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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Leaving a 'Scene'


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I have multiple Scenes setup in my house. I have the ISY994 and use MobiLinc as my interface to the system on the iPad. All of the scenes work as expected, as do the local triggers, etc...


My question is; when leaving or 'turning off' a scene, is there a way to invoke another scene in that same action?


Example: In my scene "Family Room Ambiance", I have the overhead lights dim to 30%, and the lights on the top of the entertainment center go to "on" (not dimmable). Works great! However, when I set the scene to 'off' all of the lights (predictably) turn off. Yea! :mrgreen:


What I'd like to have happen is when I set the "Family Room Ambiance" scene to 'off' is that the entertainment center lights go off and the overhead lights turn to 70%, so I don't end up sitting in a dark room.


I could create another 'scene' and just turn that on, but I'd rather have that 'auto-magically' turn on when the first turns off.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Hello rrehart,


Unfortunately INSTEON does not allow an on-level for an Off command. That's why most of their new devices now has multiple groups such as Dry/Wet or Open/Close both of which will send an On command (i.e. Dry sends a On to Dry group while Wet sends an On to the Wet group); this is totally unlike the older units. So, the short answer is no.


Now, if you want to achieve this via a KPL button, you can:

1. Make the button Non-Toggle On

2. Drop it into the same scene as a controller

3. Name it Off

4. Adjust the on levels/ramp rates for responders in the scene for that button as you wish (i.e. turn some off and others to whatever level you wish)


With kind regards,



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