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Everything posted by CoolToys

  1. Hello all, Thanks for the responses, and I found the issue. @IndyMike is correct there weren't any sensor activations in the logs and unlike Ela's problem my sensors do show in the log so I stopped looking down that path. It took watching both the logs, the event viewer and keeping my laptop next to the bed to find it. But as Yoda would say "Fixed, problem it is". What I found: Button C on one of the 5 button keypads by the bed was a responder to the front lights being on. The idea was if the front lights came on because someone entered the gate we had a visual since the "siren" as a doorbell is highly unreliable. In my office I use the center four buttons to show me motion at each of the four sensors. When one is activated the light is on. Makes it easy to find the dog or see if someone comes in the house while I am working. July 3rd I set the front yard lights to remain on from sunset to sunrise so we could leave a flag up correctly for the entire 4th weekend. This was activating that keypad, which in turn changed a state of the Master Door Keypad back to On that I did notice in the logs. It was confusing, but if you look at the log I posted it looks like I pressed the "on" side of the same keypad I just pressed "off". I thought motion at first because of the A.C. coming on. I think the timing was somewhat random due to the PLM and communications limitations. I did remember that I had once added a program so that if someone showed up at our gate after "bedtime" that the lights in our room would come on to alert us. I saw that program get a green stripe in the admin panel just after pressing the "off" to activate "bedtime". The solution was to remove the .c key as a responder to the front lights. I did some testing and for some reason if any of the 4 middle buttons are "on" the state of "master keypad" returns to on. The keypad is Keypadlinc Dimmer 5 buttons v.45. I don't really understand this because the .b.c.d. keys should be read independently. I have upgraded to 5.8.4 and will retest or try to find another way that it can all work. I also have a spare keypad, but there could also be a spurious signal where the .c of the keypad address isn't being received. I have had noise issues with Cyberpower surge protectors and thought I had it all cleaned up, but maybe not. For now I have had two nights of good sleep.
  2. @kurelgyer, While I would love to see Insteon join the matter crowd, I am not quite understanding what @paulbates is saying. Like many in earlier threads I leaned forward and fell into the chasm hoping UDI would create a bridge. I disagree with Mr. Bates about implementation and working. Somehow Amazon Echo and Apple home both instantly recognized my matter devices once I figured out how to designate one of the echos or an iPad as the "matter controller", with only amazon echo devices or only apple home devices everything worked fine. The only problem I see with matter is that somehow once a matter controller is set within an eco-system that system becomes the master. This seems to violate the whole idea of matter, but then again who is matter to force Amazon and Apple and Google to play nice. I have caved and let Amazon echo be the master and Apple Home can no longer control the blinds or the outlets. Honestly does it matter if I ask Siri or Alexa or Google? I would much rather add logic in my eisy to do the same tasks. If all I wanted was a schedule the Insteon Hub would be fine. All of the devices are instantly recognized and added to Amazon, Apple and UDI eco systems. I just haven't found a way for the UDI eisy to understand what the devices are and do. With 8.3.4 update, each blind now has a window of information that wasn't there before, but it looks like an alarm sensor from my Elk M1. My fingers are crossed that whatever information is being sent in the setup mode by the devices that Apple and Alexa can figure out, UDI will figure it out too. They always do.
  3. Bummer, at least now I don't feel like I was missing a simple source of data. I will keep troubleshooting. If it happened every night or if I knew a certain sensor was doing it, that would be great, but the log doesn't have the same status changes in the same order when it happened last night several times. Hopefully the flush after the upgrade today helps. If not I will unplug my keypad (tabletop mount) and see what that does.
  4. That looks great but I only get "on" or "off" not "Switched On" or "Switched Off"?
  5. I use the insteon for mine. The dimming of LED's is very tricky though because they draw so little the dimming might not dim enough for you. Did the lights come with a dimming color module? https://www.insteon.com/dimmer-outlet I a surprised an LED lighting module is three prong. I have this for a curio with an LED. https://shop.insteon.com/products/dimmer-module
  6. I would update to 5.8.4 first and then maybe do a restore if it is still not responding.
  7. PLM status is internal so nothing to do with MS/Crowdstrike outage. That is the PLM not talking to your eisy. Those errors look like the eisy isn't communicating with the admin panel, so it might be worth opening a ticket. Did you upgrade to 5.8.4 yet? What version are you on? Sadly I am on my 5th PLM since switching to my first ISY. I now keep a spare handy. There is a wiki to reset the PLM and reload it but it might be better to backup your eisy, and do a factory reset/restore, upgrade to 5.8.4 and then reset the PLM https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Replace_Modem_(PLM) Restore PLM is a very long process. You could try doing just that, a factory reset of the PLM and then restore but that will double the effort if you have to do it again after an eisy reset.
