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Everything posted by MrBill

  1. It looks like you're using Thomas Loven's Auto-Entities in conjunction with mushroom card. type: custom:auto-entities card: type: entities title: Great Room filter: include: - domain: light area: Great Room options: type: custom:mushroom-light-card layout: vertical icon_type: none collapsible_controls: true fill_container: true show_brightness_control: true use_light_color: true show_color_temp_control: false show_color_control: true entity: this.entity_id exclude: - device_manufacturer: Signify Netherlands B.V. - hidden_by: user sort: method: device reverse: true ignore_case: true
  2. MrBill

    Error Log on new EISY

    I don't think that portal functionality has been yet enabled. I can't seem to find the reference this morning but somewhere in the past few months I've seen seen discussion that work is being done to make node server accessible through the portal, but that hasn't actually happened yet. Lack of the ability to access node servers through portal, even just to restart them, has been a missing feature since Polisy was invented. I think we are close to resolution on the that issue, but we aren't there yet.
  3. I see @shbatm gave you a hint which lead to a solution for you, However I'll add a technique for finding your solution in the future without just guessing blindly. Use the real-time template editor! Developer Tools > Template which allows you to type templates and see the results in real time. Here's a slide I made for someone else awhile back: For each line typed in the Template Editor (left side of the screen) there is a corresponding real-time result shown in the right column (I drew red lines to illustrate). As real-time conditions change the right column updates. For example, Line 17 of the editor utilizes an ISY State Variable "sAway.ha). If I change the value of that variable in the ISY, the result here in the right column will immediately reflect that change. In this case if sAway.ha = 2 then the "False" will change to "True", for any value other than 2 this expression is false. As you can see the Template editor is a valuable tool (multi-line templates work also, these just all happan to be single line). Once you've got the template working, you can just paste it where ever it needs to go.
  4. The Meater Block probes do work, I never updated here after complaining above. The bluetooth connection is only between the Probes and the Block, the Block connects to Wifi. When I was having the disconnection problem the block was too far from the probes, it does have to stay VERY close, but I'd rather deal with that than 4 wires. It is shocking how low power the bluetooth signal in the probes actually is, I figured I should be able to set the block out of the way on top the pellet hopper but it really only works correctly when I put the block on the front shelf. All that said I do find the alarms in the MEATER app annoying.... they must be acknowledged, although it's really not abd anymore because I'm no longer get disconnect alarms.
  5. @DaveStLou In the Water Heater temp automation, I assume this is coming from the ISY int variable being set from unknown to whatever value the ISY has. to avoid that, you can perhaps add a "condition" to compare the temp the water heater is already set to, to the value of that variable and only continue when the values are different. On MyQ, I don't actually use these 2 automatons anymore, because the ISY no longer needs to be able to control the barn overhead door, but I didn't remove it in case I ever wanted to use it again. Today I'd probably use Choose in the action to combine these into 1, but I don't think Choose existed yet when they were created, these are actually among the very first automatons I created. (although they were recently updated to use the newer number.set_value instead of Call Service update variable) The integer variable is normally 0, when the ISY wants to open the door the variable gets set to 1, when it wants to close the door the variable gets set to -1. After HA changes the state, HA changes the ISY variable back to 0 alias: Barn OHD Close description: "" trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.idoor_barnohdbutton_actionrequest_ha below: "0" condition: [] action: - service: cover.close_cover target: entity_id: cover.barn_2 data: {} - service: number.set_value data: value: "0" target: entity_id: number.idoor_barnohdbutton_actionrequest_ha mode: single -------------------- alias: Barn OHD Open description: "" trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.idoor_barnohdbutton_actionrequest_ha above: "0" condition: [] action: - service: cover.open_cover target: entity_id: cover.barn_2 data: {} - service: number.set_value data: value: "0" target: entity_id: number.idoor_barnohdbutton_actionrequest_ha mode: single
  6. @KConover If you haven't yet discovered it.... Scene's appear AFTER devices in the "Your Devices" list. Scenes are preceded by the icon instead of the device icon
  7. keep an eye out... i bet they return under some condition. I doubted it was the GFCI from the start which is why I suggested something downstream of it.
  8. I'm curious if it's the actual GFCI causing the interference, or a device wired downstream of the GFCI off the line side terminals. As far as leaving it off or on, I'd choose off if you can do without it until you pick up a replacement. Less interference of signals/noise is always better. I get where you're coming from with the power interruptions, it's a pain to reset clocks and whatever else is different because the power was off. That is about the fastest method to track down the offender tho.
  9. Something is generating stray noise that looks like X10 traffic to the PLM. Interesting that its Status request, house code J because status request in binary is 1 1 1 1 and house code J is binary 1 1 1 1 the start frame however is 1 1 1 0 and the final bit is 0 when the frame is a unit code and 1 when it's a command code... so if I remember the whole frame is start code, house code, function code, final bit or in this case 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 (dashes added for clarity) And it appears to be repeating this "frame" with great regularity. It might be an older insteon device (early insteon was capable of having an X10 address) that has gone rogue, Or it might be something else. To find it use process of elimination. I tend to do this quickly by turning off half the breakers, then if not found the other half, once we know which half has it (without turning off the PLM/ISY circuit) then i turn off half of that half and keep working with halves until i have it down to 1 breaker.... once you know which breaker it's on then search that circuit.
  10. As @DennisC mentions upgrade to the latest version, but since this is posted in the ISY994 section of the forum there are a few things to bring to @kurelgyer's attention. If upgrading from V4 to V5, you should read the directions and then we should discuss that further before you actually do it, there's a few points that are important and a caveat or two.... If you're already on v5 there are two possible endpoints for you. If you don't have Z-wave, or have a 500 series z-wave board, then upgrade to v5.3.4. If you have a 300 series z-wave board, you can't go past v5.0.16C. It should also be noted that ISY994 is at end-of-life and no longer receiving non-critical updates. To upgrade to eisy you need to be on the latest v5 firmware before migration.
  11. MrBill

