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Everything posted by beninsteon

  1. You're right. After I disabled X and VNC, it installed correctly. Thanks!
  2. I let it run all night and my Pi crashed. Had to unplug and plug it back in to get things running again. Any suggestions as to why that may have happened?
  3. Hi @io_guy, Thanks for this! How long should it take to run this install script? I've been stuck here for about an hour.. Ben
  4. @larryllix I don't like using the else result in isy programs when there are multiple conditions - I worry that the program may get triggered inadvertently, for example on a reboot.
  5. I think this would be best achieved with state vars and programs. Note: you HueFav MUST be a state variable and not an integer, or this code will not work. State var 1: HueFav, init val = 1 Program 1: If $HueFav is 4 and (KPL.Button.G switched ON or KPL.Button.G switched OFF) Then $HueFav = 1 Else (nothing) Program 2: If $HueFav is NOT 4 and (KPL.Button.G switched ON or KPL.Button.G switched OFF) Then $HueFav =+ 1 Else (nothing) Program 3: If $HueFav = 1 Then Set HueLights to setting xxx Else (nothing) Program 4: If $HueFav = 2 Then Set HueLights to setting yyy Else (nothing) Program 5: If $HueFav = 3 Then Set HueLights to setting aaa Else (nothing) Program 6: If $HueFav = 4 Then Set HueLights to setting ddd Else (nothing) Hope this is helpful. ISY programming really isn't too difficult -- and you must be technically inclined if you're working with PolyGlot. Best, Ben
  6. I was thinking about getting echo devices for this reason also but I bet it's just a matter of time till Google enables announcements in it's API.
  7. Hi, Now that notifications are available for Amazon echo devices, wondering if something similar is cooking for Google home? Maybe @bmercier has some insider knowledge? Thanks, Ben
  8. I got this for the first time last week. It was related to having multiple google accounts linked to the same google home. For example, when I asked GH to turn on kitchen lights, it worked. When my wife issued the same command immediately after, GH would respond "universal devices isn't responding". Both my wife and I were using the same UDI portal account linked to GH. I fixed the problem by: 1. making another UDI portal account for my wife 2. unlink the ISY from GH using the GH app on my wife's phone 3. relink ISY to GH using the new portal account on my wife's phone Fixed. No more not responding. My voice is linked to the ISY with one portal account and my wife's voice is linked with a different portal account (sub account of mine, so all the spokens are the same) @Michel Kohanim perhaps this is the issue others are experiencing? Ben
  9. Chromecast polyglot plugin now working (AVRemote). It allows you to play audio files to Google Home or Chromecast devices. Using a TTS engine you could use this to send announcements to a GH or Chromecast device. Ben
  10. "Hey google sync my devices" works for me (tested and confirmed tonight). I have swapped out all my Echos for GH devices. They work beautifully, especially for integration with whole home audio and the Chromecast Audio, for which there is no Amazon/Alexa equivalent.
