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Everything posted by Athlon

  1. As I said earlier, I am. I'm using a program to do so. On: Foyer Light On - [ID 0031][Parent 0001] If 'Foyer Aux' is switched On Or 'Foyer Light' Status is not Off Then Set 'Foyer Light' Fast On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') That being said, the OP asked if it can be done without having to use an ISY. EDIT: 'Foyer Light' in the 'Then' statement is a Scene with the two devices in the 'If' statement in it.
  2. Maybe these? https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/products/zooz-700-series-z-wave-plus-scene-controller-switch-zen32 I don't own these, by the way. I do own some ZEN77's. I'm using two of them as a virtual 3-way by using IoP.
  3. For everyone with Z-Wave (OTA updates) 😁
  4. I've been using text messages for two things - Roomba battery is at 100% and ready to go again, and a garage door has been open for 30 minutes. Both stopped working days ago (ATT). This morning I set up notifications in HA for both events and after testing it's working great. I think the difference is it's not really a text, it's a pushed message to whatever mobile device (phone or tablet) has an HA instance on it and properly logged in with notifications on.
  5. Now this is funny... There's a link in that forum thread @Geddyposted to. (I'll keep an eye on that, by the way - but not holding my breath - it's ATT after all.) When you click on the link the web page it takes you to doesn't work. ? (And yes, I'm signed in.) >>> That link in the thread: We also recommend that you use our Troubleshooting and Resolve tool. Just click the tool that best describes your issue.
  6. Agreed.
  7. I didn't have to expose my USB port and dongle to HA after all. HA found it automatically after I added Z-Wave correctly. YMMV using a VM, however. In HA, when I added Z-Wave as an Add-On first, then as an Integration (in that order), everything happened automatically. (I was doing it the other way around when I was having trouble.) This is also interesting... The parameters available to HA do not, it seems, rely on the firmware in the device, but instead they are loaded from a database of every Z-Wave device available on the planet. So, until someone updates that database, the new ZEN77 firmware (10.20)'s parameters will not show up in HA. That's the great thing about IoP in that regard - it uses a drop down box to change the parameters. Because all parameter numbers are always listed (available or not) in the drop-down, you can set them right away after upgrading. If you happen to choose a parameter that's not available for your device, IoP simply returns a 255. So, although we can't update the firmware in IoP - we can use the new parameters while HA cannot! Here's the link to that HA database: https://devices.zwave-js.io/?jumpTo=0x027a:0x7000:0xa007:0.0 You'll see that the parameters for the ZEN77 have not been updated for use in HA yet, even if you update the firmware.
  8. My guess is yes. As long as you have HA running it should work. Let me know if you get stuck after you get HA running in a VM.
  9. Started testing this... I've been using smtp.gmail.com, not the 'Default'. Some of my tests (by clicking the 'Test' button got through just now, but one (third try of four) generated this in my email: Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to 508*******@txt.att.net because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 550 5.2.0 <*********@gmail.com> - Is51orBZZfuqjIs52oNfl3 - Internal error ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Dave <*********@gmail.com>To: 508*******@txt.att.netCc: Bcc: Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2022 09:37:02 -0400Subject: Polisy Notification Test!Tue, 02 Aug 2022 09:37:01 -0400 Test message from Polisy >>>>> -> I redacted the phone number and email address (they were in the email).
  10. With a lot of help from @Dub aka WHaasI finally got my ZEN77's firmware updated. I dumped the Simplicity Studio software - what a nightmare to use. I followed Zooz's step by step instructions three times - no joy at all. Then I pulled the dongle out from my Polisy and stuck it into my RPi. HA makes it super easy to update the firmware. Simply add Z-Wave as an Add-On, then add Z-Wave as an Integration, go to your Z-Wave devices panel (HA sees them instantly) and update their firmware from there. Then I put the dongle back into my Polisy and restarted it. From ISY I can now program the new parameters 28 and 29, ramp up and ramp down. And the new rates work regardless of how I turn the lights on or off. Easy Peasy ?
  11. My ATT texts stopped as well about 2 weeks ago. I haven't tried to troubleshoot yet - may have some time later today.
  12. I giving up on the firmware update for now (a bit frustrated). The software 'sees' the dongle and three switches, but will not update the switches. It gets stuck on the first bite. I even tried to exclude one of the switches first to see if that was it - didn't help. I also plugged the dongle into my RPi to see if I could use HA's Z-Wave integration to do the update (seems like it would be easier to do it there, by the way), but my HA setup did not see the dongle. If anyone know how to get it going there, please let me know. The good news is I didn't brick anything, and simply plugging the dongle back into my Polisy brought the switches back to the way I had them after rebooting.
  13. I do not know the motivation for sure, but they were likely written by people who wanted those for their own capability and shared it with us. The only thing it cost them was their time.
  14. With the heatwave's we're having this summer even here in New England, the priority would be the other way around... ?
  15. I installed the Gecko one and the two Z-Wave ones. About 1 minute ago I finally received an email from Zooz allowing me to download the file. I should be able to attempt the upgrade soon...
  16. You are correct about the fiddly legwork bit. ? I'm waiting for the file from Zooz - have to email them for it. As for installing that software - wow - talk about having to jump through hoops. I have the time to do this today, so I'll report back here either way when I have some results.
  17. ? I may have found something for my ZEN77s! See the ZEN77 firmware update notes here for release 10.20. It was released in July 2022 as an OTA release. https://thesmartesthouse.happyfox.com/kb/article/850-zen77-700-series-s2-dimmer-change-log/ The notes include the following: "Separated ramp rate settings into 4 new parameters: ramp rate ON physical (9), ramp rate OFF physical (27), ramp rate ON Z-Wave (28), ramp rate OFF Z-Wave (29)." Instructions on how to do an OTA update are linked at the bottom of that page. I'm gonna give that a go sometime today.
  18. For ZEN30s it was parameter 22 but they removed the ability in firmware 1.05! WTF?
  19. For ZEN72s it's parameters 28 (on) and 29 (off). These parameters are for when you turn the switches on or off with a Z-Wave command (not physically at the switch).
  20. @oskrypuch I just found this: https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/319-zen22-dimmer-switch-ver-4-01-advanced-settings/ These parameters are for when you turn the switches on or off with a Z-Wave command (not physically at the switch). It's for ZEN22s, parameter 17. (I don't know which model you have.) I tried using parameter 17 on a ZEN77 but it won't 'take' it.
  21. https://github.com/BME-node servers/docs/blob/master/udi-caseta-poly.md
  22. OK - Here's what I've discovered about these Z-Wave dimmers: Except for ramp rate, if I set a parameter using ISY (IoP in my case), it doesn't matter how I turn the light on or off - the parameters I set work fine. My choices for turning on my lights: Alexa, my PC using IoP, UD Mobil, Home Assistant or at the switch itself. With ramp rate my parameter setting only works at the switch (manual turning on or off) with one exception. And that's what it says at the website I linked earlier, by the way. "Values correspond to the number of seconds it take for the dimmer to reach full brightness or turn off when operated manually." The only exception for me is in UD Mobile. If I click 'Fade Up' or 'Fade Down' (not simply 'On' or 'Off') the lights seem to be using my ramp rate setting. I'm okay with the way my switches are operating for now, so I'm going to leave these alone. I would like to know how to get the switch to remember my ramp rate setting, however, should I want that to happen regardless of how I turn them on or off.
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