  8. A while ago I went with greywinds blinds and got the matter motor upgrade. The eisy finds them without even putting them in programming mode but they look like a motion sensor with temperature, luminance and other odd fields, and only on or off even though one is open 50% now. My amazon echo network also found them quickly and added them automatically. Alexa control isn't bad but it means I need to tell Alexa to open or close them and I would prefer to use the state of the house, sun angles and other cool features I can use in my eisy. Most of the "Alexa ready" blinds on amazon use the zooksmart engine. I also have a set with Zigbee motors and they showed up too, same issue. Thoughts? ideas? or just wait for UDI to load the code?
  9. I am trying to troubleshoot a new "tick" my house has developed. When we go to bed we press a button I call "bedtime" (MB Door Keypad 709BC0All On in the log). It is used to start a program that shuts the house down, checks the alarm status, power grid status and if not in a power restricted status, turns on the thermostats which lately has turned on the A/C. I can see in the logs where everything shuts off and pretty quickly, it acts as if we "woke up", this requires one of three motion sensors to be triggered, the garage door to open, the alarm to be turned off or the "on" button on the keypad by my bed to be turned on. We use the Off on the same keypad as the "bedtime button" My guess was that it is the motion sensors when the AC kicks on but the logs don't show it so I feel like I am on the wrong path. The log shows the lights coming on and the keypad status changing from "off" to "on". So I am also looking at spurious signals. The on/off buttons on the 6 button keypad are not a responder or controller for any devices. They are only used to trigger programs. So is there a way to see the history of the programs during the night like a log? The Programs summary tab only shows the last run. If I get up to walk to my office to look at the admin panel, the sensor runs the program to wake the house up and that is the "last run". 718 log.pdf
  10. Recently my house has been waking up on its own. I believe it is the insteon motion sensors activating when the A/C kicks on. This is a new "feature" so I was troubleshooting and upgraded from 5.8.0 to 5.8.4 today. So far the upgrade is faster and smoother, glad I read to clear java etc first so it was easy, kudos on the back up speed changes. Other new "features" I found after the update: The email tab in configuration lost all smtp settings and returned to default. Insteon Motion II V .47 the battery level is now blank and "battery powered" is false.
  11. All MS services are restored so is it working now? Ironic that the security software did the same thing it is supposed to prevent isn't it. I switched to UDI/Insteon/matter because it was standalone and worked even if internet was down as long as I had power in the house. So if your local commands aren't working, look at the log and see what it is getting.
  12. @FarmerGeek, @BCreekDave is correct, upgrading to the eisy was it's own learning curve, but with the Polyglot and the node servers there is a lot more you can do with the system. I highly recommend reading through the product page. Once you migrate to the eisy, you will need to double check every program for errors and see if any or all are 'disabled". I had Insteon with Elk, and the Elk poly is outstanding but took a little work to set up. The good news to your two complaints is that there is a solar edge plug in so maybe that will help ease the transition pain.
  13. For the past few weeks after hitting the button for the program that shuts down the house, random lights would come back on at different times. Following the wiki, I replaced the batteries in the motion sensors, and checked the logs per the wiki. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=INSTEON_Random_All_On_Events I also disconnected all of the UPS's and surge protectors and found one from home depot that caused an issue each time I plug it in. In the logs there is a device 1A.6E.12.1 that has multiple errors. The hard part is I have no idea what that device is, and I checked the address of every device in the eisy table and none match that. To add to the fun, the second 6 button keypad in the same location has failed. It is currently air-gapped while I look for a replacement. I stick with insteon because I have flipped lights from one room to the other on the same wall. The switch is in the other room and the scene controller in the room with the lights controls it just fine. No other DIY vendor can do that. Any ideas?
