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Everything posted by Mustang65

  1. Thank you, Up and running again... dog very happy when it is dark.... wife happy again.... Happy Wife = Happy LIFE!!!!!
  2. It must be time for new glasses. I shot right over that section without seeing that. Thanks Brian
  3. Just located my last (working spare) Light Module 2635-222. Now, before I start to do anything, is there an easy way in ISY to link the new module to the same setup that the defective one is in. I guess is there a way to swap out the Insteon ID (3A.74.C8) for the new light module (3E.72.EA), and I guess set it up, without having to rebuild the scene.... stuff? Still new with this stuff. Thanks
  4. Well, 3 down in the last 12 months. Yesterday, I a pop-up stating that it can not communicate with one of my 2635-222 modules. It has no indicator light, yes there is power to the outlet. The last one died in January. So the highest voltage spike was 131.4VAC a month ago (Arduino monitoring line voltages), nothing out of the ordinary, other than 4 short power outages in the last month. Anyone else encountering problems like this? Almost, tempted to reinstall my old X10 modules which has a "0" mortality rate.
  5. Notifications, up and running. Successfully finished the Clothes Dryer Done program. Thanks everyone
  6. Hi Michel, Back again.. spent a day in the hospital thanks to the flu and then a few to get some energy back. Now I know how those people feel. OK, I dumped my email address and used my yahoo garbage junk email address and we have success. No clue as to why the Gmail address will not work, but this will do just fine. Thanks
  7. Thanks, But no I do not have 2fa. I checked it yesterday and it said unavailable for my email account. It did not work with the UD default message either. I just came back from Chicago. Spent a few days with my daughter and her twins. I grew up in Chicago on the SW side, Pulaski & 26th... way back when.
  8. As I inch through the initial setups for my ISY994iZ, I encountered a new road-block with the ISY NOTIFICATIONS. No matter what I enter into the fields I always get a SMTP error. IF I use the "DEFAULT" option I get a SMTP error or if I populate the fields (as below) I get an SMTP error. I found a post that had notification issues but I had already tried the suggested fix. ----------------------------------------------------------- SMPT Server: smtp.gmail.com UserId: myemailaddress@gmail.com From: myemailaddress@gmail.com SMTP Port: 587 Password: verified Timeout 1,000 ---------------------------------------------------------- I tried with the name and with-out the name. Tried "TLS" selected and not selected Any thoughts
  9. I will have to think about this... Simular to my how to beat the CampGround ISP from blocking modem MAC addresses of those campers that stream movies. I have a USB Wi-Fi modem with a MAC address that can be changed, plugged into a Raspberry Pi acting as a bridge into my RV's Wi-Fi router. Each time they block my MAC, I change it. I know for a fact it is driving the ISP network warden crazy. I only stream video at night between M-F when the network does not have many users.
  10. The better idea would be to allow you to reprogram the PLM's MAC address and avoid all the related issues
  11. Can it be enrolled remotely?
  12. Since the average life expectancy of the Insteon PLM is about 2 years, have you looked into installing a backup PLM? You could plug each of the PLM's in to its own Insteon or Zwave On/Off module. I just tested the PLM plugged into the Insteon On/Off module and it automatically activated the garden sprinklers using the program. I had better reset the program start time. I believe you mentioned that you can still control the modules manually through the Admin remotely, but the program does not. As for the communications ports, they can be paralleled by using a 1 Female port to 2 Female Port connector (see link below). The disconnected 2nd PLM will not have any effect the working PLM, that is of course unless the defective PLM is shorting out its leads (not likely). You can always test this out when you visit the remote location. If the defective PLM does in fact cause issues with the leads, you may want to use a circuit that uses low voltage DPDT relays to switch the RJ45 leads, activated by an Insteon low voltage On/Off module. Operation: If you think that the PLMs is failing, turn off that PLM remotely and activate the backup PLM. PARTS:1 - (1..2..3)Backup PLMs 2 -(1) Dreamvasion® Network Adapter 1 RJ45 Female port to 2 Female Ports CAT 5/CAT 6 LAN Ethernet Socket Splitter Connector Adapter 3 - (2) RJ45 cables (since one already is in use)
  13. Thanks Teken, I can always program the Energy type into each of the Xbee modules. I have a full list of the options here somewhere. Don
  14. I have 6 ZigBees (not the pro model) up and running now with my Arduino and I figured that I could interface them with the ISY994i. Since I now have the Energy Monitor project that I am working on, the DS18B20 sensors, and now the ISY... the ZigBees are on the back burner for awhile. Why fix something that is not broken. ZigBee modules are so much cheaper than the ZWave kits. I also have circuits working on the NODEMCU -ESP8266 (16 relays) And I am now working on a circuit that utilizes the NFR24l01/Arduino Nano for some remote sensors that need come computing power. I will probably, one at a time, replace the ZigBee's with the NFR24L01 modules as they are less expensive than the ZigBee, not sure about this project yet. Don
  15. Let the GAMES begin!!! UPS just dropped off the ISY994i & PLC 2 minutes ago. I will be starting setting it up in a little while.... after a quick lunch of course. Don
  16. Thanks, I believe that the data will be available and I will have to create a program to display the Brultech data. If that is the case, no big issue Don
  17. OK.... the 994 ZI it is! Regarding the Brultech Energy Monitors.... are there any screens that show the UDI screen displays with the Brultech data that it received? Thanks Again, Don
  18. Thank you... all great information. I have added the items to the list. Based on what you are saying, ISY only allows ZigBee for 2 different connections (POCO and Smart Energy, correct? If I set up the ZigBee to be "Smart Energy" (0x0109) profile, will the POCO or the 994 IZ, communicate with that ZigBee? Is that a "READ ONLY" mode? Thanks again, Don
  19. OK, after reading a number of posts I guess that I need to ask a few questions prior to purchasing the best ISY994i controller that will meet my needs now and in the future. What I HATE!!! - Depending on CLOUD based systems. ActiveHome Pro for one.) - The Insteon Hub (did not do my homework before purchasing.... - Depending on PLC as the ONLY method of remote control. (Line Noise) - Multiple App's to run my home What I have: - Since the 80's I had been using the X10 as my primary system. I have about 30 modules. - Was limping along using ActiveHome Pro and a few scripts I created for specific tasks. - PURCHASED a 2245-222 Hub (x!@#....) - Still have issues with Sun-Rise/Sun-Set - Built IOT circuits using the NodeESP8266 (Arduino) and Raspberry Pi circuits. - xBee2 circuits - Circuits using the xBee2 (monitoring water flow control (4), Weather info (Temp/Humidity...) Was in Chicago when the Hurricane hit: - We lost power for 3 days. Alarm system functioned great as I made an extended backup power module for it) - Lost Internet for 4 days. - 2245-222 went down after the UPS system ran out of power (2 days for office, working on that now, SOLAR power). Power came on Hub rebooted before my router came back on, was not connecting to the CLOUD. - Used my IOT (NANO-ESP8266) circuits to cut the power to the hub so it rebooted with the router up and running. Came back online. Purchasing: - isy994i? - Energy monitor from Bruitech - SOLAR power (have a 250 watt panel/MPPT charge controller) What I need: - The correct isy994i controller to meet my needs. With ZigBee connectivity and Brultech.. Sorry about the length. Your thoughts Don
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