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Everything posted by NewTech

  1. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Okay, I tried once again tonight to upgrade to version 2.7.8 but still no luck! I ensured that I did indeed download the upgrade for 2.7.8 for the 99i, logged onto my ISY using http://192.168.xxx.xxx/admin, made a backup copy of my ISY configuration then tried to upgrade. Here are the error messages I keep receiving: 1) Socket Open Failed Java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host and, 2) Upgrade Failed :java.lang.NullPointrerException So, what am I missing here? Thanks for your time!
  2. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Me again... The progress bar when trying to backup gets to CONF/UDFLPL/.XML then times out.
  3. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Michel, Sorry to be a pain... I did as you said and was able to telnet into the ISY then typed in RF /CONF/UDFLPL/.XML but I still cannot make a backup copy of my ISY. Any ideas? The progress bar gets to about 55-60% then stops and within about 10 seconds I get the two error messages.
  4. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    I was able to get the ISY Finder back onto my desktop thanks to a search in the forum and this address http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.6/admin.jnlp and the folders are back as they were originally. (I just noticed this version indicates version 2.7.6 and I am running version 2.7.7. Is this an issue? When I click on the "About" tab in my system it shows I am running 2.7.7.) BUT, I am still not able to take a backup of my current system without receiving error messages (see previous post) telling me the file cannot be saved. So consequently I don't want to risk upgrading to version 2.7.8 until I can be sure I have a known good backup. Although my system is small I don't want to have to redo it!!! Any help is greatly appreciated HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  5. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Spent some time today while watching football and tried to upgrade to version 2.7.8 but I could not even get past the backup procedure. I keep getting an error message that reads, "Could not create the zip file" and "Could not retrieve file /CONF/UDFLPL/.XML". That's my first problem. My second problem is: I seem to have lost the 99i Administrative Console button I had stored on my desktop to access my ISY. But here's the really weird thing: Last week I spent some time placing all of my devices, scenes and links into folders sorted according to the rooms the device is located in. Now that I have had to go back to logging on by opening Internet Explorer then clicking in the favorites on my ISY the folders have disappeared AND there is no longer a new folder icon on the tool bar that would allow me to recreate my folders. Is this something I did or what? I really don't understand where my folders and the new folder icon disappeared to!!!
  6. Just want to let everyone know that I feel as if I am a personal friend of Michel K. even though I don't actually know him personally. About 6 months ago he spent COUNTLESS hours assisting me to get to a point where I was able to fully rely and depend on my ISY and Insteon system. I have not had an issue with my ISY since he spent all that time with me via E-mail and phone support. I feel confident now that when a button is pressed or a command is sent to an Insteon device it will do exactly as I want it to do- every time! Universal Devices is the model of what all customer service companies should be like.
  7. Just want to let everyone know that I feel as if I am a personal friend of Michel K. even though I don't actually know him personally. About 6 months ago he spent COUNTLESS hours assisting me to get to a point where I was able to fully rely and depend on my ISY and Insteon system. I have not had an issue with my ISY since he spent all that time with me via E-mail and phone support. I feel confident now that when a button is pressed or a command is sent to an Insteon device it will do exactly as I want it to do- every time! Universal Devices is the model of what all customer service companies should be like.
  8. Michael, I think this is where my problem is but I cannot find my public address.
  9. Post your questions in the iLinc-specific forum here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=53 The iLinc developer monitors that forum pretty closely and can probably give you some good help. --Mark Thanks, Mark. I guess I was so frustrated last night I didn't even think to see if there was a seperate forum. I'll check it out today!
  10. Michael, Thanks for this website. Although the site wasn't for my specific Westell router (my exact model number is A90-327W60-06), it did help me to set up port forwarding. I was able to get a response of "Your port is open" using Port Forward's Port Checker. Now, here's the deal: I just got a new iPhone and downloaded the iLinc application from Mobile Integrated Systems. The app. works GREAT when I am connected to my home WiFi network. It will NOT work when I am outside of my local network range. The ONLY reason I want this application is because we do a lot of camping and I want to be able to monitor our house over the AT&T 3G network. I've performed all of the settings EXACTLY as listed in the app.'s instructions but to no avail. Is there ANYONE out there that can help me????? I am so frustrated!
  11. This Westell router is NOT very user friendly and I can find NOWHERE that will allow me to enable port forwarding. The last time I had port forwarding enabled was when Michael from UD logged into it remotely and configured it. Even he struggled with it but after he did it I was able to log into my ISY from my work computer. I just recently purchased an iPhone and downloaded the trial version of iLinc (iLinc Lite) in an attempt to see if I could use my iPhone to control our lights when we are out in the middle of a campground. I am able to control the ISY while I am on my home network but no where else. I verified this by logging onto a neighbor's wireless- I could NOT control the ISY. MobileIntegratedSolutions.com's website has very limited resources in trying to set up port forwarding. Is there anyone out there that can assist me with this. I am VERY much a novice when it comes to networking and IP addresses so easy terms works for me! BTW- Does anyone know of an easy to follow book about networking and IP addresses???
