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Everything posted by nwchicago

  1. You have great questions: 1. Schlage locks have a more or less limited co figuration on auto-lock functionality. My door frames and I could only stand so many door slams and gouges while the deadbolt was extended. Schlage could not tell if it was closed before extending the deadbolt. 2. You can write a Zwave program to check if the door is closed first using an extra sensor. 3. Fundamentally I trust Schlage as a lock much lire than Kwik set etc. But I’m unhappy with that aspect of the automation. 4. Simplisafe checks for this but is not really programmable and I do know of it’s integrate able with isy. 5. You do not need to activate the aeotec siren. It just sits there. The more perm plugged in devices you have the better a mesh network. I tried several Zwave repeaters and they all failed. 6. Also for your locks you’ll want devices that can be configured with encrypted Zwave as repeaters. That’s what I did with the aeotec sirens. I was pleasantly surprised to see the fortrezza garage door controllers strengthening my network. 7. I’m not sure if you can get encrypted support on Zwave light switches but that could work. Just hard to validate. 8. Most people that have invested in Zwave really like it. I always felt it was more fragile than Insteon.
  2. Bill, I had a similar configuration (less the shade control) with 6 Schlage zwave locks and Zwave garage door control via Fortrezza io product. I basically had to install quite a few Zwave alarms by Aotec as repeaters across my house. Maybe 8-10 of them to build a good enough mesh. Even the. I had issues with some door lock communications. The Aotec repeaters and all other Zwave repeaters never worked worth a damn. Only the sirens worked. Also, adding a new Zwave device in secure mode can be a bit tricky. Invest in a short extension cord and add all devices near your isy securely before deploying them. I trust Schlage locks but I found their Zwave functionality to be less tha I really wanted. Also, I found I needed to add hidden door open close sensors - there’s always a problem with doors being slammed closed while the bolt is deployed. You don’t want that. I actually like the simplisafe lock implementation a lot better. You give up some control but the automated and default settings are a lot better. ihad about 200 sensors and devices. Most Insteon. On the whole very reliable.
  3. Thank you! Can’t wait to start reading!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Michel, Are there any new Geofencing options for iOS? Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Albrandwood, my question regarding unlocking the doors from your car would be whether the communications from your device to your ISY is encrypted. I don't think the Insteon mini-remote is encrypted. Perhaps a z-wave button (or multi-button) can be added as encrypted? Good luck. Chicago
  6. nwchicago

    Help Needed

    Awesome!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. nwchicago

    ISY on a UPS

    Thanks so much for sharing Teken! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. nwchicago

    Help Needed

    Larry, how are you applying the pepper concoctions? Are you saturating the area the raccoon likes to sleep or actually spraying the raccoon? I have seen some Motion controlled spray cans (water) designed to train cats to not to cross certain borders. Seems like we are approaching the idea of a motion controlled and aimed pest deferent. Kind a cool. Somehow it feels like an arduino project. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. nwchicago

    Help Needed

    We have coyote eating cats and small dogs in chicago! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. nwchicago

