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Insteon 2447SA load controller programing question

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I installed the load controller (normally open) to control a 240 volt pool pump. I want the pump to go on and off three times within a twenty four hour period. I created programs the same way that I did for turning lights on and off. The only problem is that the controller turns on at the programmed time but will no shut off at the programmed time. I've tried different ways of running the programs, like having it go on , then WAIT four hours and then OFF. I've actually set the times for ON and OFF but it will not shut off. I've even set up different programs within a folder, one program turning it ON and one program turning it OFF but to no avail. I'm pretty new to Insteon but I'm learning. This is one pair of programs I'm trying just to get it to work then I'll work from there:



Folder Conditions for 'Pool Pump'

Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.



Status 'My Lighting / Pool Pump' is Off


Allow the programs in this folder to run.



Status 'My Lighting / Pool Pump' is Off

And Time is 8:00:00PM


Set 'My Lighting / Pool Pump' On


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




Status 'My Lighting / Pool Pump' is On

And Time is 11:00:00PM


Set 'My Lighting / Pool Pump' Off


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Any help is greatly appreciated!


If the Program that turns the Load Controller Off is in the posted Folder the Folder Condition prevents the Off Program from running. The Off Program is only allowed to run if the Load Controller is already Off.


That Folder condition seems odd for what the Programs are doing. One Program is checking the same thing the Folder is checking. I suggest dropping the Folder altogether.


In case you go back to the single Program that turns the Load Controller On, Waits, then turns the Load Controller Off, when the If section of the Program checks the Status of the Load Controller, when the Status changes to On and a Wait is encountered, the If section is reevaluated which is likely False at that point so the Else clause is executed. This means that the Action statement after the Wait to turn the Load Controller Off is never executed.


The simple solution is to remove the Load Controller Status check from the If section. The activity is being driven based on Time so it does not matter if the Load Controller is On or Off at the point where the Program is turning the Load Controller On.


Thanks for the quick reply LeeG.

I believe I understand what you are saying. Correct me if I'm wrong. Can I create the single program w/o the folder and leave the IF section empty. I thought something had to be in the IF section on a program. What I'm looking for is for the pump to go on say at 8:00AM-1100AM, then back on again at 3:00PM to 6:00PM, and then maybe 9:00PM to 11:00PM. I guess I thought that to do that I needed to put the separate programs in a folder in order for all three to work. Thanks again.


OK LeeG I think I now understand what you're saying after reading over your post many, many times. Because of the folder condition which indicates IF the controller is OFF run the programs in the folder, when my second program attempts to run it is checking if the controller is ON which is NOT the condition that the FOLDER (false) dictates therefore that program will not run. I hope I got it right. I'll play around with it when I get home.

Can I create the single program w/o the folder and leave the IF section empty.


Something needs to tell your program (then/else) sections to execute. This is either a program condition (if), or being called by another program. If you have an empty IF section, and this program is not being called from another, it will never run.


I suspect you are making this harder than it needs to be. Why not try:


time is from 8:00AM
to 1100AM
time is from 3:00PM 
to 6:00PM
time is from 9:00PM
to 11:00PM.
turn pump on
turn pump off


No folders. Simple (hopefully it works)

Because of the folder condition which indicates IF the controller is OFF run the programs in the folder, when my second program attempts to run it is checking if the controller is ON which is NOT the condition that the FOLDER (false) dictates therefore that program will not run.


I think there is a misconception here. Folder conditions do not DICTATE when a program will run. Folder conditions do not force, or cause, programs to RUN (even with folder conditions enabled, a program still requires a trigger to run). Folder conditions do not prevent programs from running (can still be triggered by conditions external to the folder, such as by another program). Folder conditions simply ALLOW or PREVENT program's IF conditions to trigger itself. In effect, program conditions ENABLE or DISABLE programs.


Your current folder condition (pump is off) allows included programs to run ONLY if the pump is off. If the pump is on, NONE of the included programs will trigger, including the program to turn off the pump.



Thanks for the quick reply. I will try the program as you state. Believe me I know I'm making this harder that it really is but I guess that comes with the learning process. I really appreciate your help and the help of others in this forum.



"Your current folder condition (pump is off) allows included programs to run ONLY if the pump is off. If the pump is on, NONE of the included programs will trigger, including the program to turn off the pump."


That's what I was trying to explain in my second post, so OUT with the folder and in with your program. Thanks again!!

That's what I was trying to explain in my second post


I takes a little while to get your head wrapped around a few of these concepts. Triggers, conditions, waits, etc... Neither is it easy to describe it in words, even if you think you understand it.




It is not necessary to get rid of the folder, just the folder conditions. Folders are very useful for organizing your programs. I have many folders in my programs tree - very few with folder conditions.



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