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  1. Thank you! Any chance the directions could be added into the user guide? Think it might help others who saw it as a selling point. Would also be good if the Polyglot web interface or IoX UI could do it so it's not command line driven, thanks again!
  2. Just extra storage, like I said it’s overkill but might as well put the nvme I had lying around to lie around in some device
  3. Sounds good, one of the selling points in their email to me to update was that you can add an ssd. Odd that there’s no real documentation or use cases for it.
  4. So i popped in a 1TB NVME I had sitting around, how do I actually have the system use it? Granted it's complete overkill since I don't do fancy things with the Isy.. now Eisy, but it wasn't doing anything but collecting dust so figured I can pop it in. First I thought to go into configuration of IoX, not there. Then thought in Polyglot there would be a way to 'format' and at it. Nope. Are there instructions for it, because I couldn't find anything on the Eisy user guide I used to migrate off of ISY. Thank you!
  5. @Michel Kohanim Excellent explanation, thank you very much for replying!
  6. Hi Michel, so with event driven, does that mean that the program will look for that 'trigger' when it changes to 'false' and then run the program once? Or does it continually keep running the program since the motion sensor is now set at 'false' ? And if it keeps running it, what's the best way to prevent that, maybe put a wait timer in the after the 'run program' command ? Thanks again!
  7. Interesting! Thank you very much for this, will try it out in the morning EDIT: Can someone explain to me why we would disable the 'Action' program? And just cause it's disabled, it'll still get triggered by the trigger program? I really like this trigger / action approach BTW, very unique!
  8. I want the conditions to shut the lights when I am pretty sure no one is there, so I'm thinking of no motion is sensed AND not one is watching TV then it should be good to go. Perhaps something like this? If No Motion AND (Harmony Xbox = not on OR Harmony PS4 = not on OR ...) Then Shut down lights I guess I am having a hard time writing that syntax into the admin console
  9. Thank you, I'm using the Harmony Polyglot server by Jimbo to get the status of the Harmony 'scene'. How do I actually add the OR's within the parenthesis? When I try to do that it ads everything on a different line and breaks it. I'm doing all this through the admin console programs section, thanks!
  10. Hi guys, with the new update to being able to add nested if's with 'And And' and 'Or Or' I am hoping someone could point me in the right direction. My scenario: - I have 1 motion sensor in the basement - I want to be able to check for a few conditions to auto turn off the lights if they are met If motion sensor status = off (My motion setting will switch the sensor to off if it doesn't see motion in within 10 mins) AND (Logitech Basement Xbox = not on OR Logitech Basement PS4 = not on, OR Logitech Basement Watch TV = not on) Then Turn off basement lights My issue comes that I'm unsure how to do the various OR statements. Right now what ends up happening, is that I can do it for 1 Logitech Hub scenario, but i'd like to include the others. The reason I want to have that variable is that without it, I'm sitting on the couch so the motion sensor doesn't see me and after 10 mins turns off all the lights. Can anyone provide some guidance? Thank you
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