  12. I need to set up port forwarding on my Westell Versa-link Router model #327W and i cannot remember how to log into my router. If I key in the address my webpage tells me that it cannot display the page. I know I've been logged into my router in the past but for the life of me I can't remember how I got there. Must be an age thing!
  13. Thanks, Michel. Now that the storms are behind us and our power has stabilized I have not seen that message. I would like to say that my system is working exactly as I expected it to work. I've even been able to try some unique programming and these new programs work exactly as I designed them to work! Thanks for all you assistance!
  14. Me again! After several very brief (less than 10 seconds each) power outages in a time span of about 35 minutes during a storm I am now receiving a pop-up window that reads "Auto Update Failed" when I log into my system. Is this something to be concerned with? The ISY and all its components are working just fine!
  15. Michel, I removed one of the two devices from the ISY and tried relinking by the auto linking method and for the one I did it came back as the correct version. I'm glad that I only have two devices that I must remove and relink via the auto linking method because if I had to do all of them it would be very time consuming. And, these two devices are only members in a grand total of 5 scenes!
  16. Michel, you're right... long time no see and that's because everything is working just fine!!! Even my wife now likes the system!!! I added them via the address method but will try to add them by the link method tonight when I get home and report my findings.
  17. After upgrading from version 2.7.0 to version 2.7.3 and now to version 2.7.5 all of my new LampLincs I add to my system appear as version v.00 and only show up as responders and not controllers. Is there a reason for this? Are there plans for this to be corrected in future upgrades?
  18. Is it okay to plug in a 3-pin Lamplinc into a 2-pin electrical outlet using a 3- wire to a 2-wire adapter? Will this cause anything in the 3-pin LampLinc not to function?
  19. Is it common for my access point LED's to flash when I send an X-10 signal from a tabletop controller to my few remaining X-10 modules?
  20. Is there a way to keep track of changes one makes in scenes and/or progams? Example: Say a change is made in a program that must wait until sunset of the next day to verify the change I made worked or didn't work. I'd like to know if I can track via a log when things were added, deleted or changed within the ISY to make it easier to revert back to the original scene or program should the change not work. I realize making backups of the configuration then reloading them is possibe but I really would rather not have to do this. Just a simple log that might follow this idea: 05/23/2009 at 15:12:28 On level for front porch lights changed from 90% to 75%. 05/25/2009 at 07:26:58 Added LampLinc (Sofa West Lamp) to scene "At Home" Or, is there a log to see when a device was added, deleted and/or changed?
  21. I want to thank the staff at Universal Devices and especially Michel K., Mike B. and Darrell P. for taking the time to assist me with my ISY. Without their help and the many people who post in this forum, I surely would have returned it. The customer service department at UD is the best. In today's society, one doesn't expect the time and devotion to an individual's problem such as what I received from UD. I am very pleased with my ISY and I'm certain that I would have returned it for a refund had they not spent so much time with me. Thanks, guys!
  22. Steve Lee from SmartLabs told me that the blinking LED about every 10 seconds or so is nothing to worry about. However, after watching mine and moving them to different outlets I've noticed that in certain combinations my LED's will flicker. When I questioned Steve about this he said it is usually one of two things causing this: 1) Noise on the power line or, 2) A loose neutral in one of the outlets.
  23. Michel, Well, you are sort of correct. It DID take me about 4 tries to get the RL to link to a scene. And, I've only been able to link to one scene. All other attempts have failed! Now an observation/question for you... Buttons 4-6 on my RL are NOT included in any scenes. Instead they are set to activate programs in the ISY. After a factory reset shouldn't those buttons still control the program in the ISY since they were never removed from the ISY's "If" statement? The RL also was never removed from the ISY either! Michel, Actually Steve Lee from SmartLabs is going to call me tomorrow (Saturday) at 2:00 PM EDT. If you don't care I would like to wait for his call since I've already confirmed this call with him. THEN... if we determine the problem is ISY related I'll submit a tech ticket.
  24. Michel, Well, you are sort of correct. It DID take me about 4 tries to get the RL to link to a scene. And, I've only been able to link to one scene. All other attempts have failed! Now an observation/question for you... Buttons 4-6 on my RL are NOT included in any scenes. Instead they are set to activate programs in the ISY. After a factory reset shouldn't those buttons still control the program in the ISY since they were never removed from the ISY's "If" statement? The RL also was never removed from the ISY either!
  25. Okay- Tried yet another factory reset, verified there were no links in the Remotelinc, tried to do a links table which failed, tried to do a restore device which failed, removed the RL button 1 from the scene, reinstalled it back into the scene which did complete without error, but now I must hold down the button #1 in order to get the light to turn on/off and then even though the ramp rate is set for 2.0 seconds when triggered by the RL it takes about 30 seconds for the light to reach full on/off. There is no more tapping the button to turn on/off the lamp. I PROMISE I am NOT making this stuff up- it REALLY is happening!!! I am beginning to wonder if maybe I'm dreaming.
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