  14. @xanthros, I too hope that matter is the great unifier, but in order to really give it some horsepower it needs to be able to be controlled by eisy. The idea that matter can remain autonomous fits with my definition of a smart home that Amazon, Google and Apple want to break. An Update Thanks to Eve All of the Graywind matter blinds are now working with Alexa and HomeKit. The trick was that I needed two mobile devices. One to run the Alexa app and get the code to allow another app to connect. The second to run HomeKit and add the codes. I tried it on my iPhone and switching between the apps killed the linking, maybe it hijacks the bluetooth signal? Anyway one step closer. It takes both Alexa routines and HomeKit actions to get the blinds to almost do everything I want automatically. I could just add them to existing programs for the house if the eisy Matter module worked, but all good things take time.
  15. Ok so not quite sure here, Why a door dry contact, not wireless sensor? If the Insteon RF is too slow can you hardwire an elk alarm integration? Why do you think you need "a stack" of 2450's? I use the Insteon 2450 but only at the gates. All of the house doors and windows use hardwired mag sensors or Elk wireless alarm sensors. The Elk M1 Gold might be your answer for a super sized dry contact sensor that can communicate with the eisy? For the pool and Jacuzzi water sensors, I can't imagine RF speed is critical unless you are doing some crazy cannonballs and need a quick refill. For the multi speed pool pump control, I am guessing also multiple pumps? Most are only two speed and use their own remotes. We only had one successful big pool integration, and we did that with Crestron via serial connection. I know some of the bigger water shows are controlled by Lutron or DMX controllers. Pool pumps have a heavy load at start up and most relays can't handle it. I am guessing you want to use the closure to activate a switch? There were some ZWave relay systems but I am pretty sure they are off the market, not enough interest. Maybe you can find a rebuild? For the pool you may be stuck with something like the Pentair controller.
  16. Having just installed several Grayywind blinds from Amazon, I ordered the last two with the new matter motor hoping that my eisy would be able to control them and here I am looking for answers and sharing my expensive education. I will start this by saying I think a connected home is not a "smart home". To me a smart home must be able to operate autonomously without internet access. I started this journey with an HAI Omni, moved to Pro, Pro II then ISY/Elk. Matter became very interesting to me because of the idea that it can operate autonomously within the internal network. If you have power, the stuff works. I wasn't yet ready to call Tesla and order crazy expensive batteries, but I was thinking about it. Below is the list of my trials and errors and additional purchases to make the matter enabled blinds work. Basic setup at the beginning. UDI ISY 994 Pro with 19 Insteon switches, 10 Keypads, 8 outlets, one outdoor dongle outlet and 2 switch link i/o's. It was controlled with about 30 programs and three variables. It all worked quite well 99% of the time. Insteon Hub for Alexa integration. I got the hub because the "kit" at Costco was a bargain when I wanted to add some switches. House is wired Cat6 with a two tier mesh commercial WiFi 6 system, IP V6 active for internal devices. Essentially a semi-smart and connected home. Insteon Goes On Hiatus One of the zones failed on my whole house A-bus system and the parts were near impossible to get so I acquired an Alexa Echo. It had the Insteon skill so I gave up a bit of privacy for voice control and to see what all the noise was really about. Another A-bus zone failed so along came an Echo Show 8. My wife liked it so much it moved to her office and along came a Show 15. When my insteon hub and Alexa stopped communicating, during the Insteon hiatus period, I decided to upgrade to the eisy and get the zwave/zigbee/matter module. Michel is laughing because I didn't even read the antenna's so I couldn't get anything to work and drove him nuts for a bit, but he was always there. After some personal challenges with change, migrating from the ELK module in the ISY to the ELK node for the eisy, my house returned to the same state it was, well sort of. Magically my Lorex camera system decided to play nice one day with Alexa and the Echo show became a super screen ring type device for us. The 15" screen in the kitchen showing the Ring Style Lorex doorbell cam was cool. Privacy Blinds? We live on the California coast and our electric rates are about the same as our gas prices and mountains. We decided to get Greywind Zigbee ready