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Everything posted by NewTech

  1. Michel, As you know I've had several issues in the past upgrading to the latest release but, I'm pleased to say, that was not the case tonight! And, my Trend Internet Security license expired and when I renewed it I opted to go with a "better" more secure version. Trend caused me absolutely no problems. Just thought you'd be interested to know that everything went fine!
  2. Well, shame on Java!!!!! Thanks anyway,
  3. Michel, This is probably just my laziness but I was wondering if there might be a way that you could speed up the scroll speed in scenes that have many device members? I realize I can click in the scroll bar to perform a page down/up function but it would nice if the speed were faster as it is in other software programs. Just a suggestion! Thank you, sir,
  4. Don't worry, Jim, I too had issues with my initial ISY installation and my PLM but I can safely say that with the great customer service and satisfaction at SmartHome and the outstanding (and, I do mean OUTSTANDING!) support from Universal Devices and this forum, my ISY installation has been working flawlessly for over a year and a half now. I don't see how an Insteon installation is even possible without the ISY!
  5. Michel, Was bored on a Sunday evening so I logged into the forum and just now saw this post. Thanks for your kind words! Hope you had an enjoyable holiday season!
  6. What, if any, touch screen devices/applications work directly with the ISY? I just downloaded the trial version of InterfaceGO for PC but can't really see a useful need for it on just our computers and really don't want to purchase one or two Nokia devices. I am disappointed that InterfaceGo does not support multiple platform such as iPhone/iPod/iPad and was wondering how to adapt a couple touch screens to work with the ISY.
  7. Two simple words describe the care and service satisfaction of UDI, "The Greatest". 'nough said!
  8. NewTech