  11. Hi, I recently suffered an "All On" event and am trying to reduce the impact of another "All On" event in the future. For example, I have replaced my IOLincs controlling the garage door and low voltage gas fireplaces with Global Cache relays (GC-100-12). I'd like to continue using my IOLinc to control my main water line (being a single pole double throw relay, it is ideal for this purpose). Right now I have several leak sensors manually linked to the IOLinc so the water shuts off if any of them get wet. This link is independent of the ISY. Would the following setup prevent this IOLinc from getting an "All On" signal, but still allow RF signals to reach the IOLinc? Wall Jack --> FilterLinc --> IOLinc --> Plugin Dimmer Would the Plugin Dimmer transmit an "All On" signal to the IOLinc if the IOLinc is not associated with the ISY PLM? I'd be using the plugin dimmer only to relay RF signals to the isolated IOLinc and would not connect it to a load. Thanks for your help, Ben
  12. Thanks. Is it true that the "All On" glitch has only been reported with the ISY (which I've seen @Teken mention), or has this been reported to affect other controllers as well? If so, could speak to an issue with the ISY, or selection bias considering the ISY is probably the most common Insteon controller among tinkerers. Ben
  13. Thanks for the info. I don't have any RF-only devices, but nonetheless I can certainly see how things got congested. The ISY log had over 22 thousand triggers between 730-11pm yesterday. The big problem here wasn't the older Switch/Dimmer/KeypadLincs going on (you're right that newer ones weren't affected), but the IOLincs getting triggered (and, for example, turning off the water in the house). Has Smarthome/Insteon made a new version of the IOLinc that ignores "All On"? If not, I think I need to change my IOLincs to another relay (eg. GlobalCache IP2CC). Thanks again, Ben
  14. Hi, I've read about them here before, but never experienced an All On event in the year + of owning my ISY. Tonight, when I came home I found most (but not all) of my Insteon devices on. I think I know what caused this to happen, but I don't exactly understand why. I am also running HomeSeer, which is monitoring the status of my chromecast devices. I created a new HomeSeer event tonight that triggers an Insteon scene through the ISY REST protocol when my Chromecast stopped. Unfortunately, this event was running continuously (and hence triggering an insteon scene multiple times per second) all night from around 730m-11pm. Around 930 I had the "All-On" event. The ISY log file has about 2 triggers/sec. I have of course disabled the offending HomeSeer event. Just wondering why the ISY would trigger "All On" when it became overwhelmed. The event has me somewhat rattled. Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks, Ben
  15. Unbelievable ... isolated my PLM on its own circuit and my entire insteon network is so much more reliable and snappy. Should have done this years ago.
  16. Thanks for all the suggestions. Turns out my stereo receiver on the same circuit, even when off, was causing the problem. Very strange the problem creeps up now because it's been the a long time.... Even before the IOLinc. Ben
  17. Thanks for the reply. The switch Linc and IOLinc are on the same circuit. I have lots of dimmer modules I'm using to extend signal and bridge phases and tests have been good therein. Why is the on command working so well but off missed??
  18. Hi, I seem to have an IOLinc communication issue with my plm and am hoping someone can help me out. The IOLinc is in a scene and it's a responder to a switch linc, mirroring on and off from the switch. The scene is also controlled by the plm. When controlled by the switch, the IOLinc always responds instantly to both on and off commands. Unfortunately, when the scene is triggered from the plm (eg via a Google home voice command), on and off always work for the switch, but only the on command is reliable for the IOLinc. I typically have to turn the scene off 4 or 5 times for the off command to reach the IOLinc. Is this a sign of a bad IOLinc or is there something else I can do to troubleshoot? Thanks, Ben
  19. Thanks. I figured out how to turn this feature off for anyone interested. I had several non-toggle keypadlinc buttons that did not flash so I was racking my brain to figure out what the difference was between them and this particular device. In the end, I figured out that if the non-toggle keypadlinc button controls any other responder (button) on the same keypadlinc then it does not flash. If it has no responders, or controls responders other than on the same keypadlinc then it flashes. Hope this is helpful to someone. Ben
  20. Hi, Is there a way to stop a KeypadLinc from flashing its button when in Non-Toggle mode? I've noticed that when set to Toggle, the respective button goes on or off when pressued When set to Non-Toggle (on or off) the button flashes 3 times before staying lit or going off. I'd like to disable this "feature" Thanks for any input, Ben
  21. Done thank you.
  22. Yes I do have the portal installed (paid for and using daily!). Works great except for this little hiccup. Portal Integration - UDI (21075) appears on this list under products. Thanks, Ben
  23. Also, not sure if you wanted the portal-server or portal status. Here's what I get for /rest/portal/status: <PortalStatus isConnected="true" isRegistered="true"> <accounts> <account status="registered"> <id>xxxxxx</id> </account> <account status="registered"> <id>xxxxxx</id> </account> </accounts> </PortalStatus>
  24. Here's what I get. Thanks, Ben FYI - I am working from off site, so I actually accessed the REST via the portal URL. <RestResponse succeeded="false"> <status>400</status> </RestResponse>
  25. Hi Michel, Thanks for the quick response, but actually there are only 2 and this would be the third. The UUID of the ISY in question ends in 69. Hoping you can look into this for me. Thanks, Ben
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