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Everything posted by Athlon

  1. I have a Polisy and three Ecobee's (three zones) - love 'em. The node server for them works great!
  2. Explained in the 1st post here:
  3. Upgraded to 3.1.29 without a hitch. @bpwwer -> The link in the upgrade announcement does not send you to this support thread.
  4. Odd for sure...
  5. Yep - the OP needs to contact his CC company for sure. Something triggered his bank and he should find out what that is ASAP. 95% it's not 'thesmartesthouse.com' at fault here.
  6. Exactly what I had to do. I use Chrome, so I used Edge to confirm it upgraded. Then I went into Chrome's settings and deleted the cache for PG3's website. Fixed it perfectly. The '?' trick did not work for me. (I'm on Windows 11.)
  7. Thank you for this. Helped me greatly converting to PG3x!
  8. Same thing for me. Because I've always used the 'Cloud' option, I thought something was wrong with the update - so I tried the 'LAN' option and it seems fine. The 'Upgrade Packages' button on the Configuration Tab is still clickable - should I? (I'm on 5.6.2) EDIT: I have a Polisy - I did not see any popup windows telling me the process was complete or to reboot.
  9. Update: My Kasa node server has been working perfectly since I started this thread. Before my first post here, I had to restart it a few times a week as described in my first post. (Was doing so for a few months.) Who knows why it's okay now - could it be the real power of this forum? Or do you believe in coincidences...
  10. I agree. I really don't know how often I need to do that. It was simple to program in my router, in the middle of the night, so I chose that frequency. Regardless, I'm wondering why my Kasa devices in ISY programs don't work after a reboot.
  11. @Geddy Yes - they all have a reserved IP address (any Kasa device in an ISY program does), and they have for a long time. I used to use the hex trick to turn Kasa devices on and off before PG3. 😀
  12. I suppose I can play with the frequency of the restarts - maybe once a week or so.
  13. Yes (said so in my first post here). 😀
  14. Just some background info on my router: It's an Asus ZenWiFi AX mesh system with 2 units. They cover my 2 story home and backyard (1 acre property) with ease. IMHO it's a great router. I don't know why I need to reboot it once in a while, but everything I read says it's not a bad idea to do so occasionally anyway. I don't think I need to do it 4 times a week, but that works for me and it happens when we are sleeping. The node server stops working regardless of the interval between router reboots.
  15. Ha! Today is one of the days, so about to PM you.
  16. I have my router programmed to restart 4 days a week. If I don't, about once a week we begin to lose wireless connections around the house and yard. Everything on my network is working flawlessly since I programmed my router to do this about 5 months ago. My router restarts at 4am 4 days a week. On those days, my programs with Kasa devices in them do not work until I go into PG3 and restart the node server. All of those devices work as they should, however, with the Kasa app as well as with Alexa - so they are connected to my network just fine. When this occurs, I go log into PG3 and restart the Kasa nose server and suddenly all is well. My Polisy and any Kasa devices I have in ISY programs are all set up in my router's manually assigned IP table (always have been). Here is an example of one of the programs that stops working: Office Heater On - [ID 001B][Parent 0001] If 'Office Remote - C' is switched On Then Set 'Kasa Controller / Heater' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Is there anything I can do to keep this from happening?
  17. One of the variables is your phone, of course. I've been using Alexa for a couple of years now. It would miss me entering the 'zone' about 10% of the time with my Pixel 3a. Since I upgraded a few months ago to a Pixel 6 Pro it hasn't missed once. I see it as extremely reliable. I did enlarge the 'circle' around my home a bit from the default. Both my wife and I have always had the same model phones, and we both experienced the same thing with the older and newer Pixels. Anyway - that's been my experience.
  18. The Sensibos control my Mitsubishi Mini Splits. They are heat pumps, so I have the programs set to turn them off if the outside temp falls below 20F. I have 4 indoor units coupled to 2 outdoor compressors. They are reducing my oil consumption considerably.
  19. The other one for Outside: Temperature - Outside Less than 20 - [ID 001A][Parent 0001] If 'WeatherBit Weather' Temperature < 20.0°F Then $Outside_Temp = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  20. The 0's and 1's are just to trigger On or Off. I don't have the house temp at 0 - 🤣 Here's an example of how I'm changing a 'State Variable' (instead of an Integer Variable thanks to @larryllix): Temperature - Outside Greater than 20 - [ID 000F][Parent 0001] If 'WeatherBit Weather' Temperature >= 20.0°F Then $Outside_Temp = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I have six of these, two for upstairs using a sensor in the master bedroom, two for outside using Weatherbit and two for the family room downstairs. The inside sensors are Ecobees.
  21. Thank you for your quick response! Gonna make that change right now 😀.
  22. The reason I don't have the program check the temperatures directly is because the Sensibo controllers beep with every 'on' and 'off' command. The program worked flawlessly when I used temperature from sensors directly, but the beeping every time a temperature inside or outside changed was driving us nuts 🤬. I have a similar program to turn them On, by the way (also not working). Each time a temperature changed, an 'on' or 'off' command was sent to them causing a beep. I even tried to have the program check the state of each Sensibo before sending the command, but it wasn't reliable. The variables are working perfectly, and the program I listed above does as well if I run it manually.
  23. Here's my program: AC Upstairs Off - [ID 001E][Parent 0001] If $Bedroom_Temperature is 0 Or $Outside_Temperature is 0 Then Set 'Jen's Room Sensibo' Off Wait 10 seconds Set 'Guest Room Sensibo' Off Wait 10 seconds Set 'Bedroom Sensibo' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') My issue: When either variable changes to '0', the Sensibos do not turn off. If I right click on the program and chose 'Run (If)' the Sensibos do turn off (if either one is '0'}. My question - why is my Policy not checking to see if those variables are changing?
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