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Everything posted by glacier991

  1. Good point. It is the corner of a planned island, which should make it more future proof.
  2. You have stayed my situation precisely. Since I am designing and installing semi custom cabinetry, I have the luxury to adjusting and or building to match what I want or need. I like the idea of louvres. Cost? $400 vs upwards of $1500 for my approach. I have more time and talent than money these days, so.... Thanks for your insightful reply. I really appreciate it... Now, for those 10 minutes...?
  3. Thanks all. A couple of notes. The wine cooler has no fans. These are fans I am adding, outside the refrigerator. They consume 7 watts each. This refrigerator has the condenser coils, fanless, located in the sides of the unit. My monitoring is real time. I am gratified to know there is nothing clearly wrong in my little programs. I will next try and determine the source for the off command. Thanks everyone!
  4. It is already 10 minutes and the fans shut off when the compressor shuts off. Not sure I under how lengthening the wait time will help?
  5. I agree that CAO is likely your best bet. It can notify you via text if something is wrong. ISY integration can be had but from what you describe, the tag and a tag controller will let you not only be notified when your pre set alarm points are exceeded, but can also enable you to log in via the web and check temps anytime as well. Word of advice, CAO now makes a mini zip lock bag for their tag for moisture protection. Like in a fridge. They cost like 10 cents. Make sure you add one for your tag if you go that route.
  6. I don't want to hack the refrigerator. The system works just fine to operate the fans in synch with the compressor running now. That is not the problem. Getting the fans to run for an additional 10 minutes after the compressor shuts off is the problem presented.
  7. Here is the program that turns the fans ON when the refrigerator comes on: Program Content for Wine Fridge Fans ON IF 'Power Plug Energy Meter' current current => .50 AMP THEN Set 'Wine Refrigerator Fans" - ON Wait 30 seconds Send X10 'O1/ON (3)' ELSE - No Actions - This is the program to turn the fans off: Program Content for Wine Fridge Fans OFF IF 'Power Plug Energy Meter' current current is <= .30 AMP THEN Wait 10 minutes Turn Wine Fridge Fans OFF ELSE - No Actions - In case anyone asks, the double "ON" commands for fan turn on is a holdover from my X10 days. I found it to be a good practice to double on and off commands to overcome line collision issues and insure more reliable operation. As I was using an X10 device, I followed that for the ON command... I initially omitted it on the off command, as I was in a hurry and just trying to see if the whole idea here worked ( of course it did not).
  8. No. One program that turns it on as a then command, based on the current draw. I initially had an else command that did that, until I got my idea for an extended run and removed that else command. I then created my 2nd program to turn it off based of an If condition of the Power level dropping below by lower "off" threshold. Could there be some ghost residual of earlier else command that lurking about?
  9. Well I scrounged around and came up a NEO Coolcam Power Plug in my toybox. I plugged the little wine fridge into it, and discovered that on startup it ran at .88 amps. Then after a short while it drops into a lower power mode that draws only .53 amps. When "off" there is a small parasitic draw of .03 amps. So far so good. I was able to come up with an old X-10 appliance module, and set up a program that whenever the Power Plug sees over .4 amp, it triggers the appliance module, into which I plug the fan (s). Works great. Then I decided I would like to have the fans run for some short period of time AFTER the refrigerator has shut off - say 5 to 10 minutes. I am having difficulty programming this. I wrote an "Off" program where the If statement is power plug current is less than .3amp, Then wait 10 minutes, and then turn off fans. The actual fans however turn off as soon as the fridge does. Anyone see my mistake here or have a way to accomplish my goal ? Thanks. Chris
  10. Perfect. Sounds like I have my solution. Appreciate the assistance. Chris
  11. Is the Aeotec smart switch able to be used in a program using the amount of current draw as a trigger? In other words I want to ignore parasitic or other small draws and just trigger off the kind of larger draw that the compressor would create. BTW thanks for your response. You are always very kind and helpful! Chris
