for positions(100) & ids(107) DONE more notices clean-up DONE shade naming to include room as scenes DONE remove status based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) add to future version: TODO remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) TODO handle multiple gateways in case primary switches TODO tap into gateway events past versions: 0.0.8: DONE handling of notices individually DONE polling 5s short-poll 30s long-poll DONE status for programs (positions etc) 0.0.7: DONE faster status updates when command is given DONE bug fix DONE re-order of parameters displayed 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
  20. Fixed notices so they come and go individually, polling modified to match shade updates. Fixed statuses so they can be used in programs. Feedback is welcome! VERSION = '0.0.8' """ 0.0.8: DONE handling of notices individually DONE polling 5s short-poll 30s long-poll DONE status for programs (positions etc) add to future version: TODO remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) TODO version update notices past versions: 0.0.7: DONE faster status updates when command is given DONE bug fix DONE re-order of parameters displayed 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
  21. Worked on status updates, some bug fixes as well as ordering the parameters so they look nicer. Feedback is welcome! VERSION = '0.0.7' """ 0.0.7: DONE faster status updates when command is given DONE bug fix DONE re-order of parameters displayed add to future version: TODO remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) TODO version update notices ; are they provided by polyglot now? past versions: 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
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  22. @Michel Kohanim, I was. The docs are really coming together lately as far as requirements to make a plug-in work and resources to make it better. I find as I write programs I like to dig into the library routines I am calling / relying on. In this case udi_interface. Helps a lot to know what it's doing (it's actually commented not too bad). Maybe it is somewhere but any more self documentation of the libs & system helps me get the big picture as well as perhaps generating ideas for improvement in the minutia. As I say it may be in some of the files I haven't dug around in yet. Looking back on this paragraph I know I am not clear in my ask. I think it's just a "keep going, the docs are getting much better". It really helps the better they are to speed development but also to help us part-timers go deeper too ; and maybe help make the system better. This stuff is a lot of fun & me/we would love to help make it better.
  23. @Michel Kohanim thanks for working on the docs! They really are starting to bring together the disbursed info (both over space and time). It does currently make it quite a treasure hunt to find stuff. It is nice when other plugin developers leave their code public as well. I have learned a tonne off of them. I know the incentives don't align, but would many people "steal" and not pay for a plunin? Some would I know. If I could request, knowing you are busy, to continue rounding up the explanation of the interface. I have started going through it function by function myself, but always helpful if it is commented well. Again, thanks to the whole team!
  24. Bugfix & added moving shades by specific amounts. Interested in feedback! VERSION = '0.0.6' """ 0.0.6: DONE move shade by specific amounts DONE bug fix scenes not activating add to future version: TODO faster status updates when command is given TODO remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) TODO version update notices ; are they provided by polyglot now? past versions: 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
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  25. Still more to do here but we have nodes for shades and scenes. The ability to activate scenes. Can open / close / stop or tilt open / close shades. Going forward I am looking to clean up parameters which do not belong with certain types of shades, as well as add the ability to move shades to specific locations. Open to feedback and / or requests. VERSION = '0.0.6' """ 0.0.6: TODO think about status updates when command is given TODO remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt) TODO move shade by specific amounts add to future version: TODO version update notices ; are they provided by polyglot now? past versions: 0.0.5: DONE change shortpoll to 30s DONE update shades on shortpoll DONE clear start notice at shortpoll DONE clean up error proofing in get DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll DONE limit device ping to 5s 0.0.4: DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll DONE update required after nodes added to get status DONE notice when gateway get error """
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