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Everything posted by ewind

  1. I ordered and received the product and Amazon shipped me an SA520 again! When I link to smok ebridge, smoke bridge goes red and never returns to green!
  2. Thanks @paulbates then I believe I should be checking for status change since the smoke bridge-smoke should typically be off, the status changes to on once the first alert send signal? I'll test both and hopefully the smoke bridge will at least switch to smoke off during an alarm. Not sure why its stuck on.
  3. @paulbates I'm reading your post on control vs. status now
  4. Thanks @paulbates I manually queried several times before factory reset and smoke status still states ON. Im not sure I understand the control vs. status. Whats changes that will trigger my program to execute? Smoke or CO - [ID 0015][Parent 0001] If Control 'Smoke Bridge-Smoke' is switched On Or Control 'Smoke Bridge-Smoke / Smoke Bridge-CO' is switched On Then Send Notification to 'att me' content 'Smoke or CO Alarm' Send Notification to 'Gmail' content 'Smoke or CO Alarm' Repeat Every 2 minutes Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') smoke.bmp
  5. Thank You. I ordered that from Amazon last November and gave up working with it after a while and now noticed it is model Model SA520 ? I am ordering now and hope I receive the correct model.
  6. OK I misread the product description previously and I do have the correct model. I've also successfully paired it with smoke bridge. Unfortunately I have 2 issues. 1- its a battery powered detector but I would like a hardwired model to integrate into my hardwired system. Does one exist? I cannot find on smarthome or inet, although I purchased a hardwired model based on first alerts description but it does not pair with smoke bridge. 2-the smoke bridge-smoke state is in on state, even after factory reset. smoke bridge -co is inf off state. During test smoke state does not change. Will it change to off during true smoke event? Wondering how I alert on state change
  7. I'll give linking a try again. The first few times I tried to link, the smoke bridge went straight to red solid light instead of the pattern in the instructions posted here.
  8. Thanks Paul, thats the first model I tried and never saw any traffic at the smokebridge during linking.
  9. ugggggggg. does compatibility list exist? this is my 3rd try ?
  10. I have the Onelink smart smoke and CO model 1042136 and am having no luck pairing to smokebridge. The smokebridge never sees any traffic in test mode. Any help appreciated. Smokebridge is setup in ISY994
  11. Thank You @paulbates that is clearly the logical solution I was not seeing Yes I believe I'll have room in the boxes in the ceilings that the fixtures hang from. Thanks again
  12. Due to space constraint electrician installed the 2 switches depicted in attached photo. Is anyone aware of another solution to remote control these using an Insteon compatible remote button? I could use 2 of Insteon's toggle remotes, or one of their scene mini remotes elsewhere in the space, but I need to insert something into these switches which control 2 sets of on/off lights, both with multiple fixtures inline. 2 Insteon micro modules won't fit inside box.
  13. Can I have one program take precedence over others? If I have several weekday and weekend programs controlling 3 Insteon Thermostats, rather than editing these programs when I want to override them, can I have another program override? Somewhat of a vacation mode, where the normal weekday and weekend programs calling for temperature and fan settings are ignored, in favor of a programs during certain dates or the next 7 days, set thermostat to one temp, then quit and end of time period? Am I making any sense during my morning snow storm need more caffeine tired of winter moment? I want to override the actions in the several programs below and set Main Thermo to 60 degrees for 5 days. =================================================================================== Thermo Heat - [ID 0004][Parent 0001] Folder Conditions for 'Thermo Heat' If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thermo 60 - [ID 0003][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is 60° (Temperature) Or Status 'Basement Thermo' is 60° (Temperature) Then Send Notification to 'Gmail' Resource 'Pushover Temp' Repeat Every 10 minutes Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Main Thermo 60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekday Heat 10PM - [ID 0008][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu Time is 10:00:00PM Then Set 'Main Thermo' 69° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' 69° (Heat Setpoint) Wait 5 seconds Set 'Basement Thermo' Fan On Set 'Main Thermo' Fan On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekday Heat 3PM - [ID 0022][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Time is 3:00:00PM Then Set 'Main Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekday Heat 4AM - [ID 001F][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Time is 4:00:00AM Then Set 