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Chris Jahn

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Everything posted by Chris Jahn

  1. We are going to address this problem along with the others that have been found in 5.2.0.
  2. Yes, we'll fix this in the next build.
  3. What is the precision of variable i.test.p3? When you look at i.test.p3 the variable table, does it show the expected value?
  4. OUTDATED - This version has been updated and is obsolete. Please see the current release found in the Current Release area of the forums. Please note: As part of Z-Wave Certification, the ISY-994 5.x series no longer supports the 300 Series Z-Wave board. Please check your upgrade discount eligibility and ordering instructions. If you have any other questions, please submit a support ticket Hello, The 5.3.0 Official Release is now available. There are no functional changes in this build when compared to 5.2.0. The only change is related to the ISY product ID reported through the Manufacturer Specific Command class for Z-Wave. This is the first of our official 500 Series Z-Wave Plus certified builds. As part of Z-Wave Plus certification, some incompatible changes were made that may cause issues when migrating from older versions of the ISY. We are looking at mitigating these issues in future builds. If you have a stable working system, you may want to wait before migrating. Guides Z-Wave Plus for ISY-994 Getting Started Z-Wave Plus for ISY-994 User Guide Z-Wave Plus for ISY-994 Advanced User Guide Notes - Upgrading to this version may require a lot of manual intervention including verifying scenes, programs and program settings are correct. In some cases it will be easier to rebuild your network. - If you are rebuilding your Z-Wave network, it is recommended that you Factory Reset the Z-Wave dongle prior to adding devices back into your Z-Wave network. - If you are upgrading from version 5.0.10 or earlier then Devices and programs are migrated in the current version. After upgrading: o Please ensure your device nodes and programs are correct; in some cases you may need to update them. o Wakeup your battery devices after the ISY has restarted and the initial query has finished - If you are upgrading from version 5.0.8 or earlier, you will have to manually update the Adjust Scene entries in all of your programs. - Starting in version 5.0.15A, the event value for the Low status of Insteon FanLinc Motor changed from 63 to 64 - If you have the climate module, please go here to choose a new weather service. Important User/Password changes: - If your current version is 5.0.7 or earlier, then after installing 5.0.8 or later your userid and password will be reset back to the system default. - If you restore a backup created from 5.0.7 or earlier, your userid and password will be reset back to the system default. - If you downgrade from version 5.0.8 or later to version 5.0.7 or earlier then after installing version 5.0.7 or earlier, you will have to Factory Reset the ISY and optionally install a backup taken in that version or earlier. Java runtime memory (when Admin Console is very slow to respond) - If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). - Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: o -Xmx512m - Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes Notes: - SSLv3 is now disabled. All models now support TLS1.2 and high grade cipher suites - 4.1.1 backups may corrupt Z-Wave configuration in case they are restored. 4.1.2 and above releases fix this issue - See our Wiki for additional information (e.g. Program Variables) Prerequisites: - You must use the 5.0.9 Admin Console or greater to upgrade to this release (5.3.0). - If you are migrating from 5.0.8 or older than in the Admin Console, you will have to manually close the Initialization progress bar - The latest release of Java must be installed - If you are using MAC Yosemite and Java 1.8.40, please follow these instructions Install: 1. Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY) - Do not backup from a version 3.1.6, or 4.1.1 system (there were bugs in those versions that caused the backup to be corrupted) 2. Make sure you have done everything in the Prerequisites section 3. Download firmware - ISY 994i Series including Z-Wave support - ISY 994i ZW, Z, or ZS Series (Z-Wave/Zigbee and/or if you do NOT have a PLM) 4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system] 5. Choose the file downloaded in step 3 6. After the upgrade, You must clear your Java Cache 7. Launch the 5.3.0 Admin Console and/or Dashboard by going to the following link: - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link instead: - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.0/admin.jnlp Note: MAC 10.6.x users must use the following links instead - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.0/admin16.jnlp (Admin Console) - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.0/dashboard16.jnlp (Dashboard) 8. To launch the Admin Console directly from your ISY, go to the following link: - http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp 9. If you are using Z-Wave and upgrading from a 4.x.x or earlier version of the ISY, see Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch below 10. Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY) Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch All Z-Wave nodes will be recreated when migrating from 4.x.x. Some nodes will have different addresses, and some devices will have a different set of nodes. In some cases, it is easier to rebuild your network rather than migrate. 1. Before moving to 5.3.0, in 4.x.x, Backup your Z-Wave Dongle and then Backup your ISY. 2. Replace the 300 Series Z-Wave board in your ISY with a 500 Series Board 3. Install 5.3.0 4. Start the Admin Console and Restore the Z-Wave dongle (will take the Z-Wave network you backed up in step 1, and writes it to the new 500 series board) 5. Do Z-Wave -> Synchronize Nodes -> All - Do not open ‘Programs’ tab until step 6. - This will add back all of the ISY nodes that were deleted at startup. - If you have multichannel devices, you will see more nodes added - After sync is complete, restart the Admin Console and go to step 6. 6. Open the programs tab - Most old Z-Wave device actions/conditions are automatically converted to the 5.3.0 framework - Make sure to visually check all programs that contain Z-Wave device actions or conditions. - Programs containing nodes from multichannel devices will have to updated - Node addresses for multichannel devices change from ZW003_143 style to ZW003_002_143 (where _002_ is channel number) - If everything looks good, save the program changes made by the migration. 7. Make an ISY Backup 8. If you are missing any Z-Wave devices you may have to exclude/include them again. For battery devices, make sure they have communications turned on and try doing a synchronize again.
  5. If you are trying to re-add a BE469NX lock, then I would suggest you first exclude it from the ISY, then Factory Reset the lock (important), and then add it to the ISY again.
  6. We'll be updating the documentation pretty quickly here, but for now ... right+click on a Z-Wave node, at the bottom of the menu you will see "Add/Refresh Button Press Node" and if the device supports the Basic CC, "Add/Refresh Basic Node" For the button press node, you go to Z-Wave Options and select which message you want to treat as a button press.
  7. OUTDATED - A newer version has been released, making this version obsolete. Please see the current release found in the Current Release area of the forums. Please note: As part of Z-Wave Certification, the ISY-994 5.x series no longer supports the 300 Series Z-Wave board. If you want to upgrade to 5.2.0 and have a 300 series board, please check your upgrade discount eligibility and ordering instructions. If you have any other questions, please submit a support ticket Hello, The 5.2.0 (RC3) Release is now available. - New – Optional Basic and Button Press/Sensor Detection nodes for Z-Wave devices (See Z-Wave node level menu in the Admin Console) - New in 5.1.0 o New sensors and alarms have been added and some of the existing ones have possibly changed such that the value reports to a different node. Please check your programs and scenes. § You may need to synchronize some devices to get the new nodes o Some changes to the Admin Console § You now have to press the button when issuing a command for a node on the device page (rather than just change a parameter for the command to automatically be submitted) § All commands are now shown on the device page § The Z-Wave top level and node level menus have changed § The device description for nodes now shows [S0] for devices using S0 security o Various miscellaneous changes throughout the code have been made for Z-Wave certification. Please check your programs and devices and make sure they are continuing to operate as expected. - Upgrading from an ISY 4.x version to this version may require a lot of manual intervention including verifying scenes, programs and program settings are correct. The 5.x ISY firmware and the data files it uses has changed drastically from 4.x. - If you are upgrading from version 5.0.10 or earlier then Devices and programs are migrated in the current version. After upgrading: o Please ensure your device nodes and programs are correct; in some cases you may need to update them. o Wakeup your battery devices after the ISY has restarted and the initial query has finished - The old style of encoding node actions and conditions is no longer supported