Thanks Michel, you're always helpful and if I understand your role it's pretty awesome. Here's one program that has been intermittent.
Driveway Coach Lites Sunset Trigger - [iD 000D][Parent 0007]
Status 'Driveway-Opened' is not On
And From Sunset
To Sunrise (next day)
Run Program 'Lower Motion Coach Lites' (Then Path)
Run Program 'Upper Motion Coach Lites' (Then Path)
- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
The above program calls the following:
Lower Motion Coach Lites - [iD 000F][Parent 000B]
- No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' On
Set 'Lower Coaches' On
Wait 1 minute and 7 seconds
Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off
Set 'Lower Coaches' Off
Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off
Set 'Lower Coaches' Off
and this one
Lower Motion Coach Lites - [iD 000F][Parent 000B]
- No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' On
Set 'Lower Coaches' On
Wait 1 minute and 7 seconds
Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off
Set 'Lower Coaches' Off
Set 'Lower Garage Coach Lite' Off
Set 'Lower Coaches' Off
I also have a similar Insteon motion sensor program that is intermittent. Im using all Insteon devices and have eliminated the Insteon Hub several weeks ago. Trying to go pure ISY.