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Mark Sanctuary

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Everything posted by Mark Sanctuary

  1. I upgraded without issues. It was smooth. The UDI phone app kept sending notifications about the progress. INSTEON working fine. I don't have any Zigbee or Z-Wave devices. Looking forward to the upcoming plugin mentioned in the release notes that will enable homekit.
  2. This release just dropped today (2/10/24). Who's installed it so far?
  3. @Michel Kohanim Looks like the code examples for matter.js have been updated. There are both old and new API examples. https://github.com/project-chip/matter.js/tree/main/packages/matter-node.js-examples/src/examples Have you made any progress tying any of it into the ISY code?
  4. @Michel Kohanim Looks like matter.js 0.9.0 (2024-05-14) is yet another big list of changes! And they introduced a new API not that long ago. So does one develop now in hopes its finally stable.?.?.? sheesh
  5. Thanks Michael! Can't build a house if the foundation is not ready. Just digging around the GitHub for Matter stuff. I think (just a guess and could be wrong) Michael and team is using matter.js implementation. Looking over the ChangeLog they have indeed done a bunch of work recently. https://github.com/project-chip/matter.js/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md https://github.com/project-chip/matter.js
  6. @Michel Kohanim, You mentioned the Matter support might require a boarder router. I think that works for many since a lot of us that use HomeKit have Apple TVs, HomePods. And if not Apple I am sure they have SmartThings or something else like it. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help support this development.
  7. Initiated update, rebooted when prompted, cleared Java cache, logged back in. Updated Polisy without issues.
  8. @Michel Kohanim mentioned Matter a bit a go. I think Matter support is coming from UDI shortly...
  9. Always good news when the UDI team has a new development "very close" to ready. Looking forward to seeing the new HomeKit support.
  10. I did the update and it finished. Rebooted when the popup said it needed a Reboot. Programs seemed to be OK without any changes.
  11. I had issues with being stuck on PG3 v3.1.23_1. After many attempts with [Upgrade Packages] and rebooting several times, I did some reading around the forums and finally realized I had not done the PG3 to PG3x upgrade. I found the Upgrade to PG3x process in the UDI Wiki. Followed the steps and after two tries, cleared Java and browser caches, etc. I finally got my Polisy updated to PG3x. One final try to upgrade to PG3x v3.2.2 with clicking the [Upgrade Packages] and rebooting it worked.
  12. Finally got a chance to setup a javascript run time calculator for the new module. Check it out and let me know what you think... ISY Irrigation Run Time Calculator Thanks,
  13. Good catch IM! Thanks Michel!
  14. Michel, I was wondering if we might be able to add one small tweak by adding "Water Applied per Irrigation Cycle" to the wording of the irrigation cycle complete command? Irrigation - Cycle Complete (subtract 0.5) This way there is a double check of if the users if statement matches what the module is going to subtract. Thanks, Mark
  15. Oh wow that's a funny boo boo, especially after how much work and discussion it took to get to this point. I have fixed the incorrect name. Thanks!
  16. Everyone, I have been working on getting a basic set of wiki pages done for this module. I am running out of steam tonight so I will continue later. Please review them and let me know what I can improve. Much of it is just stuff I have copied over from this thread and trimmed and reworked a bit. Wiki page: Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Wiki page: Using the WeatherBug Irrigation Module Please note: the Wiki server is slow today so it may take a bit to load. Thanks,
  17. No problem, I will add it. The wiki server seems to be really slow right now so I will try a bit later.
  18. Everyone, I am going to recap on the module initialization process for future users. If you have installed the Irrigation module and your Irrigation_Requirement equals zero, then create this temporary program below. After creating it right click on the program in the folder tree and select "Run Then" to reset the module. Finally go over and check again Irrigation_requirement and you will see a number. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Irrigation - Reset Variables Once you have done this initialization process you can delete the temporary program. Thanks,
  19. I did the first clock change tests you suggested and it is still zero. I even went out several days and still zero. Then built a program and manually triggered the "Irrigation Reset Variables" command and now I have a number in Irrigation_Requirement. The strange thing is since I installed the firmware I have not triggered "Irrigation Cycle Complete" so I don't know why Irrigation_Requirement would have been negative. Is this initialization process something that every user will have to do the first time this module is installed? Also why would there be any negative number affecting Irrigation_Requirement? It's suppose to bottom out at zero and never go lower. Is the code behind the GUI actually storing negative numbers for Irrigation_Requirement?
  20. There might be some nuance in the algorithm that does not stand out as a problem. Michel, Is the timing of the copy to Irrigation_Requriement happening before or after the other vars are being cleared?
  21. I removed the test programs so for me no I am not triggering a Cycle Complete command. When I did the firmware install I just let the ISY reboot. Do you think a power cycle might help instead?
  22. Irrigation Region: Interior Plains Absorption: 67% Water Applied: 0.5 Allowable Depletion: 0.335 Location ID: CTRSH (Orangevale, CA)
  23. I checked Irrigation_Requirement again this morning and it is still zero.
  24. I disabled both programs to be sure... I will report back tomorrow on what I see.
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