in the ISY, but these entries are automatically converted to the new format in the Admin Console. Developers, anything that creates programs using the old style of encoding must change to the new format, or, you must instruct your users to convert these programs by loading and saving them using the Admin Console. - Developers, we encourage you to support HTTP chunked transfer encoding as soon as possible because we intend to make it the default option when 5.X is officially released. - If you are upgrading from version 5.0.8 or earlier, you will have to manually update the Adjust Scene entries in all of your programs. - Starting in version 5.0.15A, the event value for the Low status of Insteon FanLinc Motor changed from 63 to 64 Important User/Password changes: - If your current version is 5.0.7 or earlier, then after installing 5.0.8 or later your userid and password will be reset back to the system default. - If you restore a backup created from 5.0.7 or earlier, your userid and password will be reset back to the system default. - If you downgrade from version 5.0.8 or later to version 5.0.7 or earlier then after installing version 5.0.7 or earlier, you will have to Factory Reset the ISY and optionally install a backup taken in that version or earlier. Java runtime memory (when Admin Console is very slow to respond) - If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). - Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: o -Xmx512m - Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes Please review the known/recreated bug list to determine if this build is suitable for your installation. If you are looking for stability, please continue using 4.6.x branch. Fixes in this build: 0000758: Programs with Elk conditions not running correctly after ISY reboot 0000761: Z-Wave Certification features/bug fixes 0000762: Setting Z-Wave thermostat setpoint fails when using decimal point values 0000763: Add REST API that allows you to rename a node ( /rest/nodes/<nodeAddress>/change?name=<newName> ) 0000764: Show what writes are pending when showing Node Details in the event viewer Notes: - SSLv3 is now disabled. All models now support TLS1.2 and high grade cipher suites - 4.1.1 backups may corrupt Z-Wave configuration in case they are restored. 4.1.2 and above releases fix this issue - See our Wiki for additional information (e.g. Program Variables) Prerequisites: - You must use the 5.0.9 Admin Console or greater to upgrade to this release (5.2.0). - If you are migrating from 5.0.8 or older than in the Admin Console, you will have to manually close the Initialization progress bar - The latest release of Java must be installed - If you are using MAC Yosemite and Java 1.8.40, please follow these instructions - If you are using Z-Wave, see Z-Wave prerequisites below - If you have not already done so, reconfigure your Climate Module to point to HAM Weather Stations instead of WeatherBug. Without this configuration, ISY will not process Climate Information. This is especially important if your previous station didn't include a station close to you. Install: 1. Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY) - Do not backup from a version 3.1.6, or 4.1.1 system (there were bugs in those versions that caused the backup to be corrupted) 2. Make sure you have done everything in the Prerequisites section 3. Download firmware - ISY 994i Series including Z-Wave support - ISY 994i ZW, Z, or ZS Series (Z-Wave/Zigbee and/or if you do NOT have a PLM) 4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system] 5. Choose the file downloaded in step 3 6. After the upgrade, You must clear your Java Cache 7. Launch the 5.2.0 Admin Console and/or Dashboard by going to the following link: - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link instead: - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.2.0/admin.jnlp Note: MAC 10.6.x users must use the following links instead - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.2.0/admin16.jnlp (Admin Console) - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.2.0/dashboard16.jnlp (Dashboard) 8. To launch the Admin Console directly from your ISY, go to the following link: - http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp 9. If you are using Z-Wave and upgrading from a 4.x.x or earlier version of the ISY, see Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch below 10. Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY) Z-Wave prerequisites If you have not already done so, please ensure your Z-Wave firmware is 4.55 (Z-Wave | Advanced | Z-Wave Firmware Version). If not, you will need to upgrade the Z-Wave firmware to 4.55: 1. To preserve your existing Z-Wave network: - Shift primary control to a secondary controller (such as an Aeon minimote). - Exclude ISY from the Z-Wave network - Upgrade the Z-Wave firmware (Z-Wave | Advanced | Upgrade Z-Wave Firmware) - Include ISY back into Z-Wave network - Shift primary control back to the ISY - NOTE: Even with this procedure, you may have to exclude your door locks and add them back in 2. To do a fresh Z-Wave install: - Upgrade the Z-Wave firmware (Z-Wave | Advanced | Upgrade Z-Wave Firmware) Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch All Z-Wave nodes will be recreated when migrating from 4.x.x. to the 5.x.x branch (they will retain the same Z-Wave address). After the ISY has restarted with the new firmware installed: 1. Start the Admin Console and do a Z-Wave -> Tools -> Synchronize Nodes -> All - Do not open ‘Programs’ tab until step 2) - This will add back all of the ISY nodes that were deleted at startup. - If you have multichannel devices, you will see more nodes added - After sync is complete, restart the Admin Console and go to step 2) 2. Open the programs tab - Most old Z-Wave device actions/conditions are automatically converted to the 5.0 framework - Make sure to visually check all programs that contain Z-Wave device actions or conditions. - Programs containing nodes from multichannel devices will have to updated - Node addresses for multichannel devices change from ZW003_143 style to ZW003_002_143 (where _002_ is channel number) - If everything looks good, save the program changes made by the migration. 3. Make an ISY Backup 4. If you are missing any Z-Wave devices you may have to exclude/include them again. For battery devices, make sure they have communications turned on and try doing a synchronize again.
  8. One of the node servers needed it (I think weather?) , anyway, the ISY itself isn't currently using it.
  9. If you see this again, please open the Admin Console to level 3 and send me the output.
  10. Thanks for reporting this! Please open the Admin Console event viewer to level 3 try this again and send me the results; it may identify the culprit that is slowing things down.
  11. I apologize for the issues you are having with the new build. If possible, can you please send me your 5.0.16 backup and the 5.1.0 backup after you did the synchronize.
  12. No, unfortunately apart from the bug fixes listed, this build only has Z-Wave changes.
  13. Thanks, For most devices supporting the "Basic" command class, we now create a "Basic" node for it, primarily for use in scenes. Are you certain scene nodes were created? If you synchronize again, please do the following from a web browser both BEFORE and AFTER the synchronize and send me the output. http://[yourIsy]/rest/zwave/node/0/def/get?full=true http://[yourIsy]/rest/nodes
  14. Please Note: Due to reported issues, if you are not using a 500 Series Z-Wave board in your ISY then we do not recommend you upgrade to 5.1.0 Hello, The 5.1.0 (RC2) Release is now available. - New – New sensors and alarms have been added and some of the existing ones have possibly changed such that the value reports to a different node. Please check your programs and scenes. o You may need to synchronize some devices to get the new nodes NOTE: Synchronize has shown to be aggressive for some installations (meaning many nodes are deleted and recreated unnecessarily), therefore for now, it is best to synchronize individual nodes rather that doing the Z-Wave | Synchronize | All from the top level menu. Always make a Z-Wave dongle backup and ISY backup before Synchronize. - New – Some changes to the Admin Console o You now have to press the button when issuing a command for a node on the device page (rather than just change a parameter for the command to automatically be submitted) o All commands are now shown on the device page o The Z-Wave top level and node level menus have changed o The device description for nodes now shows [S0] for devices using S0 security - New – Various miscellaneous changes throughout the code have been made for Z-Wave certification. Please check your programs and devices and make sure they are continuing to operate as expected. - Upgrading from an ISY 4.x version to this version may require a lot of manual intervention including verifying scenes, programs and program settings are correct. The 5.x ISY firmware and the data files it uses has changed drastically from 4.x. - If you are upgrading from version 5.0.10 or earlier then Devices and programs are migrated in the current version. After upgrading: o Please ensure your device nodes and programs are correct; in some cases you may need to update them. o Wakeup your battery devices after the ISY has restarted and the initial query has finished - The old style of encoding node actions and conditions is no longer supported in the ISY, but these entries are automatically converted to the new format in the Admin Console. Developers, anything