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Everything posted by ewind

  1. Thanks Michel. Your support is much appreciated. I've attached an export of all programs and a screen sot of the programs status page. Driveway sunset trigger calls both the upper motion and lower motion coach lites programs. each program has a couple steps each. The trigger device is a 2421 open close device hanging off a dakota alert unit. The dakota alert alarms every time without fail. Every now and then I get the cannot communicate with lower garage coach lite or lower coach lites devices. Not sure whats causing that. Does that make the rest of the program error? In addition the lower motion sensor program and upper motion senor programs do trigger some of the same devices but never at the exact same time, but possibly within the same time window. Hopefully this all makes sense. It makes logical sense to me but I'm probably not understanding the programmatic steps clearly. My Programs.v4.6.2__Sun 2017.12.03 04.39.50 PM.isy
  2. Yes that's true and by design. I have an Insteon TriggerLinc that once state changes should run both of the programs, but only within the time constaint. And btw the program just ran successfully.
  3. sorry the 2nd program didn't make it to clipboard, Here it is. Upper Motion Coach Lites Copy - [iD 001C][Parent 000B] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Front Door Light' On Set 'Upper Coach Lites' On Wait 9 seconds Set 'Sunroom Lamp Dimmer' On Wait 1 minute and 4 seconds Set 'Sunroom Lamp Dimmer' Off Wait 10 seconds Set 'Upper Coach Lites' Off Wait 7 seconds Set 'Front Door Light' Off Else Set 'Sunroom Lamp Dimmer' Off Set 'Upper Coach Lites' Off Set 'Front Door Light' Off
  4. Thanks Michel, you're always helpful and if I understand your role it's pretty awesome. Here's one program that has been intermittent. Driveway Coach Lites Sunset Trigger - [iD 000D][Parent 0007] If Status 'Driveway-Opened' is not On And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Run Program 'Lower Motion Coach Lites' (Then Path) Run Program 'Upper Motion Coach Lites' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The above program calls the following: Lower Motion Coach Lites - [iD 000F][Parent 000B] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' On Set 'Lower Coaches' On Wait 1 minute and 7 seconds Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off Set 'Lower Coaches' Off Else Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off Set 'Lower Coaches' Off and this one Lower Motion Coach Lites - [iD 000F][Parent 000B] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' On Set 'Lower Coaches' On Wait 1 minute and 7 seconds Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off Set 'Lower Coaches' Off Else Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off Set 'Lower Coaches' Off I also have a similar Insteon motion sensor program that is intermittent. Im using all Insteon devices and have eliminated the Insteon Hub several weeks ago. Trying to go pure ISY.
  5. I have a series of simple programs and wondering if there's a way to debug them to identify if they are overlapping or timing out or other issue. They run sometimes but not others. I have modified the then and if and created programs to trigger other programs rather than having all steps within a single program.
  6. Ah OK thank you. I will create 2nd program that executes all of the steps once triggered.
  7. Thanks. The driveway-opened event is a trigger to start Then steps. Im not sure what you mean it changes status. The driveway-open is a 2 seond event generated from an Insteon open / close sensor if I am understanding the log correctly... Driveway-Opened Status 0% Mon 2017/07/31 08:27:47 AM System Log Driveway-Opened Status 100% Mon 2017/07/31 08:27:49 AM System Log Driveway-Opened Status 0% Mon 2017/07/31 08:27:47 AM System Log Driveway-Opened Status 100% Mon 2017/07/31 08:27:49 AM System Log
  8. Trying the program this way and will wait for sunset to test 2-Driveway coach lights night - [iD 000C][Parent 0007] If Status 'Driveway-Opened' is not On And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Lower Coach Lites' On Wait 10 seconds Set 'Upper Coach Lites' On Wait 5 seconds Set 'Sunroom Lamp Dimmer' On Wait 4 minutes Set 'Upper Coach Lites' Off Set 'Lower Coach Lites' Off Wait 17 seconds Set 'Sunroom Lamp Dimmer' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. The program below runs manually every time. When the program is triggered the Coach Lites On Night executes, and the Set Sunroom Lamp Dimmer On executes but the next step after wait 4 minutes does not. Any ideas? I am trying putting all steps in one program rather than calling the other 2 programs but not sure why it works when running it manually from console. Driveway coach lights night - [iD 0009][Parent 0007] If Status 'Driveway-Opened' is not On And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Run Program 'Coach Lites On Night' (Then Path) Wait 37 seconds Set 'Sunroom Lamp Dimmer' On Wait 4 minutes Run Program 'Coach Lites Off Night' (Then Path) Wait 17 seconds Set 'Sunroom Lamp Dimmer' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  10. I do not have the DCR-2500. Wouldn't triggering the 2450 require running low voltage wires? I was hoping to receive the RF from the BBT-2500 via wireless to RF device near or in house. The EZSNSRF comments make it sound unreliable so Im hoping someone knows of a more reliable method to do the same thing.
  11. I have had alot of false alarms using the Insteon motion sensors outdoors. It was stated the SMARTENIT EZSNSRF may be unreliable option for getting RF from Dakota BBT-2500 driveway solar alert transmitters into the Insteon network. Maybe I'm missing a piece. Are there suggestions to do this or other reliable ways to monitor vehicle or foot traffic, and get the alert to the ISY to take advantage of the triggers and messaging capabilities? Wired s an option but I have ~600 feet from motion point to house so I'd prefer wireless.
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