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Everything posted by sjenkins
@paulbates , I do agree, some plugins are obvious ; my other plugin is an interface to HunterDouglas shades, pretty obvious ; this one on the other hand may be at the other end of the scale as I think of it more like a basic tool. So here I my attempt at at a 10k ft description of the Virtual plugin: The Virtual plugin is one way to take data from external sources and in turn use these nodes of data more effectively. The nodes become devices from which status and control are possible in programs & as an included device in scenes. It as well as cleaner display in the AC and Remote tools. I use REST to switch a virtual device from an 8266 device. My Awning controller & heartbeat from Alexa I switch a virtual device. The status of my daughter's goodnight routine. the above devices can be part of scenes or programs both status and control these devices are one way to provide scene status if you make them part of a scene virtual devices can be used to consolidate data. The temp devices, & I am looking to add a garage device. Hopefully this helps. Appreciate the question as it made me think and articulate a few things. I will likely add the above to improve the docs. Remember the above is only from my view of this generic tool plugin. I would appreciate for others to chirp in their thoughts and use cases.
**** Update, I have started to work on v3.1.x adding features. My plan is to push to production v3.0.1 (no new features, just rewrite) and use the beta channel for testing the new features. I am not hearing of any continuing v3.01 issues so we shouldn't break anything with this. Beta now has v3.1.0 with some doc changes, will update as features are added Just be aware for those who continue to follow the beta path! As I do this there may be some one-time disruption to the crowd requiring delete and reinstall rather than update. Has to do with the UID numbers are currently different from production & (beta / my local) due to when I got control of the production. Apologies for this, but I need to rip the bandaid off at some point or it will make switching between them a pain forever. Hi users of Virtual I have been using this plugin for a number of years and appreciated the 'glue' it has provided to some of by automations. A few weeks ago I asked for & received permission to take on stewardship of it from @bpwwer , thanks Bob for all you do! I have done a rewrite, putting it in the 'standard' template ; this will make it easier to maintain, add new devices and features. It is published it in the beta store starting with version 3.0.1 , no new features as of yet. So with this message, I am asking for the brave to test the beta & also to put into this thread any past, or current bugs in the plugin, as well as feature requests. I will fix the quickies & the others can kick around & prioritise development. My current list: bug-list will take priority (I don't have any but looking at the forum there may be some past complaints) In addition to current node method, allow a JSON list and/or YAML files (makes it easier to re-install or back-up) I re-name my nodes in ISY from the way they are defined in the plugin. A name should be able to be defined from the node & updated if changed in the ISY (again easier to maintain) may use Discover button to force re-examination of the above two. Not sure in this plugin if any other 'true' discovery as parameter changes should update on their own unless from file new device for garage door opener (I want this) documentation improvements - Temp device improvements The average calculation is a bit rudimentary, just high-low / 2 not hearing any great demand for change here cleaning up the code ; it has some relics hanging around adding the ability to handle variables with precision other than zero would be good too strike for now based on feedback - HERE IS WHERE YOU ADD IDEAS Stephen
This is solved as of version 0.40 of the MQTT plugin
Hi @EWhite, chugging through the issues list and am digging into them one by one. just played around on my test system with the iFan. it seems to be generating no matter where it is in the devlist as well it is interacting with the mqtt server writing and reading. Wanted to check with you and see if the issue is still happening on your system
Good news; you had me for a moment. Took me a while to unwind that one. The editor profile file was messed up for s31. Anytime the profile files are changed restarting the AC needs to be done.
The devlist is what you put in the config screen. The logs you can download from the log tab. both tabs are in the mqtt screen of pg3.
@SSamuels, would you mind sharing a copy of your devlist or devfile and the debug.log file? either here or dm is fine
@maxnorth Pushed version 0.40.1 to non-production store 'mqtt-poly' not 'mqtt' variables are available to programs now
Take a look at the edits at the top of this thread & then install from the beta (non-production) store The one you want is mqtt-poly. ** not mqtt We are using the above beta as the alpha .... if that makes sense to you. Give it a test and respond with feedback so we can move it forward.
for those watching here, potential solves for this are in the beta (non-production) store. mqtt-poly NOT mqtt If @SamM verifies he is satisfied, we will call this solved, or take another run at it.
Just putting out there a feature which you may not be aware of which was added recently. The heartbeat feature is part of the UD Template so I won't take credit for it, but many don't seem to be aware of it. Below is an example of the program you would want to have to take advantage of it or something similar. I use this in all my plugins, as well of course devices which offer heartbeat signalling. Heartbeat MQTT - [ID 00CB][Parent 0028] If 'MQTT' is switched On And 'MQTT' is not switched Off Then Wait 1 hour Repeat Every 24 hours Resource 'Heartbeat MQTT' Else Wait 1 hour Repeat Every 24 hours Resource 'Heartbeat MQTT'
- 2
Just putting out there a feature which you may not be aware of. The heartbeat feature is part of the UD Template so I won't take credit for it, but many don't seem to be aware of it. Below is an example of the program you would want to have to take advantage of it or something similar. Heartbeat MQTT - [ID 00CB][Parent 0028] If 'MQTT' is switched On And 'MQTT' is not switched Off Then Wait 1 hour Repeat Every 24 hours Resource 'Heartbeat MQTT' Else Wait 1 hour Repeat Every 24 hours Resource 'Heartbeat MQTT'
@SamM , Your devfile and your whole debug.log which includes a restart would be most helpful. Feel free to DM to me.
