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Everything posted by beninsteon

  1. Agree this would be a nice feature. Perhaps something to be included in a future release of 5.x @Chris Jahnh?
  2. beninsteon

    IOLink 2450

    After I experienced an all on event in my house that opened my garage door, turned on 2 gas fireplaces, and turned off the water (all controlled by IOLincs at the time), I removed all IOLinc relays from my installation. Replaced with Global Cache relays which are designed to be controlled by a network resource. A GC-100 has 3 relays on it (plus 2 serial ports and 8 sensor/IR ports) and they can be purchased on eBay for around $100 delivered. https://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=gc-100&_sacat=0
  3. It says works with Phillips hue lights so presumably using the hue emulator nodeserver you can control isy devices with this.
  4. Would think (hope) it would be a device that runs ISY and nodeservers (Polyglot/Nodelink) in one?
  5. You could use a routine on Google home to change the spoken. When I ask: What is the outdoor humidity? Google home should: What is the brightness of sOutdoorVar? The response would still leave something to be desired though.
  6. You could use a ethernet to wifi bridge if you don't have ethernet near your panel https://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-Ethernet-2-WiFi-Universal-Wireless-GWU637/dp/B018YPWORE/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1550368215&sr=8-5&keywords=wifi+to+ethernet
  7. Yes. To connect your DSC or Honeywell alarm system to an ethernet network (this is the only way ISY can interface with it at present) you'll the Envisalink card. Note this card is only ethernet enabled and typically installed in the alarm box, so you'll also need a hard wired ethernet connection to your network near your alarm panel (WiFi won't work). Both NodeLink and Polyglot have nodeservers for DSC alarm panels using the EVL 3/4 so you'll also need one of these pieces of software running on a RPi. Ben P.S. I would advise against purchasing the version of the module you noted above in your link. That is the EVL-4CG. The CG (Connect2Go) portion indicates it's a particular version of the EVL4 board with fewer support options available. Make sure the model you get is the EVL-4EZR https://www.amazon.com/Envisalink-EVL-4EZR-Security-Interface-Honeywell/dp/B016WQTJ4S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=evl-4&qid=1550352650&s=gateway&sr=8-1
  8. Usually it does. There is a cloud version of polyglot that does not need a local RPi but not sure if Jimbo was going to release this for polyglot cloud or polyglot local. You'd also need ISY v5.x firmware in either case.
  9. That's awesome, thanks Jimbo! Will this broadcast to all GH devices or can you select a specific one/set to send notifications to?
  10. ISY/plm better because your can simply replace plm, without reprogramming everything. When the hub dies you have to start over with your Insteon network.
  11. Also don't forget about the poor reliability of the hub. When it dies (usually about 2 years after installation) you'll have to start over with all your Insteon links and scenes. A huge problem!
  12. Default rpi login is pi and password raspberry If these work make sure you change your password by typing passwd at the prompt
  13. @bmercier This is working well, thanks. Ben
  14. Too much Insteon traffic at the same time. I had a similar problem. You can try reducing the wait to 1 second but it may compromise reliability.
  15. Add a 2 second wait before the "Set Scene 'Check Master Area' Off.
  16. I had looked at this before but was unable to get assistant-relay v2 running on my pi ...
  17. How can you use the harmony nodeserver to get the gh to make an announcement?
  18. Yes it doesn't like certain words and I can't figure out why. I am also finding they're constantly pushing new software to the home devices and breaking things that have been working for ages. I am able to have things work the way I want it by renaming "family room fireplace" and "living room fireplace" to "family fireplace" and "living fireplace".
  19. Yes, correct for lights it is no problem. I have "dining table lights" assigned to a GH in "front room" and "kitchen table lights" assigned to GH in "back room". When I tell Google to "turn on table lights" it turns on the correct set depending on which GH hears the command. However, I also have "living room fireplace" assigned to GH in "front room" and "family room fireplace" assigned to GH in "back room". For some reason these device names trip up GH and the living room fireplace is always turned on when I ask either GH to "turn on fireplace". This is relatively new behavior as even earlier this month the fireplaces worked just like the lights. @bmercier, do you have any contacts at google to submit this issue to?
  20. Is the isy device called bedroom or bedroom light?
  21. Anyone else loose the GH room aware functionality? Since this past summer, GH was room-aware, so when I told the GH assigned to my family room to turn on the fireplace, it responded by turning the fireplace also assigned to that room. Starting tonight, that functionality has failed and is turning on a different fireplace (both are controlled via network resource in ISY). Anyone else having this problem? I wonder if this is on the ISY or google side. I assume it's google as I'm finding they're constantly pushing updates to my GH and chromecast devices that are full of annonying bugs. Ben
  22. Hi firstone, GH mini definitely works for HA -- it's all I'm using. I'd try removing ISY from GH, resetting the GH mini and reconfiguring both. Ben
  23. Hi, I've been having some unusual behaviour with a couple of my programs and I'm trying to use the logs to understand how and when things are getting triggered. Unfortunately I'm having a hard time understanding the logs for this purpose -- I see a lot of info around insteon traffic but not much regarding program triggering. Is there somewhere else I can look? Thanks, Ben
  24. Exactly what I thought, thanks @larryllix and @paulbates The "plain English" here is "if neighborhood changes and becomes true" then.... What are you using for presence sensing? Thanks! Ben
  25. Hi, I'm using the UDI occupancy v2 nodeserver and would like to know how the following is evaluated: EnterNeighbourhood - [ID 0078][Parent 0001] If 'Neighbourhood' Occupied is True And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Outside / Scenes / Outside Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Does 'neighbourbood' have to change from False to True for this to be triggered? Or is the 'neighbourhood' occupied boolean polled every once in a while? I only want this to trigger if I enter my local neighbourhood when it's dark outside - don't want to turn the outside lights on in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping in bed because the ISY notices I'm in the neighbourhood. (I think In order to prevent this from triggering because I'm at home at sunset, I'll move the schedule conditions into a folder condition.) Thanks, Ben
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