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Everything posted by beninsteon

  1. It happens 100% of the time, not sometimes. Any suggestions for how to fix it?
  2. Hi, When I issue the command "Hey Google, Turn off Lights", the lights turn off for the devices in the same room where the google home device is, but despite the fact the command worked, GH often responds by saying "Sorry, it looks like <<SOME DEVICE>> isn't available right now, or "Sorry, <<x NUMBER>> of devices aren't available right now". This occurs almost 100% of the time, and in multiple rooms. Is this a known issue? Is there anything I can do to fix the problem? Thank you, Ben
  3. tagging @firstone
  4. Firs thing I'd do is try changing mode from "Raw Text" to "c-escaped". But, reviewing the api for the GC flex, it looks like it uses the tcp protocol (this is what I'm using for my GC-100, screenshot for a simple working network resource below) Here's the link to the api for the GC flex: https://www.globalcache.com/files/docs/API-Flex_TCP.pdf
  5. could be your plm. is the led on it dim or off? try rebotting isy & plm have you installed any new devices (leds/wall warts/electronics) on same circuit as plm as this can degrade insteon communications.
  6. Thanks all for you assistance! Using integer variables great idea! Ben
  7. Hi, Hoping someone can help me how to figure this out. I want to run program X if variable Y goes from 0 to 1, but not if it goes from 2 to 1. Thus, I can't use the if statement "if Y is 1 then"....because this will execute regardless of Y's previous value (0 or 2). In practical terms, when sMusic is 0 it means the speakers are off, when it's 1 music is playing, and when it's 2 music is paused. When the system turns on I want certain things to run (eg. turn amp on, set proper input, etc). I don't want these actions to occur when music goes from pause to play. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  8. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=INSTEON_Random_All_On_Events Is it all your insteon devices? Smart home disabled the all on command on newer devices/firmware, but for some reason never updated the io linc (a very strange decision considering the iolinc can be used for security purposes, controlling water valves, opening garage doors, turning on gas fireplaces, etc). I rarely have all on events now but when they do occur only my oldest insteon hardware is affected (and this hardware has been purposefully installed in areas where there is no risk of damage/security issues if inadvertently turned on/triggered).
  9. Use the opportunity to rid yourself of io lincs. They respond to the insteon "all on" command, and you're bound to come home one day with your garage doors open and water shut off. I've found the global cache gc-100 device a suitable replacement.
  10. I do not have a zwave board or zwave devices. I am currently running 5.0.16C. Is my ISY compatible with this firmware? Is there any advantage to me updating? I see there are also some Insteon updates in 5.1 and 5.2 Thanks
  11. 1. ISY needs to be running version 5 software. Help ---> About in Administrative Console to confirm. If you're on 4 (or below) you need to upgrade to use nodeservers, including NodeLink/Polyglot. 2. NodeLink needs to be configured. Click on System Config and enter your username and password
  12. 1. In windows search box type "Command Prompt" (no quotes). 2. Right click on the "Command Prompt" result that comes and click "Run as Administrator". 3. Type cd "\Users\dotba\OneDrive\Documentation\Home Automation\ISY\NodeLink" (with quotes), then enter 4. Type dotnet NodeLink.dll 5. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8090 to configure NodeLink
  13. Harmony Hub (I hate recommending anything Logitech given their history but there's nothing else like it on the market). https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Harmony-Control-Entertainment-Devices/dp/B00N3RFC4Q/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=harmony+hub&qid=1580775499&sr=8-2 Integrates into ISY for total control of IR devices via Polyglot.
  14. Correct, the scene that was getting triggered multiple times per second over several hours did not involve the devices that were ultimately turned on. Hence, I believe All On is real. The theories I've seen and seem to make sense is an overload of powerline traffic results in packets colliding and being misread as "All On". It's nice that smarthome removed the All On trigger from newer devices. I can't figure out why they aren't updating the IOLinc.
  15. All On is real. Happened to me once. IOlinc Garage door opened, IOLinc controlled fireplaces controlled turned on, IOLinc controlled water valve shut off and older SwitchLincs turned on. It was caused by a bad HomeSeer event that was overloading the ISY (approx 10 program calls/sec), and the ISY program that was being triggered was controlling a scene. After this experience, IOLincs have been relegated to sensors only.
  16. Could this be an all-on event? Are any other devices turning on randomly at the same time? It is older insteon devices that suffer this problem so newer switchlincs would not be affected. Overall I think it's a bad idea to be using an iolinc for any security/safety related purposes because of problems like these. I've switched to global cache relays which are easily controllable with network resources.
  17. No way to do this natively on GH yet with ISY that I am aware of. If you want to run HomeSeer with the Chromecast and ISYInsteon plugins you can do it.
  18. If you're running V5 firmware and have a RPi already, I'd recommend using polyglot with the presence-poly. It works very well for me and uses both bluetooth & wifi connections to determine presence. https://github.com/dmoralesdev/Presence-Poly
  19. The old appliancelincs have the same bug. I think the newer plug in switchlincs are ok. But the solution seems like a hack. What if you want to open your garage in a more conventional way?
  20. I would not use io lincs on any security sensitive application. They are susceptible to the all-on bug and can open the garage door when not desired. Happened to me and I've removed all io lincs from my installation. Additionally since io lincs are power line only there can be issues with status reporting as you're experiencing. Thus, I'm using my security system to monitor garage door status (still gets reported to isy via nodelink/EVL-4) and a global cache relay to trigger door (controllable by isy through network resources).
  21. So the argument being may as well get it now while it's on sale since it's the new version of the isy with new features (more program/device storage, improved zwave support, presumed better polyglot support). That's reasonable. I have a few questions in this regard. Do we know if there's a migration path from polyglot on rpi to polisy? Are we aware of any other advantages of polisy over 994i? Can polisy serve as a rpi replacement for other functions (eg. I'm also running homeseer, Plex, pi-hole on my pi)?
  22. Agree there. But I think the best way to support this wonderful company is by providing support to users on this forum (as you do lilyoyo1) and recommending their products to friends and family.
  23. Sorry to rain on the parade here but why spend anything on this box when for $35 polyglot runs beautifully on a rpi (with Ethernet, WiFi and Bluetooth connections)?
  24. beninsteon

    ISY app

    Would be a waste of resources for udi to dedicate a team to development and maintenance of a new app considering the options that are already out there. If you don't like mobilinc try a different option. +1 for agave This is particularly true since the future is all about voice control and automation (rather than manually picking up a device to turn lights on).
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