    Log in issues

    Before you can install the launcher tho, let's make sure you have to correct version of Java installed. Many people think they need to search google or oracle.com for the "latest version of java" which is wrong because like tomatoes in ketchup there are at least 57 varieties of java. Download and install Java 8 from https://www.java.com (if you've already installed a different Java go uninstall it first). Java 8 is the supported Java for UD's admin console. Other varieties of Java may work but probably not "out of the box", meaning you have to know how to configure it to work the way Java 8 works as soon as it's installed. With Java a bigger number is not better, its a different variety... you need Java 8.
  12. Correct that's all you should need to migrate. I have an eisy but haven't yet migrated. I was going to in early January but ended up waiting for various reasons, now I just need to find the time.
  13. A few facts in random order: Some battery sensors send a repetitive DON at the prescribed interval. others alternate DON and DOFF at the prescribed interval. It's not really meaningful to look at the Heartbeat node in the admin console to know if a heartbeat has occurred. It will be blank/unknown after a reboot, it will say On always or it will alternate on/off. wireless devices can't be Queried unless they are already awake. Surface Mounted Open Close sensors, (2843-222 or equivalent) are HORRIBLE about missing heartbeats. Sometimes the next day they generate a hearbeat with no intervention. Sometimes it takes popping the battery out for 10 seconds. to decide to replace a battery in one of these I use battery age in days, number of transmissions, and battery voltage and some are better than others.... I have 4 that need constant heartbeat babysitting, and 4 i rarely have to mess with. On the other hand the recessed open/close sensor and the leak sensors are more heartbeat perfect, I don't have any motion sensors.
  14. Nothing at that link I haven't seen before. All the same it doesn't work well in the lightest of rains, by glass rain gauge currently about .3, tempest is still at .06 as of this moment.
  15. I had a Davis Pro for about 20 years... it was a great weather station, top quality, with mostly goofy methods for getting the data online. After I switched to meteobridge it at least became a stable connection that didn't need babysitting. The Davis wasn't measuring wind correctly anymore and I concluded the UV sensor was no longer accurate, I decided to replace it with the Weatherflow Tempest. I have it about 7 months... it failed at the first of the year during a storm and support replaced the outdoor unit. I don't think the "Haptic" rain gauge is good in light rain. For example right now it's at .06" for today, but i can tell by looking at the pool cover that we've had more than that-- my guess would be more like .25" or .5" (I have an old fashioned glass gauge that I'll check later too). the rain has been very light but steady for about 5 hours.
  16. No, as mentioned above download Java 8 from https://www.java.com , Also be sure to uninstall the SE SDK first...
  17. You must not be old enough to remember the 2 years during the Arab Oil Embargo (circa 1973) when Nixon suspended the switch for 2 years. In my location in the world it didn't get light outside until after 9am in the winter months. I'd go for standard time year round, or the shift that we follow now. I hope we never have year round Daylight Saving time again, it was awful. (caveat: Realize that Sunrise does vary across the time zone, the further north the worse winter Daylight Saving gets.)
  18. FIRST, Have you installed Java? Hint, a higher number following the word Java doesn't mean better, it means different version, different purpose, different features. Specifically, you want to install Java 8 from https://www.java.com (you might get other versions to work, but you're on your own for java platform adjustments to make it work, Java 8 is the intended supported version of Java. Second, Install The IoX Launcher. The first time IoX Launcher is run it will both install an IoX Launcher icon on your desktop AND start your first admin console instance. In the future use that Icon to launch the admin console. (the IoX Launcher icon is different that just re-running the start.jnlp file that is downloaded to install.)