  12. I recently purchased a wine refrigerator. I did a lot of homework and discovered that by in large the customer satisfaction for most all of these was very low, almost across the board. Common failure? Usually early death of the unit. I finally purchased one, but came to the conclusion that a lot of failures were likely related to failure to allow adequate venting for a built in application. I am planning to build mine into a kitchen island and thought I might be able to improve my odds with some supplemental air cooling. What I would like to do is to have my auxiliary fan(s) come on whenever the refrigerator compressor is running. I realize I could probably hack into the refrigerator itself, but would prefer to avoid that. Is there some easy way to trigger the fan using a Z wave device to signal ISY when it senses the refrigerator is using energy (e.g. The compressor running, not some smaller draw for lighting etc)? Thanks for any ideas guys. Chris
  13. I should clarify. Alexa has a skill for wireless tag. Though via wireless tag skill the sensors do not show up on Alexa as devices, you can ask Alexa, " Ask wireless the temperature in the hot tub" and she will reply " The hot tub temperature is 103 degrees". Using Polyglot, ISY can incorporate sensors, and hence via the portal they can be disclosed to Alexa who sees them as "devices"(!). The downside is that Alexa does not have a device category for "temperature sensors" and you end up calling them something else, like a contact sensor etc, resulting in kind of stupid voice queries for values. Maybe that will get fixed along the way. Chris
  14. I should add that with wireless tags and polyglot you can get Alexa (and I assume GH) to report temperatures directly I have an outdoor probe with an extended sensor into my hot tub, when I ask Alexa what the temperature is in the hot tub, I get a reply telling me the hot tub temperature.
  15. More than once I have pondered the exact notion you mention..making ISY or Alexa are a device as something you choose. E.g. A thermostat. Curious if some others may have cleverly managed this.
  16. Just as a Z wave enabled "hub" for 6 DS18b20 temp sensors opens up a lot of Interesting possibilities!
  17. Thanks for this. I wish there was a way to only allow the routine to run during specified Windows of time, like during the night.
  18. I too am having trouble with my portal not working. I have rebooted ISY but without any success.
  19. Google both and that will give you a starting point.I have some Wireless Sensor Tag water sensors. and they *can* be integrated into ISY, but easier if you can find a Z-Wave version as they do not natively communicate.
  20. A wireless moisture sensor and a 1/4 turn in line valve actuator in some combination with ISY programming pop into my head ....if I was starting this project.
  21. I am sure that may possibly explain it, or Amazon may choose folks like me out in the hinterlands (Montana) as "beta" testers, without explainnig what they are doing.
  22. I just sold a house that was HA using X-10 mainly. I removed all of the switches and in line controllers, motion sensors and door/window sensors prior to close. (I can relate to the "I have a box full of.." comments on here from time to time). I also rented the house during winters (it was in ski country) and I too had people thinking motion sensors were cameras. One renter went to far as to cover anything anyone could remotely think might be surreptious, and he/she left their coverings there (including gum in a screw hole on a small x-10 motion sensor) I think to a large degree we HA afficiandos are a small lot, and while folks love the "gee whiz", don't want it for themselves.That may be s l o w l y changing.
  23. When I check the "settings" page, it says the client version is 1.24.200584.0. Under "voice responses" is simply gives an option to turn on or off a "Brief Mode" which it explains "In this mode, Alexa speaks less, and for some simple messages plays a short sound instead of a voice response." If I turn this off, the old Alexa "Okay" reappears once she caries out the response. I am finding thatt his may be a mixed blessing to turn "Brief Mode" on. In the past, when an Alexa response returned: "I have several devices with that name, which one do you want?" it was often helpful to correct a less than perfect call out of a device name to be controlled, contrasted with a response that is merely replaced by a different "short sound". (Not a raspberry, but different than the one indicating success - call it a friendly, socially correct raspberry maybe - in fact at first I didn't realize it was not the same "short sound" of success.
  24. I received a notice to upgrade the Alexa App, and in fact did so. The changes I have seen thus far are interesting. Whereas before, whenever you asked Alexa to turn on a light, for example, she would reply by saying "okay". Silly, but it got a little annoying. My wife and I would parody that on occasion. Now, unless you set a preference for that, what you get when the command is implemented in a short chime like noise.Less annoying. The screen setup now makes the Alexa app a hand held controller in your mobile device. controlling ISY devices from the device.... VERY NICE.
  25. Nevermind, on mobile device and missed the screenshot. Sorry. And Thanks! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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