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Walt N

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Any body having any luck with PGE allowing ISY to join the network. I have made several phone calls to the SMART METER line. I could tell they did not know what I am talking about. They were friendly and tried to help. I am in now the process of exchanging emails. I included a copy of the PGE SMART METER HAN implementation plan that TJF1960 put in his post (thanks for that!). I am waiting to see if they reply.



Thanks for listening!

I love my ISY


Walt N

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No I had not come across that. Thank you twice. I filled out the form and got an automated email as promiced.


You hit a HOME RUN. Thank you!!


I love my ISY


Walt N

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Thanks Michel and TJF1960


I am making progress.


First step was to fill out the online info pages that TJF1960 hooked me up with. After that I quickly received an acceptance email that included a link with instructions to input install code and euid. Then quickly received a final email that indicated my HAN eligibility code with instructions on how to activate the meter and pair the HAN device (ISY). The pairing amounted to making a phone call and exchanging eligibility code and euid. The people on the phone were interested, helpful, and friendly.


My first attempt at pairing did not work out. The Extended Pan ID remained blank and a search for the SMART METER did not return any results. We tried the process a second time with same results. They were extremely helpful and would have tried a third time but I decided to call back after moving ISY closer to the SMART METER.


It is now on the inside wall directly behind the wooden doghouse that the SMART METER is in.


Last night I called the HAN activation number again for a second attempt. Again the pairing seems to have failed. The meter does not show up in Extended Pan Id and none is found using search. They report that the pairing was successful as far as they can tell.


There are some other things I have noticed. When I reboot the ISY with enabled checked, the My energy box pops up with Status Network Down. If I open the Provision box and uncheck the enabled, closing the provision window causes some cropped text to show up in the time spot, and the meter indicator to say ok. None of the summary items update.

I have been looking for Status Network Scanning and have not seen it.


Looks like I have managed to screw something up.


What does network down indicate, is there a way to restart it? I have tried restoring the original back up I made, along with pulling the power supply for a short time. No change. All other aspects of the ISY and my network seem to be working correctly.


Any Ideas?



Walt Nehse

I love my ISY

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Hi Walt,


Wow, that was quick! It took them literally 4 or 5 business days to respond to my request.

I cannot offer any assistance and I read in another thread that Michel was out until tomorrow I believe, just to let you know. I am sure he will be able to get you fixed up though.



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Hi Walt,


I would love to login to your computer (with your permission of course) and go through the activation. I suspect one of the steps is not being followed. If you'd like, please send me an email (support@universal-devices.com) and we'll schedule a call/remote session.


Also, please upgrade to 4.0.2 as it has a more streamlined way of finding the meter.


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,




I just got a call back from PGE HAN supervisor. She used the longer install code that Michel help me generate with the 4.0.3 update (THANK YOU AGAIN!!!) and says she believes it is going to work. In any case it's working on her end.


As soon as I can get out of work, I will run home and see for myself.


Walt N

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Made it home to see if it would pair, no luck. Contacted PGE HAN support and recieved a call back at work. We checked euid (mac address as they

call it) and install code and both were correct. At first they indicated there was still an error message relating to key length. They called back about 1hr later,and indicated that they had re-installed the mac address and install code. From what they could tell it looks like it should work.


Got home to the same results. I have some ideas that I plan to try but am out of time this evening. Better get to work with the domestic stuff or I will be looking for a new home.


PGE HAN team is working with me, I can tell they want this to work. I will post contact names and phone numbers after I get the ok from them.



Thank you


Walt N


P.S. every other aspect if this unit is working FLAWLESSLY! My recommendation is to just buy one!

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Just spoke with Vicky, she will be happy to have a three way conference call. She works Tue-Sat. Let me know what works for you and I will make it happen.


Walt N

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Hi Gene,


Thanks so very much and I am so very sorry to hear. I just sent them an email requesting clarification.


In the meantime, we would be delighted to send you a refund for your unit as it's clearly being prevented from connecting to SDG&E. If you so choose to do so, please send your contact information to sales@unviersal-devices.com and a link to this post.


Again, I am so very sorry to hear.


With kind regards,


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Have you been able to talk to a human about the letter? Someone may have their wires crossed up or it's an automatic response to before the key length had been changed.


Are they close enough to go visit an engineer there at the utility?

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Thanks Michel. I knew if anyone could solve this problem, it was you. With more and more utilities changing to smart meters, it had only to be a matter of time until the ISY-994i got accepted. Utilities like PG&E, SCE and SDG&E will set the standards for the rest of the Industry.


I live in SDG&E Country but actually work for SCE. If the ISY becomes type accepted by all 3 of these Utilities, it should not pose a problem with others in the Country.


However this turns out with SDG&E, thanks for your effort.



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