blinds to block the sun downstairs and keep the house cool without A/C. I had hoped they would work with the eisy zigbee but no such luck. I didn't bother to read that it was still in the works. I have added the blinds to the zigbee wishlist. The blinds were very easy to configure with the Alexa app on my iPhone. They worked great and have schedules. What they lack is that rules and logic that UDI magic brings. The eisy found the blinds when "add zigbee device" was selected but they are blank and have no functions. So close. Since my wife liked the blinds so much we ordered three more for the dining room. This time I added the new "matter motor". Amazon says they will arrive pre-configured for your system. Hooey. Amazon added matter thread to all echos in a recent update but did NOT include a thread controller (some call it a hub) which is required to connect matter devices to echo. When I tried to connect the Alexa app kept asking for a "network key". After three hours of foul language I gave up to watch a little mindless programming on the big screen. When I turned on the TV the Apple TV asked me to add "Smart Blinds" to my system. So I did and boom, Apple home had full control of the blinds. Alexa and eisy did not. Does Matter actually Matter? A lot more research into this little goofy idea that someone thinks matters, I learned that part of it runs on WiFI ip V6 and the same frequency as Zigbee. At first I thought @larryllix would appreciate it. But then three different network sniffers latter to figure our who was broadcasting _matter protocol and _mattertcp, his point was well taken. After complaining to Graywind, they replied that I had a 4th Gen Echo, not an Echo (4th Gen). I needed an Echo (4th gen) with a built in matter hub. It turned out my Apple TV had a matter hub already and I didn't know it. So after a lot more reading I bought an Echo (4th gen), the goofy looking ball. Once I connected the blinds to the Alexa Matter Controller via the included Alexa Border Router. The border router communicates using my Alexa App and the , I could add the blinds to the Alexa routines. It was not the FFS (Frustration Free Setup) Amazon promised though. At the end the Alexa integration was much better than Apple Home but still not eisy logic. On the Apple Home App, the blinds stopped responding. A lot of matter reading lead me to believe I could connect the Apple TV 4k and the Alexa Hub via matter controllers and all would be right with the world. At least in my semi smart home. So far that isn't true. It's a Matter of Bridges In theory a Matter Bridge can combine my two "ecosystems". One is Apple, the other Amazon. Hopefully soon one will be eisy. Old documentation from Apple Home and Alexa show menu's to connect to other matter networks as long as they are on the same IP v6 network before the IP router. Essentially everything in my house should talk. Those menu's are gone and I can confirm that the Apple Home can no longer control any of the blinds and only Alexa can control them all. Some Cool Things. Network traffic shows that both Apple and Alexa preserve your privacy and don't send commands out unless you use voice commands. That's an interesting conversation alone. HomeBridge to the rescue? In order to get the Alexa and Apple ecosystems on Matter Thread Networks to play nice I added Homebridge to a Mac in the house. The problem is that like Alexa or Siri voice control home bridge has some out of network traffic so I uninstalled it. Maybe once the Matter Controller is activated on the UDI ZWave/Zigbee/Matter Module, it will include a matter bridge so we can use Apple and Google and Amazon instead of Apple or Google or Amazon.
  17. The Greywind blinds I have been adding to my home which are zigbee, now also have a "Matter Motor". Those arrived today. Unlike the Zigbee they didn't populate blank devices in my eisy admin panel. They are finding a "matter network" and my guess is that it is the matter dongle on my eisy, but I have no idea. So now my matter and zigbee device wishlists both include greywind (Alexa ready) motorized blinds. If the matter device creates a thread network, is there any way to find the key? I do have a thread network appearing on my home network but no idea what device did it. The Eve app is asking me to add accessories, and I can't do that until I get the key. Thank you
  18. @paulbates, the point is exactly that they don't all go off together. It should look like I am following my normal routine walking through the house shutting it down. For years with the ISY it worked 99% of the time just fine. Since going to the eisy, it goes in seeming random order. The whole idea is to make the house look lived in, not like it is on an automatic timer or the power just failed.
