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Release 2.6.4 is now available (RC3)

Michel Kohanim

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Hello All,


Release 2.6.4 (RC3) is now available and may be downloaded immediately.


For fixes and enhancements, please peruse our beta forum at http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=930. You may also post your comments/questions and issues relating to 2.6.4 to the same forum.



1. For those upgrading from release 2.6, please note that releases 2.6.1 and above will use default HTTP/HTTPS ports of 80/443 respectively. As such, before upgrading Disable Internet Access

2. If you have used bookmarks, please update them accordingly. If you have problems finding ISY, try http://www.universal-devices.com/27

3. If you are upgrading from 2.6.1, please make sure you export all your programs and store them in a safe place

4. As always, please take a backup of your ISY



- Userid = isy

- Password = autoupdate

- For ISY-26, download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- For ISY-99i Series, download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- Login to Admin Console and choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step

- Important: After upgrading, please close Admin Console, close all web browser processes, clear your Java cache, and reopen Admin Console. If there are any web browser processes running, the Java cache will not be cleared.


- Browser has to be completely restarted otherwise the admin console does not start up

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Your web server is giving this message for the 99 update, I get the 26 one fine. I've tried logging in from 2 different computers.




You don't have permission to access /updates/Insteon_UD99/2.6.4/insteon.zip on this server.

You may need to create an index.html page or enable the directory browsing by creating an .htaccess file containing "Options +Indexes".






Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.universal-devices.com Port 80

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Ed must have downloaded the ISY-26 version, because it was working fine when the ISY-99 link did not. That's how I guessed there was a permissions problem.


I get the same error.


Ed, how did you get past it?


Thank you,


Thanks Michel,

I will try it when I get home tonight.




It should work now ...


With kind regards,



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After installing 2.6.4, I can't launch the admin console on my Mac. The error is: Applet com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDCClientApplet notinited


I tried clearing the browser and Java cache (through both the control panel and manually deleting files), emptying trash, and restarting.


Same symptom on the test server at http://www.universal-devices.com/27/


Not seeing this issue on a Windows PC.


Anybody else try running 2.6.4 on a Mac?




UPDATE: I tried another Mac and the admin console opens fine. Does not appear to be an issue with the ISY software.

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That is the same error message I see when trying to reopen the AC.






Except it happens every time on this Mac, even after a fresh restart. It looks like 2.6.4 might be using a new Java method? Java Console is reporting:


Java Plug-in 1.5.0
Using JRE version 1.5.0_13 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = /Users/jim

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.net.NetworkInterface.isUp()Z
at com.universaldevices.upnp.UDControlPoint.isNetworkUp(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:380)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)

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With sincere apologies ... this is because we used a method that's only available in Java 1.6 and, as we all know, the only Java 1.6 available for MAC is the developer version.


Please do be kind enough to:

1. Download 2.6.4 firmware for your platform again (we put the fix in)

2. Use http://www.universal-devices.com/27 to login to your ISY

3. Upgrade your ISY again using the firmware you downloaded in step 1


Again, with sincere apologies,

With kind regards,



That is the same error message I see when trying to reopen the AC.






Except it happens every time on this Mac, even after a fresh restart. It looks like 2.6.4 might be using a new Java method? Java Console is reporting:


Java Plug-in 1.5.0
Using JRE version 1.5.0_13 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = /Users/jim

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.net.NetworkInterface.isUp()Z
at com.universaldevices.upnp.UDControlPoint.isNetworkUp(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:380)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)

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With sincere apologies ... this is because we used a method that's only available in Java 1.6 and, as we all know, the only Java 1.6 available for MAC is the developer version.


Please do be kind enough to:

1. Download 2.6.4 firmware for your platform again (we put the fix in)

2. Use http://www.universal-devices.com/27 to login to your ISY

3. Upgrade your ISY again using the firmware you downloaded in step 1


Again, with sincere apologies,

With kind regards,



That is the same error message I see when trying to reopen the AC.