'Basement Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Main Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Wait 10 seconds Set 'Basement Thermo' Fan Auto Set 'Main Thermo' Fan Auto Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekday Heat 9AM - [ID 0021][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Time is 9:00:00AM Then Set 'Main Thermo' 69° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' 70° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Main Thermo' Fan Auto Set 'Basement Thermo' Fan Auto Set 'Bonus Thermo - Main' 62° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekend Heat 10PM - [ID 0009][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Sat, Fri Time is 10:00:00PM Then Set 'Main Thermo' 69° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' 69° (Heat Setpoint) Wait 5 seconds Set 'Main Thermo' Fan On Set 'Basement Thermo' Fan On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekend Heat 4PM - [ID 001E][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Sat, Sun Time is 4:00:00PM Then Set 'Main Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekend Heat 6AM - [ID 001D][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Sat, Sun Time is 6:00:00AM Then Set 'Main Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' 72° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' Fan Auto Set 'Main Thermo' Fan Auto Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekend Heat 9AM - [ID 0020][Parent 0004] If Status 'Main Thermo' is Mode Heat And On Sat, Sun Time is 9:00:00AM Then Set 'Main Thermo' 70° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Basement Thermo' 70° (Heat Setpoint) Set 'Main Thermo' Fan Auto Set 'Basement Thermo' Fan Auto Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop Thermo On - [ID 0002][Parent 0004] If Status 'Workshop' is Calling for Heat Then Send Notification to 'Gmail' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. @bumbershoot yes I understand the smokebridge will not send or trigger onelink, I am looking for an alternative method. I'd prefer to use the smoke alarm system already in place for the audible effect if its possible rather than buying more devices to manage.
  15. @paulbates I should have provided the detail that I have all first alert interlinked smoke and co alarms throughout my property. I plan to introduce 2 First Alert onelink detectors to send signals to smoke bridge. @teken my goal is to be able to trigger the smoke alarms and use them as an audible deterrent when away.
  16. I read all of the smoke alarm and smoke bridge threads my brain can handle and I understand smoke bridge's ability to receive RF from RF capable smoke detector. I am still left wondering if it is possible to trigger the First Alert interconnected smoke alarms via ISY and other Insteon device using either the interconnect wire or a single wireless capable detector interconnected with the rest?
  17. Thanks for confirming its possible the powerline signal could possibly trigger the first alert closest inline. 2466 was not in use, but at the time the smoke alarm was triggered (~10:07 PM 1/19/2018) the Isy log shows the following which appears to be a reboot?? The gap in time between 8:53 and 10:17 is odd since there would typically be a few activities checking thermostats, lights getting triggered etc....But at 10:17 my kids shut main power on panel to see if it would get alarms to stop. It of course did not so they turned back on which would have reset all devices. Another oddity was that my main Insteon Thermostat was not responding regularly to ISY and status in Web UI was in odd state. Unfortunately this all happened while I was away. I cold booted ISY and PLM on 1/21 probably around the time the last error event occurred. I am asking the electrician to reconsider moving the tap to main power adding a bit of labor to his project. The LLG Coach error has been there since installing that switch. Its my 2nd switch in same receptacle and still have ongoing issue communicating with it. I still havent solved that since every other device in the system are communicating, across both sides of my main panel. I need to try moving the PLM one more time to see if it changes behavior. Basement Thermo Humidity 38% Fri 2018/01/19 08:32:13 PM System Log Main Thermo / Main Warm Status Off Fri 2018/01/19 08:45:06 PM System Log Main Thermo Heat/Cool State Off Fri 2018/01/19 08:45:06 PM System Log Basement Undercabinet Lights Status 100% Fri 2018/01/19 08:49:30 PM System Log Driveway-Opened Status 0% Fri 2018/01/19 08:53:22 PM System Log Front Door Light On Fri 2018/01/19 08:53:22 PM Program Log 0 null Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:02 PM System Start Basement Thermo / Basement Warm Status On Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:06 PM System Log Basement Thermo Heat/Cool State Heat On Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:06 PM System Log Scene:ISY Status Query Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:06 PM System Log South Beam Status 100% Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:07 PM System Log Sunroom Lamp Dimmer Status 0% Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:07 