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About x046866x

  • Birthday January 29

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    Morristown, NJ

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  1. I've noticed that over the past week or so none of my timed programs were executing. I have a couple that turn lights off at 10:30PM every night but I woke up in the morning to find all the lights still on. I performed a reboot and everything seemed to work for about 4 days and then exhibited the same behavior (all lights on in the AM). I also noticed that on every reboot I get a message telling me the "Upgrade complete!", but I don't think it is actually upgrading every time. I did it twice in one day and receive the same message every time. I did it again this morning and received the "Upgrade complete!" notification. Thoughts?
  2. Wait.....I dug through the code again and found this. Pretty sure this is what I was looking for. COLORS_HCSEL-1 = Aqua COLORS_HCSEL-2 = Azure COLORS_HCSEL-3 = Beige COLORS_HCSEL-4 = Blue COLORS_HCSEL-5 = Chartreuse COLORS_HCSEL-6 = Coral COLORS_HCSEL-7 = Crimson COLORS_HCSEL-8 = Forest Green COLORS_HCSEL-9 = Fuchsia COLORS_HCSEL-10 = Golden COLORS_HCSEL-11 = Gray COLORS_HCSEL-12 = Green COLORS_HCSEL-13 = Hot Pink COLORS_HCSEL-14 = Indigo COLORS_HCSEL-15 = Lavender COLORS_HCSEL-16 = Lime COLORS_HCSEL-17 = Maroon COLORS_HCSEL-18 = Navy Blue COLORS_HCSEL-19 = Olive COLORS_HCSEL-20 = Red COLORS_HCSEL-21 = Royal Blue COLORS_HCSEL-22 = Tan COLORS_HCSEL-23 = Teal COLORS_HCSEL-24 = White
  3. I am trying to use a small program that sets all of my Hue devices to the same color. The program works fine: Set 'MyHueDeviceName' Set Color '$HueColorCode Index' and I just set '$HueColorCode' variable to an integer and call the program and all works fine. The problem is that I don't know what the index values correspond to. I mimicked the drop-down and am able to set colors using index 1 to 20, but any value higher than that doesn't have any affect. I found a table somewhere that showed the values from 1 to 145 (see below for an example) but this does not seem to be what the Polyglot integration is using. I downloaded the code expecting to see it somewhere in there, but to no avail (likely because I just don't know what I'm looking for). What I'm looking for is something like: 1=Aqua 2=Azure 3=Beige etc. Any ideas? Table I dug up (somewhere): # Value: Name: # 1 Alice Blue # 2 Antique White # 3 Aqua # 4 Aquamarine # 5 Azure # 6 Beige # 7 Bisque # 8 Black # 9 Blanched Almond ... # 132 Snow # 133 Spring Green # 134 Steel Blue # 135 Tan # 136 Teal # 137 Thistle # 138 Tomato # 139 Turquoise # 140 Violet # 141 Wheat # 142 White # 143 White Smoke # 144 Yellow # 145 Yellow Green
  4. FURTHER UPDATE: I performed the (virtual) "three-finger-salute" (Windows CTRL-ALT-DEL) and when it came back up the Interview was successful. I'm not sure if this was leftover cobwebs or kinks still being ironed out or the ever present problem somewhere between the chair and the keyboard....the first device was finally added. I'm now adding the second. It look a NUMBER of clicks on the device to get recognized but it was finally recognized and an "interview" attempt was made but was not successful. I did a reboot and when it came back up did a Synchronize and it interviewed successfully. It appears I'm in. Sorry for the verbose thread....but hopefully my experience might be helpful to others. Some takeaways: - Toggle the device you are adding MANY times in order to ensure recognition. - Re-boot before trying the Synchronize.
  5. UPDATE: Minutes after I hit <SUBMIT> I tried the outdoor switch again and it was recognized by the eisy. When I went back to the Admin Console, however, it was not there. I then tried the Synchronize and it seemed to be thinking as it queried "Device 2" and said "Timeout in 336", but that dialog went away in about 20 seconds. Still no love on the device in the console though. I do see this now on the X-Ray DH All Devices: Devices list: 1 Interview Not done 2 Interview Not done I am not getting any activity on the "Interview"....is that just between the devices?