Except it happens every time on this Mac, even after a fresh restart. It looks like 2.6.4 might be using a new Java method? Java Console is reporting:


Java Plug-in 1.5.0
Using JRE version 1.5.0_13 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = /Users/jim

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.net.NetworkInterface.isUp()Z
at com.universaldevices.upnp.UDControlPoint.isNetworkUp(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:380)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)


Michel - No need for apologize for bugs in a beta release; glad to help catch one. Admin console loads fine now.



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My Mac doesn't start the program consistently. It will open the main window and when I click on the Admin Console button it will run some of the times and not other times. It seems to get consistently worse.

The other buttons will operate correctly - asking me for my user login and password. The Admin button will open the next screen and sit there with an X icon for the Java console. I have emptied my Java cache and that doesn't help.


Please advise.


Clarence Martin

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My Mac doesn't start the program consistently. It will open the main window and when I click on the Admin Console button it will run some of the times and not other times. It seems to get consistently worse.

The other buttons will operate correctly - asking me for my user login and password. The Admin button will open the next screen and sit there with an X icon for the Java console. I have emptied my Java cache and that doesn't help.


Please advise.


Clarence Martin


Clarence - I don't know if you noticed the previous post, but the 2.6.4 firmware was just updated and released again to address a Java compatibility issue affecting Macs.



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Don't remember seeing this in previous versions,

On level applied locally, slider is missing 20%. This only happens when looking at the device directly not when looking in a scene. Update: Sorry, probably just a fluke, Closed and re-opened the program the On Level slider appears normal this time.


The following was in at least 1 previous release and not limited to this new beta,

Ramp Rate slider is off slightly for example showing 8.5 sec. when above 19 sec.




ISY 99i/IR Pro 2.6.4 Java cash cleared

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Yes I did see the previous posting.

My download was done again after the post was made.

My Mac now completely ignores the Admin Console Button - or should I say - it does nothing after clicking the button.

I can log into the other buttons and they work.

One interesting note: After I logged into the Admin Console the first time, and closed the window and the ISY program respectively, I was able to restart the ISY program and was not required to log in with a password and admin after clicking the program, or other buttons.

That leads me to believe that my session was not closed and I wasn't able to wait around to test that theory. I will do some more testing this evening, unless, hopefully someone else discovers a solution.


Clarence Martin

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Michel and company, thank you for this update :D


The HTML interface is working well on my PocketPC.

Can we get a slider to set a device level instead of using Dim/Bright several times? Please?


A few small notes (other than the AdminCon Dim/Bright):


Notify message is still incomplete.


KPL LED Brightness for Button 1 still hidden with screen width


Status window keeps getting sent to back. This might be new.


Thank you,


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Thanks so very much!


The open/close is already fixed. As far as a slider in HTML, I am not sure if such widget exists in HTML. I'll research it further. We'll try to fix the GUI issues and as far as the notifications, we have left it for Triggers 2.0.


Thanks again so very much,

With kind regards,



Michel and company, thank you for this update :D


The HTML interface is working well on my PocketPC.

Can we get a slider to set a device level instead of using Dim/Bright several times? Please?


A few small notes (other than the AdminCon Dim/Bright):


Notify message is still incomplete.


KPL LED Brightness for Button 1 still hidden with screen width


Status window keeps getting sent to back. This might be new.


Thank you,


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Hi Clarence,


What happens when you try: http://www.universal-devices.com/27?


With kind regards,




Yes I did see the previous posting.

My download was done again after the post was made.

My Mac now completely ignores the Admin Console Button - or should I say - it does nothing after clicking the button.

I can log into the other buttons and they work.

One interesting note: After I logged into the Admin Console the first time, and closed the window and the ISY program respectively, I was able to restart the ISY program and was not required to log in with a password and admin after clicking the program, or other buttons.

That leads me to believe that my session was not closed and I wasn't able to wait around to test that theory. I will do some more testing this evening, unless, hopefully someone else discovers a solution.


Clarence Martin

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Thanks so very much!


The open/close is already fixed. As far as a slider in HTML, I am not sure if such widget exists in HTML. I'll research it further. We'll try to fix the GUI issues and as far as the notifications, we have left it for Triggers 2.0.


Thanks again so very much,

With kind regards,




I don't know about an HTML slider either. Perhaps a numeric input box and then a GO button?


Thank you,


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