Sorry guys , I’m out of country for the weekend.
You are right, we have added some ability to run with the default on user password and ip in the program where it assumes the default. This goes in the category of updating the docs to reflect that they are there for flexibility but can be omitted in default condition. Keep pointing these things out. @TriLife and I will knock them off over time. This plugin is very useful but it didn’t get any love for a while as well. Time to clean it up, and make some improvements! (and not break it along the way. My plan is to put changes in beta for a couple of weeks for evaluation. Then move to production. This will give us wider testing than just @TriLife & I)
@GTench glad that worked & really good to hear the plugin is meeting your needs. I mostly wrote it for me & have had some fun/learning along the way. Feels like it’s getting pretty stable too. Have really appreciated your patience and willingness to do multiple cycles of testing of G2.
Thanks Tim, let me take a look at it tonight.
I am sorry @GTench, I didn't understand what you meant by scene. No don't bother with the PowerView. Whole basket of worms with multi-room scenes on G2. Basically a new category of device. I have never tried what you are doing with an ISY scene, have only tried programs. Does not mean is can't be done though. Can you change from default to command(I think) in the pull-down in your scene, you have the picture above? Then you tell it activate or on after that. Usually I have found that works better with z-wave devices. Let me know if that works (should be the same for G2/3) ; I am not at home to try it here.
I do agree an ESPhome version may be the right way to go. Got so frustrated with the MQTT version that I abandoned it. I have been running for now the last month with ESPHome on my Ratgdo. I put up a HomeAutomation server on a Pi4 laying around (I don't use HA for anything else) and then using the UDI plugin on HA backfed the Ratgdo flags to variables then Virtual devices on my EISY. The above chain gang of handoffs which took about 2hrs with writing the automation on the HA and some programs on the EISY has been rock solid for a month, in both directions. Go figure. My plan is to make a Virtual device to match the garage door opener I/O. For bonus points, If I can find the time, would like to take the HA out of the chain with a plugin. Just really need to find some docs with the protocol and write it. Or wait for someone else to do it.
Hi @GTench, this is the first try at a multi room scene for G2. As is usual, I seem to remember the command to activate may be different. can you activate the scene from the PowerView app?
*** LATEST BETA is 0.40.2 DONE README.md clean-up DONE POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md clean-up 0.40.1 DONE: S31 debug: displays in program now 0.40.0 DONE: Changed versioning so git branches and hot fixes can work. so 0.40.0 means it will be on branch 0.40 with the last .0 reserved for hotfixes. These will then be pushed by PG3 to users DONE raw fix docs & allow int in addition to str DONE find topic by topic if no device_id find DONE discover button updates nodes and MQTT subscriptions DONE config.md fixes DONE status for switch device available in programs DONE internal: improve logging for debug DONE: Parameters are not initially populated, plugin uses the following defaults: mqtt_server = LocalHost mqtt_port = 1884 mutt-user = admin (same as None) mqtt_password = admin (same as None) DONE: Switch make Status available in IF for programs Please add your bugs, suggestions, and improvement thoughts in the forum thread I will update this list as ideas come in and are prioritized. NEXT: Query is not consistent across the devices REMOVE: iFan debug: ****calling this working (no changes made) as my tests work, also working for original raiser of issue. Let me know if not the case for anyone. HELP: Google Assistant is not reporting device status consistently: HELP: Multiple-Analog clean-up (particular issues?) HELP: Tasmota potential automation opportunities in discovery LATER: simplify devlist/devfile by using 'defaults' for status_topic and cmd_topic.
@maxnorth appreciate knowing if it was new. Shouldn’t be as nothing was changed in that area of the program, but. we certainly can add the above to the list. Shouldn’t be a big deal. my next stop is to start the thread on bugs and suggestions.
@maxnorth I can confirm that only control works and not status on switches. I tended to only use control in my programs ; can you confirm, is this new or an old issue? thanks
@maxnorth we are compiling a list of errors / improvements for this plugin, like above. For today can we verify that everyone is up and going? I will start a "suggestions" topic thread for items like the s31 fix, typos like above, & perhaps @TriLife & I will share our list. Together we can prioritise !!!
So there is a new version up 0.0.39 Want to explain the issue & why it sometimes worked for some things. Seems it was a timing error which raised its head as we went to the new plugin template The new template is much more asynchronous than the previous which was much more script Its why you have to restart the plugin every time you change a parameter (for a future fix) Basically the plugin does the mqtt.subscribe on connect to the mqtt server. unfortunately discover is handled from the parameter side of things So a "wait for me" flag was required here. So sorry everyone, but this one was a hard one to debug as I never saw the issue & my test file of 160 nodes does not have devices updating to it. Please let us know here if it worked for you!