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  1. Quick question... When one updates PG3, will this also bring us up to the latest python interface? Or must this reinstall all be performed before we realize the new interface? Thx! John
  2. Okey dokey on that! That is truly above my pay grade at this point in time!! Still cannot find settings for the plugin
  3. I must be losing it! I cannot find this in IoX, or when I click Plugin > Notifications I get Add Node and Add all Nodes or when I go to Launch Polyglot v3. In that web UI I see no Settings or gear icon. Where is this notifications Tab? My apologies if I need some hand holding here.
  4. @ Javi, What about showing all my variables in the other selections? That should not be happening. Thanks! I will do what you suggest! That one default group does work BTW.
  5. Today I was adding a notification using the paid for polyglot plugin. I am running two eISY's in two different locations of the state. Both are running IoX 5.8.0 and one has Polyglot 3.2.17 and the other has 3..2.18. I have two notification groups. Default and Everyone. When I go to add my notification in my program, I can only select REMOVED-default. My everyone group does not show up. When I click the arrow icon it toggles between all my variables and the group, (of which only removed-default one shows up). Click the sound arrow icon and I get sounds, another click on the arrow and my variables show. Go down to Content and and opens a drop down with my content and another click opf the right pointing arrow shows all of my variables. This is really off behavior! It's been a while since I have changed/added anything. How can I fix this or at least get my second group, everyone. Thanks for any help! John
  6. Thanks Geddy. I assumed as much... but it's the activate, install, buttons had me pretty confused. Wish things could be a tad more clear at times. Kinda scare me! John
  7. After updating polyglot to 3.2.13 today I was poking around and reminded myself again that the polyglot store and purchased node servers is confusing. I purchased the notifications module and thought I installed it correctly after UD Mobile installed the free version. Notifications works very well via UD Mobile. When I view Plugin Purchases, it shows four Notification plugins. Two (2) are beta versions which I am not that bleeding edge to play with and two (2) are production. The two production versions I can re-install. Why... should it not state which one is in fact installed with a second button to reinstall if necesary? Next, when I go to the store and click on Notifiction I get install options. It tells me to Activate the free for one month version or Install the $15 version, (which I thought I had done after I purchased it, and then I can Install the Free version. On this screen shouldn't it state that the $15 version is installed? One thing it does show Installed Slot 1, but should I Click Install again? SO my question is, how do I know what version I have installed on my eISY? It works with UD Mobile great and the only option I have in eISY is UD Mobile. Do I need to install it again? reinstall one of the other versions I purchased? Argh... just confusing and shold be to even the experiences ones of us. Thanks for your help! John
  8. Oh my!! I am always feeling like a total idiot! I swear I went to my portal, did the web thing... Never saw Logs, there as big as life. Sorry and thanks! John
  9. For some reason I thought I could view my eISY Log files from UD Mobile. I could not find where such would be located and obviously this is not an option... or is it? Can the log files be viewed via UD Mobile? It would have been very helpful being out of town to not have to log in to the iOX Finder since my laptop wasn't with me. Would be a great option. John
  10. I am using an Insteon 2342-2 eight button keypad in our kitchen as my wife loves being able to turn on lights over the sink, under the counters and etc. One thing that bugs her is, when she turns a light on with the wireless keypad and then someone turns it off via the Insteon wall switch (keypad), the status of that button is always ON. This means that she has to push the uotton twice to turn the light back on. SInce the status of the remote button is on, even though the light is off via the other controller, the first button press sets the status as OFF then the 2nd button press sets the button ON and the light turns on as it should. There is nothing in the details of the device that states that anything can be done other than "write changes". Even in a program. It's no big deal to push twice, it would be nice if it would work in this manner. I understand how and why its set this way, but it would be GREAT if we could just set status in the eISY/ISY programs. Thanks John
  11. One more stupid question.... How does one know whether or not the OS upgrade took place? Where can you see the actual Linux OS version? Help > About only shows the firmware and UI. Thanks John
  12. Replying to my own post above, I clicked on Upgrade Packages again out of not knowing what else to do. After it said all packages were updated I hit the reboot iOX. I now have the polyglot login and can login. SO... what was upgraded? why con't there be a "one and done" scenario for this amazing device. It just seems... complex for lack of a better word when it shouldn't be. I read above that someone had to reboot their device upwards of 5 times as I recall but that might have been a Polisy. In any event, all seems fine but why does it take multiple reboots? Why can't the eISY when we log in advise us upgrades pending and click that update button? Or does it and I haven't found it yet? Thanks! John
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