  6. The nodes are completely gone from my configuration. This implies that I didn't follow the instructions to the letter....but I don't have so many that it would be impossible to set up again (I think 3 right now). I did try this: but nothing ever happened. I reset one of the devices (the GE outdoor switch) and am trying to set it up as new, but when I go to add a new device I get this screen: and regardless of how I press the button on the Z-Wave device it does not seem to acknowledge the device. The new Z-Matter dongle is in the same location as my ISY994 was and that is only about 20 feet from the switch(e) I'm trying to dd. FYI: I do see the following XML in the "Z-Wave X-Ray"->"All Scene Links", which could be my old devices? (they were all switches). <groups> <group id="ADR0001"> <ctl id="ADR0001"> <rsp/> </ctl> </group> <group id="54661"> <ctl id="54661"> <rsp> <link type="native" node="4D FF 6 1" linkdef="I_RELAY"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> </link> <link type="native" node="14 4D 16 1" linkdef="I_RELAY"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> </link> <link type="native" node="31 9F 4D 1" linkdef="I_RELAY"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> </link> <link type="native" node="47 8D EA 1" linkdef="I_RELAY"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> </link> <link type="native" node="49 8 BF 1" linkdef="I_RELAY"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> </link> </rsp> </ctl> </group> <group id="879"> <ctl id="879"> <rsp> <link type="native" node="39 50 B1 1" linkdef="I_DIMMER"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> <p id="RR"> <val prec="0" uom="25">28</val> </p> </link> <link type="native" node="2F FC 93 1" linkdef="I_DIMMER"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> <p id="RR"> <val prec="0" uom="25">28</val> </p> </link> </rsp> </ctl> </group> <group id="28998"> <ctl id="28998"> <rsp> <link type="native" node="4C D3 55 2" linkdef="I_RELAY"> <p id="OL"> <val prec="0" uom="51">100</val> </p> </link> </rsp> </ctl> </group> </groups>
  7. It seems I may have the same problem? I had an ISY994 with the Z-Wave board and it recognized my devices just fine (GE Enbrighten switches, GE outdoor light switch), but now I get nothing on my eisy. Everything is updated to 5.5.3, the Z-Matter dongle appears to be functioning. Although perhaps it is not? It responds to the Z-Wave X-Ray "DHController" with a bunch of information and the "All Scene Links" seems to show some hardware references, but nothing shows up anywhere on the Admin Console. I noticed that none of my previous Z-Wave devices were migrated after following instructions.
  8. Same here. I can't really do anything on the isy portal as I get: and the hover-over on the portal shows: Approval at the eisy screen fails:
  9. Understood. Just suggesting that ones time may be better spent supporting the product (any product really) in it's most natural and simplest form. It'll be less to figure out later. That being said; I agree that it should be made available in some capacity as there will always be cases where it is needed.
  10. I work in both commercial and residential settings and while I don't have my ISY (soon to be eisy) set up in the commercial space I am a BIG proponent of the KISS methodology...and DHCP is simple! If I manage something manually then I need to remember that manual setting and my human-RAM just isn't what it used to be. My DHCP server will reserve a lease to a MAC for as long as I'm connecting. I haven't tested when it might release the address, but the persistent devices stick around so it is not a problem. I'm sure I could check the lease TTL in the DHCP server (I'm running a PiHole), but fortunately I don't have to. I'm sure I can see some commercial situations where a static IP would be helpful/necessary....but I'd rather spend my time figuring out why DHCP wouldn't work and fixing that. DHCP means one less thing to figure out when things go haywire down the road and makes things more resilient to changes outside the eisy/ISY scope. Especially in a commercial configuration where sub-nets beyond the simple 192.168.1 space exist (which, I understand, may be why you need static IP...I get it). I'm not saying they shouldn't allow static IP support, but I completely understand why it is disabled by default as an accidental change by someone that doesn't completely understand that level of networking would result in a lot of unnecessary support call noise. I get that too.
  11. Agreed that having the same device in two controllers would be a potential nightmare. I was thinking I would run them both in parallel until I peel everything off from one to the other, but if there is a waterfall backup/restore solution I'm good with that (appears there is). Developer discount: Ah...I should polish my development chops up a bit, but that may take a while . I seem to remember that qualification now that you mention it. NBD. Interesting point about Z-wave. The integration works rather well in the ISY today, but I forgot it was a separate module. I'll need to send UD a few more bucks. I purchased a SkyConnect to add to my HA server. Not sure where these would be redundant. The SkyConnect does not support Z-wave (and I have several) and I am using the ISY for my current Z-wave connectivity. Hmmmmmmm..... If I'm sending them some more $...ideally they'll have the cabling for the 2413S available also (they didn't this morning). While I am a much bigger mammal that I should be I will make every effort to ensure I am not the reason we test that potential failure point....no promises though. Got a great E-mail from UD introducing the eisy. Still reading, but hopefully it'll have answers as well....maybe even to questions I haven't thought of yet. It mentions installing HA, but I'm in the same camp as someone previous in this thread and would rather that remain on its own processor...unless there is benefit there I don't see yet.
