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elk connection lost


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I can't figure out what went wrong. It was working for sure Thursday night, then last night it doesn't work. I use a KPL to turn on the alarm when I go to bed every night so I know for sure it was connected on Thursday.


I can connect to the Elk like usual using elk rp. I can connect to the ISY like usual using the java console. The ISY is controlling light like normal. I can connect to the Elk via its java control panel going to its lan IP address.


I have power cycled the router, the xep, and the ISY.


I have tried changing the ISY's configuration settings for Elk saving, then changing back and saving.


When I first open the ISY control panel, it doesn't list anything at the top for Elk. When I try changing settings and hit save, then it shows the "not connected to elk security system" warning at the top of the screen.


I don't know what else to do.


EDIT: OK I turned off SSL and switched to the 2101 port and it connects. So now the question is what has gone wrong with SSL?

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No, I haven't even opened the dashboard in a few months. The only thing I have touched on either system was the DNS. I was using my office server as the DNS which was connected to home via VPN, but I have changed my office around and went to a public DNS. But the Elk and ISY are both programmed to connect via their static IP addresses, no URL's involved.

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Try using https to access the ISY web interface. I have noticed that, similar to the device status issue, sometimes the Elk arm disarm bar at the top of the screen doesn't show up. Once I use https it shows up. My ISY appears to be communicating all along regardless of what the top of the GUI shows.

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Hi apostolakisl,


Did this happen after an upgrade to either ISY or ELK? Any identifiable precursors?


With kind regards,



No, I am running 3.3.10 which I installed right when it came out. Everything was working like normal until a couple days ago. I haven't changed elk firmware in at least a year.

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Try using https to access the ISY web interface. I have noticed that, similar to the device status issue, sometimes the Elk arm disarm bar at the top of the screen doesn't show up. Once I use https it shows up. My ISY appears to be communicating all along regardless of what the top of the GUI shows.


It's not just the bar at the top. It actually wasn't communicating. I discovered it because a KPL that is set to turn the alarm on wasn't working. Of course when I tested other stuff (like door openings turning on lights) that didn't work either.

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