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Dr. Q

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    Davison, MI
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    Home automation (well, duh!), integrating Raspberry Pi with ISY, audio recording/restoration, photography, anything Apple.

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  1. @mbking, the link you provided above takes me to a HDMI extender. I did some digging and found what I think is appropriate. I don’t know how to post Amazon links, but it’s a AV Access USB Extender w/Power Over Cable (There’s an 8% off coupon for it now). I ordered one and I’ll report back on it. But I can’t get eisy to see the Z-matter dongle unless it’s plugged directly into the eisy. I was using a 6 foot USB extension cord, so it may have to do with voltage drop. In which case the Power Over Cable feature might overcome that. I’ll have to try it and see. ‘Stay tuned…
  2. As a follow up to my original post, I ended up doing a factory reset of the eisy and started over again, which was fine since I was starting from scratch anyway. Both eisy fw and PG3X are updated now.
  3. Yep, tried sneaker-net reboot (pulling the power) as well. I'll try it again for longer; if that doesn't do it, I'll write up a ticket. Thanks, @Geddy.
  4. @Michel Kohanim Not true, PG3X shows in the upper left corner. I also can’t seem to get the fw up to 5.6.3. I should point out that this is a brand new eisy and setting it up as a blank slate, IOW, I’m not transferring from an ISY994. I also have a Z-Matter dongle plugged in, but the z-wave menu in the AC shows “Z-wave dongle not responding “. I have the z-wave box in the configuration tab checked.
  5. I’ve never been able to get past 3.1.31, running IoX 5.6.2. Tried all the tricks. I’m not afraid of SSH, is there anything I can try?
  6. I have the same scenario and I am watching this thread. Keep us posted on how it goes.
  7. Glad to hear from another Indigo user. I also like the server/client approach to administration and would like to see UD ditch Java and go with a web based method, but it is what it is. I picked up a couple of USB PLMs just before Smarthome shut down, so I’ll start with a fresh one. I’m trying to find a way to print a list of all my devices from Indigo so I don’t forget any, and go around the house and re-link it all. The FanLincs are going to be a pain, but worth it. Thanks for the good wishes.
  8. Mr. Bill had it right, I thought there might be a way to transfer the PLM memory to the eisy but I guess not. Ugh! In which case I might as well go ahead and get the Zwave-Matter dongle too, even though Matter doesn’t matter to me (heh). My wife will be out of town next weekend, might be a good time to make the switch. In the meantime, I‘ve been playing around with the eisy, once I figured out to turn the VPN off on the Ubiquiti network. I have some Twinkly lights, so I installed the NS and got it working, even with the gen 1 lights. Nice. Ultimately, I think it will be worth the trouble to start over, as lilyoyo says. My problem with Indigo has always been the lack of an equivalent version of ISY scenes. Also, the Trigger/Schedule-Conditional-Action cadence used in Indigo makes things that are simple to do in ISY needlessly complicated and repetitive. For example, to turn a light on or off in ISY requires one If-Then-Else cadence; Indigo requires two cadences, one for on and one for off. I’ve been keeping an eye on UD since I moved on, and have seen a lot of advancements. I need to control Hue lights with Insteon dimmers, use UniFi Protect cameras for motion sensors, bring some of it into HomeKit and integrate all that with zwave sensors. It looks like eisy in combination with Home Assistant will get me there. Good thing I enjoy screwing around with this stuff 🤪 ‘Thanks for the info and listening to my rant.
  9. I moved from ISY 994 to Indigo a few years ago, and now I’m looking to move back. I have a eisy on the network and operating. Since I already have a USB PLM linked to everything and an Aeotec G5 zwave stick also linked, can I just plug them in and pick up from there without running around resetting all my devices?
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