  19. I hope you meant to type that you did not anticipate the reset to default. After all there is an entire section in the upgrade instructions on the topic: Security was upgraded, there was no way to decrypt your old credentials then re-encrypt.
  20. Some MAC users can never get Launcher to work correctly, others use it everyday without issue. If Launcher doesn't work for you the alternative method is to download the admin console from the ISY itself... http://IP.OF.THE.ISY/admin.jnlp (replacing IP.OF.THE.ISY with the actually IP address such as etc) Save the admin.jnlp file to your desktop and use that to open the admin connsole. the downside to this is that some people run into browser security issues and the admin.jnlp file must be deleted, java cache cleared, and re-downloaded anytime the ISY's firmware changes. the admin.jnlp file used here must match the firmware of the ISY, when using Launcher the correct version should always be used automatically.
  21. You must mean you have the button set for "non-toggle Off". In that case pressing the button sends "off" (or "fast off" if double clicked). If the button is a scene controller all members of the scene will get an "Off" (or "Fast off") when the button is pressed (or double pressed. You said you created a scene and a program? Please tell us more about what each does, do you need both? If you want to set a Scene ON from an "Non-toggle off" button you can do that.... If Button.B is switched off or Button.B is switched Fast Off then Set Scene1 'On' else (nothing) Another way to turn off a buttons light after a program has run is the make a new scene, with just that button as the only member... Button.B.Scene... Then do something like: If Button.B is switched on or Button.B is switched FastOn then ....do something... ....do something else... Set Button.B.Scene "off"
  22. True. I use THIS group of programs to identify that a DST time adjustment occurred, then restart the looping programs. Note there are programs that are set both "disabled" and "Run at Startup" in that group. Those are important settings.
  23. ...and "Sunset" as the only condition is only true for 1 second, at sunset.
  24. I have a program for each transmitter, that is manually run from a Home Assistant dashboard: FrontDoor.reset - [ID 01A4][Parent 01B5] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Resource 'NotificationNS.DoorTrouble._resetCountersBegin' Wait 1 second Resource 'NotificationNS.DoorTrouble.FrontDoor' Wait 2 seconds $iDoor.FrontDoor.HBmissed = 0 $iDoor.FrontDoor.HBmissed Init To $iDoor.FrontDoor.HBmissed $iDoor.FrontDoor.BatteryDays = 1 $iDoor.FrontDoor.BatteryDays Init To $iDoor.FrontDoor.BatteryDays $iDoor.FrontDoor.TransCount = 1 $iDoor.FrontDoor.TransCount Init To $iDoor.FrontDoor.TransCount Wait 2 seconds Resource 'NotificationNS.DoorTrouble.FrontDoor' Wait 1 second Resource 'NotificationNS.DoorTrouble._resetCountersComplete' Run Program 'hb.FrontDoor' (Then Path) Else Resource 'NotificationNS.DoorTrouble.FrontDoor' It spits out a message that the counter will be reset, then gives the old totals before resetting then resets and outputs the rest counters and another message. Seems like overkill on messages but it is nice to have the final counts before reset.
  25. First get rid of any files named admin.jnlp or start.jnlp that you have laying around. next clear the Java cache including Installed Applications and Applets (which is a box you need to locate and check, it is not selected by default) are you using a Mac or Windows? Windows it's best to use The Launcher. The first time Launcher is run it should also install an icon on the desktop called IoX Launcher, use that to start the admin console in the future. The first run does two things 1)install desktop icon, 2)start admin console. Mac it might be the same launcher (use link above), (some users have no issue, other users can never make Launcher work on Mac)... if launcher doesn't work for you... download admin.jnlp from the ISY... https://IP.Addr.of.isy/admin.jnlp and move it to your desktop. (Anytime ISY is upgraded that file must be replaced after firmware upgrade.) Launcher should get the correct admin console each time it's opened from a cloud source.
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