PM System Log Sunroom Lamp Dimmer On Level 100% Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:07 PM System Log Sunroom Lamp Dimmer Ramp Rate 0.5 Sec Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:07 PM System Log Bonus Fridge Status 0% Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:08 PM System Log Basement Lamp Status 0% Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:08 PM System Log North Beam Status 100% Fri 2018/01/19 10:17:09 PM System Log LLG Coach Error 0 Mon 2018/01/15 04:39:54 PM System Log LLG Coach Error 1 Mon 2018/01/15 04:40:06 PM System Log LLG Coach Error 0 Mon 2018/01/15 04:41:31 PM System Log LLG Coach Error 1 Mon 2018/01/15 04:42:41 PM System Log LLG Coach Error 0 Mon 2018/01/15 05:13:32 PM System Log LLG Coach Error 1 Tue 2018/01/16 06:10:43 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Thu 2018/01/18 03:29:23 PM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Thu 2018/01/18 04:59:24 PM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Fri 2018/01/19 04:30:22 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Fri 2018/01/19 04:49:13 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Fri 2018/01/19 07:30:22 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Fri 2018/01/19 07:30:26 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Fri 2018/01/19 03:29:22 PM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Fri 2018/01/19 04:45:55 PM System Log LLG Coach Error 1 Fri 2018/01/19 10:18:12 PM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Sat 2018/01/20 11:24:27 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Sat 2018/01/20 11:31:57 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Sat 2018/01/20 11:32:39 AM System Log LLG Coach Error 1 Sat 2018/01/20 11:34:24 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Sat 2018/01/20 11:35:17 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Sat 2018/01/20 11:47:07 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Sat 2018/01/20 04:44:38 PM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Sat 2018/01/20 04:49:37 PM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Sun 2018/01/21 09:00:22 AM System Log LLG Coach Error 1 Sun 2018/01/21 11:05:53 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 1 Sun 2018/01/21 11:06:20 AM System Log Main Thermo Error 0 Sun 2018/01/21 11:06:33 AM System Log
  18. A licensed electrician could not access main power wiring easily so he tapped into smoke detector 110v wires. He stated it meets code. i had him use a 2466s switch. Its been working perfect for 2 months. Then for unknown reason the nearest Life Alert smoke / CO detector went off. There was absolutely no smoke or CO to be detected. Could the 2466s cause some sort of trigger? 1.5 year old new construction wiring and detectors and newly purchased 2466s.
  19. Dangit!! Thanks. I had no idea that module was there.
  20. Thanks, I bought the 994i new with PLM "ISY994i Home Automation Controller with Dual-Band PLM", I wasnt aware of a pro model. Is it a software update or different hardware entirely? Searching now.
  21. Odd that it appears the feature "Automatic Writes to battery powered devices" is enabled for isy 99i but not 994i ?? Is see a program I can create for the 994i but Im not sure where to find the action or function "write updates" in this following example code.... Write Updates - [ID 00DB][Parent 00BE] If 'Door Sensors / Upstairs Bathroom / Upstairs BR - Door Sensor' is switched On Then Wait 2 seconds Set 'Door Sensors / Upstairs Bathroom / Upstairs BR - Door Sensor' Write Device Updates Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  22. Ah thanks for that, I'll look for those instructions. I did not glean that detail about battery powered devices needing to be awake to write to them. That may be my entire problem. driveway-opened is a 2421 triggerlonc open close sensor and is battery powered. It is activated by a dakota dcr2500 and works great. The issue has been the ISY reliably taking that signal and executing the programs. The other 2 motion sensors have exhibited similar reliability issues which may be explained by outdated program steps being written to them??
  23. Thanks Michel. I will try to locate another circuit for the PLM. I have written updates to device driveway-opened, no errors, icon stays the same.My upper and lower motion sensor devices also stay in that same icon state. Also I wonder if my upper and lower motion programs, which are triggered by the motion sensors, and call the same coach lites, are in conflcit with the driveway sunset trigger program. The two motion sensors do not reliably execute either and I have not found a pattern. Is there any logs I'm not aware of?
  24. Additional attachment showing the devices status view. Some of the icons are suspect like driveway opened and lower motion sensor, yet as of right now all are working normal.
  25. The driveway sensor did just execute successfully as I had the admin console open the lower garage coach lite had a communication error with red exclamation, but I was able to query status, turn off and back on without issue.
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