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    : Arcadia, OK

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  1. @Ross Love your usages, thanks for sharing. Can you tell me more about the windows? You have windows that can literally be opened and closed?
  2. @Ross would you mind sharing some of your program ideas that you use based on the weather station? I'm always excited to learn new uses for the devices I have.
  3. I've had Davis Vantage Vue for 4 years. I highly recommend it; works flawlessly.
  4. Yes, I replicated everything as before. Same LL, same outlet, the new (used) cord in the same position as previous. I will give it the weekend and then follow your disposal instructions. Good suggestion BTW. A conversation I had years ago with an insurance claim adjuster said the majority of house fires he dealt with were the result of cheap extension cords.
  5. No strange log entries with the new extension cord. Is it safe to assume there is something wrong with that specific extension cord? And if so, is there any concern for safety? Am I ok to keep using it for other things or should I throw it away?
  6. It wasn't wound and taped in deployment, that's only for storage. But I hear you - I'll replicate how the cord was laid out the same as before.
  7. I have not but I can. Just to clarify, you're suggesting plugging in a different basic 2 prong empty extension cord to see if the log entries return?
  8. I don't have one of those but I do have one of these. Shows watts/amps/volts. Is that helpful?
  9. It was the extension cord that caused the issue. I unplugged it and the repeating log entries have not happened since. Correct, it was an empty extension cord plugged into the lamplinc. It is a 2 wire, 10ft, not sure of gauge. It is on the thin side.
  10. I did a factory reset and still had the same behavior with the logs showing on and off repeatedly. Next, I replaced the dimmer module and still have the same behavior. I'm mind blown. My next step is to unplug the empty extension cord and see what happens, then the step after that would be changing the outlet it is plugged in to. Will report back. Open to any other suggestions.
  11. @IndyMike I went to check what type of bulbs were installed and had forgotten - we removed the two lamps a couple weeks ago so there was only an extension cord plugged in with nothing plugged in to the extension cord. We will likely add the lamps back in the future so I want to keep the module in place. I'll try @paulbates suggestion and factory reset and go from there.
  12. I was checking my log this morning to see what time a certain light turned on when I saw this. 'Izzy Bedside Lamps' is an Insteon dimmer module 2457D2. As you can see, it repeatedly is showing the status alternating betweeen 'Off' and '100%'. It does this for many hours then stops, then starts back up the next day. The time that it starts and stops is not the same each day. The actual state of the device during these times is 'Off'. I searched my programs and confirmed that it is not involved in any programs. I was trying to decide between factory resetting it or simply replacing it (I have spares sitting in the closet) but figured I would ask here first if anyone has had this experience before. Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status 100% Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:11 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status Off Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:12 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status 100% Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:15 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status Off Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:16 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status 100% Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:17 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status Off Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:18 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status 100% Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:19 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status Off Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:23 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status 100% Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:24 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status Off Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:25 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status 100% Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:26 AM System Unknown Rooms / Izzy / Izzy Bedside Lamps Status Off Fri 2024/08/09 05:19:27 AM System Unknown
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