that creates programs using the old style of encoding must change to the new format, or, you must instruct your users to convert these programs by loading and saving them using the Admin Console. - Developers, we encourage you to support HTTP chunked transfer encoding as soon as possible because we intend to make it the default option when 5.X is officially released. - If you are upgrading from version 5.0.8 or earlier, you will have to manually update the Adjust Scene entries in all of your programs. - Starting in version 5.0.15A, the event value for the Low status of Insteon FanLinc Motor changed from 63 to 64 Important User/Password changes: - If your current version is 5.0.7 or earlier, then after installing 5.0.8 or later your userid and password will be reset back to the system default. - If you restore a backup created from 5.0.7 or earlier, your userid and password will be reset back to the system default. - If you downgrade from version 5.0.8 or later to version 5.0.7 or earlier then after installing version 5.0.7 or earlier, you will have to Factory Reset the ISY and optionally install a backup taken in that version or earlier. Java runtime memory (when Admin Console is very slow to respond) - If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). - Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: o -Xmx512m - Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes Please review the known/recreated bug list to determine if this build is suitable for your installation. If you are looking for stability, please continue using 4.6.x branch. Fixes in this build: 0000739 - Support Fast On/Off for Insteon Hidden Door Sensor Heartbeat report 0000741 - Groups/Folders occasionally have the same node address 0000742 - Additional status values related to Weather 0000743 - Add units of measure VA, VAR, Date/Time NTP 0000744 - Precision conversion used in comparisons is incorrect in some Program Conditions 0000745 - Cannot change to Z-Wave external antenna 0000746 - Support multiple node status updates on a single REST call 0000755 - Z-Wave certification changes 0000757 - Show all commands on the node view in the Admin Console Notes: - SSLv3 is now disabled. All models now support TLS1.2 and high grade cipher suites - 4.1.1 backups may corrupt Z-Wave configuration in case they are restored. 4.1.2 and above releases fix this issue - See our Wiki for additional information (e.g. Program Variables) Prerequisites: - You must use the 5.0.9 Admin Console or greater to upgrade to this release (5.1.0). - If you are migrating from 5.0.8 or older than in the Admin Console, you will have to manually close the Initialization progress bar - The latest release of Java must be installed - If you are using MAC Yosemite and Java 1.8.40, please follow these instructions - If you are using Z-Wave, see Z-Wave prerequisites below - If you have not already done so, reconfigure your Climate Module to point to HAM Weather Stations instead of WeatherBug. Without this configuration, ISY will not process Climate Information. This is especially important if your previous station didn't include a station close to you. Install: 1. Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY) - Do not backup from a version 3.1.6, or 4.1.1 system (there were bugs in those versions that caused the backup to be corrupted) 2. Make sure you have done everything in the Prerequisites section 3. Download firmware - ISY 994i Series including Z-Wave support - ISY 994i ZW, Z, or ZS Series (Z-Wave/Zigbee and/or if you do NOT have a PLM) 4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system] 5. Choose the file downloaded in step 3 6. After the upgrade, You must clear your Java Cache 7. Launch the 5.1.0 Admin Console and/or Dashboard by going to the following link: - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link instead: - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.1.0/admin.jnlp Note: MAC 10.6.x users must use the following links instead - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.1.0/admin16.jnlp (Admin Console) - http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.1.0/dashboard16.jnlp (Dashboard) 8. To launch the Admin Console directly from your ISY, go to the following link: - http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp 9. If you are using Z-Wave and upgrading from a 4.x.x or earlier version of the ISY, see Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch below 10. Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY) Z-Wave prerequisites If you have not already done so, please ensure your Z-Wave firmware is 4.55 (Z-Wave | Advanced | Z-Wave Firmware Version). If not, you will need to upgrade the Z-Wave firmware to 4.55: 1. To preserve your existing Z-Wave network: - Shift primary control to a secondary controller (such as an Aeon minimote). - Exclude ISY from the Z-Wave network - Upgrade the Z-Wave firmware (Z-Wave | Advanced | Upgrade Z-Wave Firmware) - Include ISY back into Z-Wave network - Shift primary control back to the ISY - NOTE: Even with this procedure, you may have to exclude your door locks and add them back in 2. To do a fresh Z-Wave install: - Upgrade the Z-Wave firmware (Z-Wave | Advanced | Upgrade Z-Wave Firmware) Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch All Z-Wave nodes will be recreated when migrating from 4.x.x. to the 5.x.x branch (they will retain the same Z-Wave address). After the ISY has restarted with the new firmware installed: 1. Start the Admin Console and do a Z-Wave -> Tools -> Synchronize Nodes -> All - Do not open ‘Programs’ tab until step 2) - This will add back all of the ISY nodes that were deleted at startup. - If you have multichannel devices, you will see more nodes added - After sync is complete, restart the Admin Console and go to step 2) 2. Open the programs tab - Most old Z-Wave device actions/conditions are automatically converted to the 5.0 framework - Make sure to visually check all programs that contain Z-Wave device actions or conditions. - Programs containing nodes from multichannel devices will have to updated - Node addresses for multichannel devices change from ZW003_143 style to ZW003_002_143 (where _002_ is channel number) - If everything looks good, save the program changes made by the migration. 3. Make an ISY Backup 4. If you are missing any Z-Wave devices you may have to exclude/include them again. For battery devices, make sure they have communications turned on and try doing a synchronize again.
  15. Hi Guys, I took a look at the code that compares the event value with the value in the condition. If the precision (number of decimal places) of the event value is different than the precision of the condition value then it uses the smaller precision for both values to do the comparison. Therefore in the following condition with 0.400 (precision = 3), if the event value is 0 (precision = 0) then the 0.400 gets converted to precision 0, thus 0.400 becomes 0. In this case the condition will result in true. 'DarkSky / Forecast 0' Rain Today >= 0.400 Inches I'm looking at changing it now to always use the precision of the value in the condition rather than the smaller of the two precisions.
  16. Hello Everyone, Build 5.0.16C is now available https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/27669-release-5016c-rc1-is-now-available/
  17. You can't modify or create individual variables, instead, you have to download the XML file containing all the variable definitions, add your variables to it, and then upload the XML file back into the ISY.
  18. Here is the meaning of the various link types for responders in a scene. If the node is not a responder in a scene (i.e. is only a controller), then all link types are the same as Ignore. Native type="native" A direct link between the controller and the responder (e.g. Insteon links, Z-Wave associations, etc.). (Controller→Responder) Command type="cmd" Same as Default except when the controller sends an On command the ISY sends the command specified in the link to the responder. (Controller→ISY→Responder) Default type="default" Whatever command is sent by the controller is forwarded to the responder by the ISY. (Controller→ISY→Responder) Ignore type="ignore" No link is made between the controller and responder.
  19. I'm not aware of that problem. We did have an issue with slow responses for the right+click popup menu for Z-Wave nodes, but that was fixed in 5.0.16A. If drop downs in programs are slow then it may be a Java memory issue, have you tried this: Java runtime memory (when Admin Console is very slow to respond) - If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). - Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: o -Xmx512m - Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes
  20. Hello Everyone, Build 5.0.16B is now available https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/27669-release-5016b-rc1-is-now-available/
  21. Actually I just updated the substitution variable list.
  22. LUMIN is short for the status name Luminance, Lux is the unit of measure of the value that may be stored for that status.
  23. Hi Techman, You would use ${sys.node.ZW001_1.LUMIN} We need to update the Substitution Variables Wiki, but the status names page contains all supported names. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series:EMail_and_Networking_Substitution_Variables https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:V5:Appendix:Status_Names
  24. Hi Bill, Which ISY version are you currently using, 5.0.16 or 5.0.16A?
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