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  1. Thanks so much to both of you.
  2. adambuild

    How do I.....

    I have two switches that make up a virtual 3-WAY scene for hi hats in a kitchen. There is an additional single switch that alone controls a center light fixture in the center of the kitchen. Is there a way to make that center fixture go on and off along with the other virtual 3-WAY scene? If so, what's the best way to do that? I tried making a new scene but when I drag the virtual 3-WAY scene into this new scene something doesn't look right. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance! Adam
  3. For some reason my ISY Launcher is no longer working I get the following error message two times in succession every time I click on the UD icon to launch the app: Any ideas???
  4. Just curious, I have a bunch of timed events that are set to fire at 12:00am. They seem to work OK. Is it better not to have them fire at the same time? Does it matter? Is there a downside? Thank you, Adam
  5. Hi All, anyone know how to add a ZOOZ ZEN51 zwave relay to the ISY994i?
  6. Does anyone know where I can purchase the zwave plus add on dongle / circuit board to add to my ISY994I? I can’t seem to find one. Thanks, Adam
  7. Hi all, I have an old ApplianceLinc that is now dead. Would love to repair it. Tore it down and have a bad Licon capacitor at C2 on the circuit board: 470mfd / 35v. Can anyone please give advice as to what it should be replaced with? Thanks very much, Adam
  8. Hi all, given the death of Insteon, what brand of smart switches / modules would you recommend using with the isy994i???
  9. Hey Mr. Bill, thanks so much. I'm gonna use your methods when I have a block of time to focus on this and will report back!
  10. Hey Mr. Bill, thanks much. So I tried restoring both again and got the results shown below. The boy's bedroom switch has those green/white lines and the foyer switch had no change. Nothing has been changed recently like bulbs, electronics, etc.
  11. Hi All, Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone! I am currently getting the error message below for two switches. I've done hard resets for both and have also done "restore device" for both. Any other ideas? Does this mean the switches need replacement? Can they be repaired? 2477D's are currently impossible to find, even eBay has none. Thanks in advance, Adam
  12. Not one listing
  13. Is there some secret source to buy new Insteon 2477D switches now? SMARTHOME is saying hopefully March or April!?
  14. Never mind, I actually figured it out!!! My sincere thanks again to all those that take of their precious time to help those who are trying to learn!!! It's beyond appreciated!!!
  15. Pardon my ignorance, is there a way to access the ISY994 dashboard remotely so that I can make programming changes? I have two of the them in two different houses and wanted to change a few things while I'm out. I know that I can access them via https://my.isy.io/index.htm but I wanted to access each of the dashboards. If indeed it's possible, kindly tell me how. Thank you!
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