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Everything posted by dinostop

  1. @JTsao With your Polisy, can the this lock recognize different user codes entered? Currently my system is set up so that when certain codes are used to unlock the door it arms or disarms the system but when other codes are used the system does not arm or disarm. This is done so that if I leave for the day and others are at home the system does not arm itself with other in the house since going into the basement would trigger the alarm from a motion sensor.
  2. I understand that, however I hadn't considered this feature until after researching the locks people on here suggested.
  3. Do any of those have auto unlock feature so when approaching your door your smartphone with bt sends a signal to unlock it he door?
  4. Looking to replace my 11 year old Yale Zwave locks. What is everyone using for smart locks? Zwave or wi-fi that integrates with Polisy? update: looking for lock options that allow me to create programs based on the user code entered into the door lock. My old Yale locks do this. thank you.
  5. @lilyoyo1 What I meant by their current direction is, you used to be able to get stock from multiple vendors and everything they had seemed to be in stock and not needing such a long lag time. I was just looking at long term on if I should add new zwave rather than wait, spend the money on Insteon if they are not going to be the best long term solution. My initial post was to see if anyone was selling used outlets if they were moving away from Insteon or just had extras they no longer needed.
  6. @MrBill Thank you for your response. I am looking for the regular outlets not the dimmer outlets. Looks like maybe December 22 some time. Wondering if it makes more sense to move to Zwave with the current direction Insteon is going.
  7. I am trying to get my hands on some Insteon outlets. Does anyone have some for sale?
  8. @bpwwer i attempted a couple times to update all packages and no luck. Version is still the same and that Node server still won’t connect.
  9. @Michel Kohanim I think the issue is that my front end version of V3 is a tester version and I need to get it to go back to the previous non tester version. Not sure how it ended up on my Polisy unless I accidentally clicked on use beta version at some point.
  10. @simplextech @bpwwer Any status on this? I am still not able to use the ST_Nuheat node_server that I paid $50.00 for and I just did a Polyglot update and still have frontend version 3.1.2
  11. And as far as you know the ST-Heat will not work in the 3.1.2 version.
  12. Any idea how to go back to an earlier version that is not the test version of the system?
  13. I’m not a programmer so I have no idea about this. It does work fine on V2 when I install it on that platform. yes I did delete completely from v2 prior to installing under v3
  14. pg3_8-16-2022_73058_PM.zip
  15. I have no idea how it ended up on there. How do I revert it back to what it should be?
  16. I am not able to backup my ISY, when it gets to 30% I get the error, Could Not Retrieve File ./FILES/CONF/frontend.pwd I am having some Polyglot issues and was going to reset the system to factory setting but wanted the backup first.
  17. Version 3.1.2 Status: Connected Frontend Version: 3.1.2 ISY Version: 5.4.4 Uptime: 3 Hour(s) 25 Minute(s) 11 Second(s) (c) 2022 UDI Running on Polisy It gave the progress bar after install, just did it again, and now I am leaving it sit to see if it comes up or not.
  18. @simplextech @JimboAutomates I have uninstalled and reinstalled many times, it works with v2 just not v3. I have also tried different node numbers.
  19. pg3-current.log
  20. It does not. I use firefox and there are no new files in the download folder until I downloaded the ecobee package and it is in my download folder
  21. That error is what comes up when I am in the ST-Nuheat node server and press log
  22. where does it go, says it is downloading the log package but no clue where it saves it.
  23. I was able to get ecobee to work as well as Flair, Brond, and envisalink. All of those I can click on the log and it brings it up. This one does not. As for what got the others working, all of a sudden they started to work not sure why.
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