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Everything posted by dinostop

  1. @simplextech It says it failed to get log file
  2. @simplextech I purchased the V3 Node server but it will not start up. I didn't see anything on your github page that talks about it. v2 Node server starts right up but not v3. All my other v3 node servers start and work. Anything you can do to help?
  3. This is what I get. No log, and won't start for the first time. Ecobee(2) Current Status: Disconnected Current Version: 3.1.2 [Production] Time Started: Not Running Uptime: None
  4. Having issues with Ecobee with Polyglot V3 (and v2 for that matter). Can't get it to connect. I have unistalled and reinstalled in both v2 and v3 many times with no luck.
  5. @MrBill Thank you, that seems to work. Do you have a program that is setup that for an example a zone (back door) is not closed and you use the front door lock to leave and arm the system to tell you that it isn't ready or to have the system bypass the zone that is open?
  6. The below program is the locking program the unlocking program was the same I have no created 3 separate locking and 3 separate unlocking programs isolating the user number in each rather than putting into 1 program and that seems to be working better.
  7. I am having an issue with m integration with my DSC alarm and my ISY. When I lock my door at my house I have an ISY program that says if front door is locked and user is 1 then set alarm to armed away. I have another program that is for the unlock based the same way. Seems that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. More often it doesn't work. My locks are zwave Yale electronic keypad.
  8. @gzahar After updating JAVA and Inteon for Polisy firm ware I removed and added them again and now they are working.
  9. I just got 2 Ecolink Zwave Flood/Freeze sensors. The include via zwave with no issue. When I go to test them by creating a wet zone filling a tub up with water and the sensor getting submerged, the sensors do not change states. I have removed and added several times with the same issue. Anyone have these and able to make them work? Below are the different zwave zones that are added for each sensor: Notify Sensor - battery level Water Deteced - status on/off Freeze Alarm - status on/off Water Alarm - water alarm idle Lead Detected Alarm - status on/off Level Drop Alarm - status on/off Home Security Alarm - home security idle Tamper Alarm - status on/off
  10. @GTench those parameters were not in the nodeserver when I added it. I had to put them in manually now that you told me what they were. Thank you again!
  11. @GTench Worked perfect thank you. I added the parameter then restarted the nodeserver and it updated it.
  12. I have the Envisalink module connected to my DSC and use the Node Server on my Polisy for the integration.
  13. I have finally gotten most of my DSC Alarm up and running and integrated with ISY. My question is, ISY only shows 16 zones but with my Smoke and CO detectors I have 21 zones so far. Is there a way for ISY to see them all? I have the DSC 1864.
  14. Has anyone used a sensor such as https://www.amazon.com/UHPPOTE-Overflow-Induction-Electrode-Detector/dp/B07L94MMP7/ref=pd_sbs_2/141-1393661-5666462?pd_rd_w=PaQqK&pf_rd_p=690958f6-2825-419e-9c16-73ffd4055b65&pf_rd_r=CZ14FN1JYP2938S143Y1&pd_rd_r=312bec71-3898-47f1-9499-7083223f7c7d&pd_rd_wg=5kVSX&pd_rd_i=B07L94MMP7&psc=1 Connected to an I/O Linc?
  15. @Michel Kohanim Thank you again that was my initial thought.
  16. @Michel Kohanim Thank you for the quick reply. Changing the ISY information didn't work earlier but it did this time. Is there a way to push the existing node servers or do I have to delete them and then reinstall them?
  17. I have transitioned all of my Insteon devices over to ISY on Polisy. I am struggling on getting the node servers moved over to the new ISY setup. Couple questions: 1. I currently have the portal setup for my old ISY 2. How do I get the Polisy Polyglot to look at the new ISY on Polisy rather than the old ISY? 3. I did attempt to reset the Polisy to factory settings multiple times by holding the button in until all 3 lights flashed but it didn't reset anything. How can I go about resetting to factory settings if I decide to go that route?
  18. I am going to start to do the transition from the old ISY to the Polisy. My plan is to do it little by little but will I be able to use Polisy as a node server for both the ISY and Polisy at the same time? I understand that for example I would not be able to run my Ecobee thermostats from both the ISY and the Polisy, however if I have that on the ISY on Polisy can I still use the the Polisy to run the node server for say my Bond lights.
  19. 2414U
  20. So if I understand this thread correctly, the 2414U will NOT work with the Polisy?
  21. @MrBill I am not able to do that because ISY only has a blue screen. I can't log into it nor get it to create and new admin user name and password. I believe I am missing a step with the update or something else prior to me trying to log into the ISY on the Polisy.
  22. Where would I find that screen? If it is in the ISY system itself, the only option I have is File / Set user name and password. I think there is something I am missing before that since it is not auto finding it in the ISY finder either.
  23. I have done my best to follow the directions to upgrade the ISY on the Polisy. The ISY launcher does not automatically find the ISY on the Polisy. I attempted to add it using the local web address of and it then shows up in the launcher. When I open that up all I can do is set initial user name and password. When I attempt to do that it asks if I want to make that the new user name and password. I say yes and then nothing happens. The change user name password box does not go away either. When I close it out and open it again same thing happens. I must be missing something. Prior to now I have not attempted to run ISY on the Polisy.
  24. @ase Thank you, I do SSH all the time into my raspberry pi's so I am aware on how to do that. I finally was able to ssh into the Polisy. I was using my Polisy password and didn't know that was not the correct password to use.
  25. I have searched and searched for an answer and can't seem to find it. Probably missing it somewhere. I would like to put ISY on my Polisy. I go into the portal and add the ip address as the instructions say, however when it takes me into the ISY screen I have to create a user name and password. I do that and it asks if I would like to save it which I do, but then nothing happens. I close out and then go back in and same thing. I see some information on the commands to use to do an update of the software for ISY but I am not sure how to get to the command prompt to do that. I am using a Mac Book Pro
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