    ISY on a UPS

    I really like Teken's suggestion to refill all devices after power loss. Yemen, could you share the script? How do you discover power loss occurred vs some other error? Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. If you move forward with mobile link, you should look at your different captions. I bought but don't really use the orchestrated version. You could probably use the next routine down Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I use Symantec wifi VPN. II works on wifi or cellular Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I can add it and think it is securely added, but I haven't had time to dive into it yet. Sorry. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Is this the same Kumo cloud provided with the kumo tags? The kumo tag cloud supports ifttt and other integrations. Maybe it's worth checking if they are the same product. Best of luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Mike, can you send us a screen shot of what Tasker looks like? Thanks.
  16. Mike, First, a very big thank you for all of your super awesome guidance and patient answering of my questions! You are the incredible! Second, a quick update - a few months ago I purchased the Yubikeys and began slowly implementing a migration across email accounts, password managers, and anything else I can yubikey. In general, I've aggressively pursued 2FA as well finding the lastpass authenticator, google authenticator, etc... also helpful. I created a new gmail account for notification and implemented 2FA using Yubikey and google authenticator. I created an application specific password to enable ISY access to the gmail account and it worked perfectly - oddly I did not have to select the gmail option to "use a less secure authentication" method. Google seemed comfortable with their app specific password. One thing I'v recently seen is that my Yubikey 4 and Yubikey nano are becoming less responsive and may have even stopped working. I'm going to follow up with Yubikey on this but it is inconvenient. I'm glad I have alternate 2FA backup means.
  17. I tried synchronizing the nodes on my ISY 994i ZW hoping that it would clear out any ghost links from experiments in the past. I experienced the following: a. Two of my Aoen Labs appliance on/off switches were moved out of the Kitchen folder into the ISY folder. b. My newly added Aeon Labs siren which had moments earlier been added was now listed as an "uninitialized device" I easily moved the on/off plugs back into the kitchen folder - no problem. I decided to add and remove the siren. Any idea why synchronizing (full) would lose the device configuration? Thanks. Chicago
  18. I purchased the Aeon Siren and added it to my small zwave network - my network is mostly Insteon. My ISY 994i zw recognizes it as a Siren, but the only modifications allowed are on/off via the dialogue. Yet the documentation specifically mentions 6 different tones and adjustable volume controls. Additional programming documentation indicates an extensive API for query and manipulation - even to understand battery status - i love the 3 hour backup battery.. Questions: a. Does anyone know how to program or modify the more detailed siren behaviors using my ISY admin console? b. Does anyone know how to securely add it as a zwave device? secure add typically requires a short 2-3 foot distance as used for locks. documentation says it supports 128bit encryption to / from gateway. The link below indicates the specific parameters that should be adjusted - but how to communicate with it to make the adjustment? https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000120761-changing-sound-and-volume-of-siren-gen5-parameter-37- Thanks. Chicago PS Here's the documentation link https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/helpdesk/attachments/6009584694 PPS Here's the info sheet on changing volume:
  19. Me too - but my defective devices were switches. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Today has been a busy day with business and homework. Not as much time for the fun stuff. I did however try testing the thermostats with mobilink while remote and even though I use UD'd portal it seemed to allow me to change the set point. Was I imagining things? I also had a chance to work in the outside light scenes and include some floods. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. What about an occupancy sensor switch for $23? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Otherwise couldn't a program be written to count down when a keypad link activates your fan? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Sounds cool - where would we find Adam's series? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Wow I love this topic. I've been working on my basic home automation since December. For me, that's been putting in Insteon dimmer switches across my house with a few select insteon single switch keypads to control all devices in a given room for the less technical. Yesterday (Sunday) I knocked out all of the outside lights and fixed some internal hallway lights. I have a few bathroom lights I would like to get to next for convenience, but am pretty much done. I also installed Insteon thermostats and the Venstar add-a-wire kit. Went well. Finally I put the garage lights in Insteon switches as well. Now with almost all of my lights on insteon switches I have to: A. Wrap up the final bathroom switches. B. Make sure all switches are in my ISY. C. add switches to a few existing scenes - I have a night time scene that turns most of the outdoor lights on D. Physically convert any remaining incandescent lights to LED - some of my outdoor lights are incandescent candles or Flourescents. E. Figure out what to do with the thermostats - right now they are set at heat for 72 - figure I can do better. F. Do something interesting with all of these lights on-line / better scenes maybe scensor enable them? G. Put in the garage controller H. Add video Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Is there a way to have a custom list of devices or scenes to rapidly assess status? I do like how it supports lock and sensor status. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Thanks! I have bought mobilink. I am already using the UD portal service. It seems like many of the more interesting mobilink capabilities like geofencing and remote access do not work over the UD portal which is frustrating. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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