    Router Question

    I have Cincinnati Bell DSL for my Internet provider. Recently their provided Westell router died and had to be replaced. The replacement is identical to the previous router. With the old router I was able to access my ISY from my iPhone (MobiLinc) over the 3G network. With this replacement router I am not able to set it up to be able to access my ISY via my iPhone. Questions: 1) If I were to purchase one of the D-Link routers, am I correct in assuming the ISY will AUTOMATICALLY set up the router so I can access it over the 3G network? 2) Since my current Westell router is a como unit (modem and wireless router) do I need to have Cincinnati Bell provide me with one of their modems for use with the D-Link router, or 3) Can I use my current router as the modem with the D-link router? I DO NOT understand much about IP addresses nor can I find (or know how to find) my ISY's EXTERNAL IP address! The iPhone MobiLinc is very important to me because we are away from home a lot and I want to be able to control our lights while we're away.
  9. Version 2.7.15......... DONE!!! I'm not sure I was logging into my ISY using the correct method. I usually access it by using the 99i Administrative Console from my desktop. When I logged into it by using the http://your.isy.ip.address/admin it upgraded just fine! And, I did not need to disable Trend to upgrade! Thanks, Michel!
  10. Long time- no posts! Haven't had ANY problems or even questions about my ISY. But, tonight I tried several times to manually and automatically upgrade from version 2.7.11 to version 2.7.15 and each time I tried I received an error message that the ISY refused the update. This is similar to the problems I had before when Michel K. helped me upgrade to version 2.7.11. I've been reluctant to attempt another upgrade but finally gave into trying this latest upgrade this evening. Thanks so much!
  11. Wow, Michel... you're amazing! Your suggestion worked but then again I never doubt your suggestions. Thanks! If nothing else with this ISY I'm beginning to understand command prompts, IP addresses, routers and networks... Now to do some research on certificates!
  12. Hi, Michel. Yes, it's me again. Sorry to be such a bother. I tried the httpS:// as you suggested and could not log into the ISY while on the local network. Now where do I go? Once again, thanks to Michel and/or anyone else who responds.
  13. I have the iLinc (now called MobiLinc) on my iPhone and for the life of me I cannot get it to work outside of my home network. I have verified that my port 443 is open using the Port Forwarding Checker utility but I cannot find the correct IP address to enter into the SSL HTTPS:// of the iLinc. I had it working just fine until my old DSL router quit working. And, I did have it working with this new router as well until I was told to change the certificate. Now, I know very little (actually probably nothing) about SSL certificates but after I changed the certificate is when it quit working! I tried to post this over on the MobiLinc forum but could NOT find any place to post a topic. Please help!
  14. Rebooting the router (several times!) did not correct the problem and Cincinnati Bell says there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with our router or DSL. I just tonight sent a request to UDI tech help.
  15. Michel, not sure I know what you mean by the URL I use but I log into my ISY via http://192.168.xxx.xxx/admin which I have saved as a favorite. And, yes, it is VERY possible that my upgrade to 2.7.8 did not load completely considering I now am not able to upgrade to 2.7.9. I constantly get error messages that say the connection was forcibly closed by the remote host and this one: upgrade failed :java.lang.NullPointerException.
  16. Still might have an issue with Java. Here is what I get when Java does not load: Java Plug-in 1.6.0_17 Using JRE version 1.6.0_17-b04 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM User home directory = C:\Users\Mike ---------------------------------------------------- c: clear console window f: finalize objects on finalization queue g: garbage collect h: display this help message l: dump classloader list m: print memory usage o: trigger logging q: hide console r: reload policy configuration s: dump system and deployment properties t: dump thread list v: dump thread stack x: clear classloader cache 0-5: set trace level to ---------------------------------------------------- load: class com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed:http://192.168.xxx.xxx/com/universaldevices/client/ui/UDClientApplet/class.class at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ... 7 more Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class I've cleared the Java cache and even gone as far as to reinstall Java but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
  17. Hi, Michel! To answer your questions: 1) My firewall is Trend Micro. In the past I've not had issues with the firewall BUT our subscription was scheduled to end on Feb. 11, 2010 so I did just renew it which forced me to download an updated version. I believe now I have Trend set correctly to allow the ISY through because all appears to be okay for now. 2) This where I wouldn't care if you called me stupid because that's just how I feel! Apparently I wasn't thinking because I was trying to clear the Java cache WITHOUT closing all open browser windows. Duh!!! So, for now, I think everything is okay. Thanks once again for your dedicated service to my ISY issues.
  18. Yes, thank you, oberkc. Funny thing is that my scene tests DID NOT fail!! I am truly hoping Michel sees this post. Have a good rest of the weekend! ADDED: Another thing I just noticed is that Java takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to load and sometimes it never does load. And, I have reinstalled Java, restarted my computer and cleared the Java cache. ADDITIONAL FIND: I may have discovered PART of my problem. Is it possible to have a corrupted scene? I tried to add a new scene and that seems to be when my problems started so, I removed the scene and then re-created it. This time, as far as being able to change levels/ramp rate all appears well. I also think I may have had (or maybe still have, won't know for sure until I call Cincinnati Bell) a router issue because several Internet pages either failed to load or loaded very slowly. So I'm keeping an eye on everything!
  19. Yes, I have tried several scene tests on several scenes but the problem isn't just any one scene- it's all of them. I can't figure out how to post screen shots into this forum so here are the error messages I'm receiving: 1) [-5011] Change of state failed: SID not found[uuid] and (This is repeated in the same error window) [-5011] Change of state failed: SID not found[uuid] 2) [-110022] Couldn't open file [/CONF/113352.REC] and [-110012] Couldn't open config file to read [/CONF/113352.REC] 3) [-110022] Couldn't open file[/CONF/ELEC.CFG] and [-110022] Couldn't open file [/CONF/ADR.CFG] The other thing I'm experiencing is the ISY isn't receiving on levels from my devices so, yes, I'd say there are some communication issues.
  20. EVERYTIME I try to change a ramp rate and/or an on level in some of my scenes I get a "Request Failed" error message. I have done a reboot on the system, tried logging in a couple different ways, disconnected power from the ISY and I've reset my router. What's going on???
  21. I really hate to be such a pain but... Lately it seems that I need to log into my ISY at least two or three times before I am able to log into a fully functional Administrative Console. I am not always able to "get" the device levels in the network (they remain blank). And, sometimes even after I log in several times I don't get ALL levels in the main menu screen when I click the network folder. I also tried to upgrade to 2.7.9 but I am once again having the same issues I had when trying to upgrade to 2.7.8. Here is a link to that post: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=3719 The more I think about this the more I think I do have a problem with the ISY that really needs to be looked into. There really shouldn't be a reason why I always seem to have so much trouble upgrading.
  22. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Michel, I have NO IDEA what I did but all of a sudden I WAS able to upgrade to 2.7.8. I cannot explain the process in detail but I do know that my firewall was on and I used a WiFi connected computer. I also viewed this post from sk8er02: I used their method to access my ISY http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.8/admin.jnlp and this is when I was able to complete the upgrade. So far everything still seems to be working fine although, as I said earlier, my system is very small for the time being. I hope this little tidbit of information assists you in maybe trying to figure what the heck was going on with my system. One other thing I noticed... You said the ISY goes through a migration process on first start-up with 2.7.8 and to be patient. My system powered up in the same time frame as before the upgrade. Don't know if you need this info or not but here it is anyway! I'll keep a close eye on my system and keep you posted on any possible issues. Michel and everyone else who assisted me with this... A GREAT BIG THANK YOU!
  23. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Hi, Michel! Happy New Year! I have rebooted the system several times and I've unplugged it so the ISY has no power either from the PLM OR the A/C adapter. The one thing I haven't done yet is to unplug the PLM. Back at school today but more snow forecasted for tomorrow so, if we have another snow day I'll try calling tomorrow. Michel, as always your dedication to customer service is outstanding and I truly appreciate your help.
  24. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Well, guess I'll be calling tech support because I cannot get this thing to upgrade. Have to go run errands right now but will try later. Is there a special number I should call?
  25. NewTech

    Oh No!!!

    Michel, I am using Trend Micro. I have disabled this firewall and attempted to upgrade with no luck. The one thing I haven't tried is to upgrade on my desktop computer which has a wired connection. I'm home from school today due to a snowday and my intent is to get this thing upgraded!
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