  19. Anyone have any luck with Polisy or eisy 5.7.0 or newer controlling the order and timing for a long program? I have a "Bedtime" program (yes the same one I want a mini remote to run and can't figure that out either), that basically shuts down the house and changes the thermostats to a cooler temperature. I learned this trick when I ran an integration business and Lutron had a "learning mode". The idea is if your house is being watched, it looks like someone is really there not just "poof" and the lights go off. Right now it is automatic at 10ish with no one home (sOccupied=0) and manual when I press "Off" on a Insteon Keypad 8. With the ISY and the USB modem, it ran pretty much in order. So it looks like someone walking through the house shutting it down. I now have the Eisy and the serial modem and it goes in random order each time. To slow it down and let the program run, every third command I inserted wait commands and it still doesn't help. It almost appears to run in reverse order. The master bed and closet usually turn off first. The automatic version is the same in the Then statement. I realize it can now be a parenthetic or, but that is how long I have had an ISY running my house. BedTime - [ID 0016][Parent 0001] If $sEdit_Guest is 0 And ( 'MasterBed Keypad.On' is switched Off Or '54.B6.E6 - A Down' is switched On //this line doesn't work ) Then $iInterior_Motion = 0 $sSnack_Walk = 0 $sAlarm = 0 $sKitchen_Motion = 0 $sBedtime = 1 Set 'House Front' Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'Temp Home Night' On Wait 4 seconds Set 'Garage Lights' Off Set 'Garage Front Porch Lite' Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'Holiday Lights' Off Set 'Back Patio' Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'FamRm Dining' Off Set 'Dining' Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'Scott Office Lamp Outlet' Off Set 'LR Pool Table' Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'HallwayOutletCurio' Off Set 'LR Center Outlet Top' Fast Off Set 'LR Center Outlet Bot' Fast Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'LR Lamp Scene' Off Set 'Entry Art Niche' Off Set 'Stairwell 3 Way' Off Wait 3 seconds Set 'Upstairs Hallway 3 Way' Off Set 'Kelly Office Lamp Scene' Off Wait 8 seconds Set 'Studio Fan' Off Set 'Studio Button Light' Off Set 'Studio A' Off Set 'Studio B' Off Set 'Studio C' Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'Studio Closet' Off Set 'MB Closet Hers' Fast Off Set 'MB Closet' Fast Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'Master Bed Cabinets' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  20. Still just getting unavailable and if I select a device in the admin panel there are no options. Amazon Echo and Home Assistant have four commands I got working. Up, Down, Stop and Favorite. The remotes are BT and work fine too. I would like very much to integrate the blinds with eisy scenes. Manufacturer has no idea on the codes, they just say "Yooksmart and Ikea". Using the method to pair with the Home Assistant and some information about the Yooksmart DevW on Github, I realized there are also percentage commands and battery status commands. The numbers on the yooksmart matter hub in home assistant don't match the numbers the eisy finds. I put one in pairing mode and then selected Zigbee>Add A Zigbee Device and I got 8 new ZB XXXXX.1 Main devices added to the network folder for my eisy. Selecting "identify" or "Query" I get "Request Failed. All of the previous ZB devices remained on my list.
  21. For me the 12:01 am variable for our studio reset, so I know it was after 12:01, and the "sunrise" program also didn't run. I set a variable in there just to troubleshoot. Best guess is the time change "falling" back caused a logic bug because 02:01am happened twice. I recall an issue with this waaaaay back when because I did my variable reset and query at 2 am. I moved them to 5:10 am, and now realize that may be before sunrise causing another issue so moving it to 04:10 now. I am also renaming my programs that should be disabled all the time. So I can quickly remember which ones are triggered only by other programs. ItIsNight is now d_ItIsNight. for example.
  22. When I did the last upgrade all programs were disabled, and that was fine. Upgrades need attention. Today though my system was going nuts, the wrong lights were on, the A/C is set to 68 and the notifications don't work. The all doors closed program was showing at "true" even though doors were open and the program was "disabled". Based on the variable state this happened between 12:01 am and 5:16 am. I logged into the admin panel to find the correct time for PDT and all of my programs disabled. Anyone else? Any idea why and how to prevent? Bug with the time change?
  23. I bought a separate zigbee hub from the blind manufacturer since I ordered three more. I turned all of the blinds off and back on so the hub could acquire them and I could match id numbers. I was able to identify all of them. The extra devices appear to by my Amazon Echos. Since these are all the same as IKEA and Yooksmart codes I am hoping to integrate them soon.
  24. @brians and @GJ Software Products. I am a bit behind on eisy 5.7.0, and all of my alexa ready zigbee blinds (Graywind - same as yooksmart and IKEA) were found but marked "unavailable". As an interesting security aside, I have 5 blinds in the house and 14 devices appeared. The numbers don't mean a thing to me. I didn't put any of them in programming mode, and all of them work fine with Alexa devices. The three that are marked "main" have the same "identify" button on them as the "Unavailable" units. I wonder if some of these are my neighbors devices or do zigbee devices have more than one identifier? Each has three commands "up", "down" and "favorite" which are programmed with a separate remote. If each command was a zigbee identifier, I would have 15 devices, not 14?
  25. Agree w @hart2hart, upgrading the version did the same for me. I rebooted and it reset itself just fine.
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