  12. Thank you everyone for some great feedback! There are a lot of great thoughts and ideas in this thread. I placed the pre-order on my eisy earlier today and am eager to get it installed! Some questions I have that probably deserve (if they don't already have) their own thread are: Do I "move" my ISY994 to the new eisy on day one or run them in parallel for a period of time until all is off the ISY? I'm thinking the latter. (note: I will re-implement all the Polygot immediately and that will free up an older Pi for other use). I have a 2413S with RJ45 (I use Ethernet cable between the ISY and modem). I'm hoping the PLM kit will be back in stock soon? I read there was a discount for members. I am a member and signed in, but saw no discount. Did I miss a button anywhere? The USB based Z-matter seems awkward to be hanging out of the back of the eisy. Especially with the antenna's adding weight to the very end of the unit. Will this not place undue strain on the USB port? Looking forward to tinkering!
  13. All interesting points. The ISY slant makes sense given the audience, but part of my intent was to solicit thoughts/ideas around why I should keep it. Some replies: - I don't want to have to focus on any particular vendor or protocol. I was intending on using ISY/Polyglot as an aggregator, which was working fairly well for some of the popular protocols....until Polygot 2.x lost support and I couldn't get a Polisy. Then I got HA running (on a Pi I had before the chip shortage) and it supports far more platforms far more natively. I currently have a smattering of different devices that I like to integrate with my home automation system and currently have integrations in HA for: Insteon/ISY994 (and therefore Polyglot integrations) Hue GE/Enbrighten Chamberlain Sonos LG TV's ecobee HP Harmony Kohler Synology Tuya Home-built ESP32 devices Alexa note: HA has matured significantly over the past year - I'm hoping that Matter/Thread will help smooth cross-vendor integrations even further, but that is still to be seen. - I've been a loyal fan of Insteon/UD for many years (I think I still have my ISY99 in a closet somewhere). The ISY has been, generally, rock solid. Mixed results with some of the Insteon devices, but overall will still be using them for a while. Because of the fate of Insteon, however, there is no way to replace many of the devices once they break and their future is bleak, at best. So my need to support Insteon will decline just by natural attrition. - While I have not leveraged the programming in HA I've enjoyed programming in ISY for years and have many convenience programs functioning well. I think it has an edge, but frankly I do need to study up on HA programming a bit. - For the record: It is highly likely I will get an eisy also as the geek in me won't be able to resist.
  14. I recently set up a new ecobee thermostat to replace a faulty Insteon 2441TH. I wanted to set up the ecobee on the ISY994 and was going to do so with the polyglot. The install of the Node server failed but it is because of an known error with Polyglot 2.x. I've tried, for some time, to purchase a Polisy but to no avail. I figured I'd be patient and wait for the eisy and set everything up there.....but that is still at least another month out (and continues to be delayed, so my confidence in 2022 availability is not high). The question I came to was; why? I use HomeAssistant (HA) as my primary interface with my home automation domain and use the ISY to integrate with my Insteon devices and also some handy programming. There is a lessening need for adding things to my ISY domain at all. In fact I had some integrations that were originally available to HA only because of ISY, that have since been replaced with full HA integrations. I have removed things from ISY/Polyglot because I no longer need them there. Its added value is decreasing the longer we wait for a new ISY....and I fear may be left behind. The question for discussion is; for what do we need the ISY for any longer? I used to go to ISY first and then try to figure out how to integrate to HA. I've noticed more recently that this position appears to be reversed now and I go to HA and only to ISY for those things HA can't do yet. This reversal was quite organic as the HA platform matures and grows. My reasoning for ISY in addition to HA: I still like the ISY and its programming. I like a lower level access and think ISY provides that for me. Access to my (dwindling) Insteon resources. I fear my list is pretty short....and may not be sufficient to warrant the investment in the still-future-still-hoping eisy. Your thoughts?
  15. Apologies. I scanned the thread and did not focus on Michel's latest post. Thank you!
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