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Release 2.6.4 is now available (RC3)

Michel Kohanim

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I ran into a similar problem trying to "tap link" a KPL yesterday. In my case, I attribute the difficulty to the fact that I had not disabled my X10 transceiver. During the linking process I was walking past and triggering multiple X10 motion sensors. When I returned to the ISY GUI it was unable to locate the KPL.


I disabled the transceiver and retried the link using the ISY manual link option (New Insteon Device - Insteon address entry). This correctly identified and installed the device.




Anyone having trouble adding new devices in 2.6.4?


I am tryig to add a 2474D 2 Wire Kit, and the ISY can not locate it?



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I had a heck of a time trying to add a 2476D switchlinc and an EZIO8SA. I'm not sure if it was ISY or PLM trouble, but it wasn't easy. I tried a lot of reboots and factory resets and finally got them to link. I tried the ISY auto (start linking), and New INSTEON device using all 3 options for the existing links. When I would enter the device ID and select any of the 3 options for the existing links, I got returned to the normal GUI without anything being added. I tried an older ver 52 PLM, a new 2.75 out of the box and the 2476D was right out of the box also.

This stuff is great when it works and I look forward to learning how to overcome these issues.

Best regards,


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Hello Ed,


I am so very sorry for the troubles you've been experiencing. As far as EZIO8SA, there's a specific order of events that you have to follow to get it to link. I call it 4x4 (4 seconds to link to ISY then click cancel, then wait for ISY to finish, then click the set button another 4 seconds) as specified in their instruction sheet.


As far as 2476D, I am not sure what it could be: we have not changed that part of the code, haven't any bugs reported, and thus I have to conclude that it's either noise, defective 2476D, or signal is not getting to it.


Please keep me posted,

With kind regards,




I had a heck of a time trying to add a 2476D switchlinc and an EZIO8SA. I'm not sure if it was ISY or PLM trouble, but it wasn't easy. I tried a lot of reboots and factory resets and finally got them to link. I tried the ISY auto (start linking), and New INSTEON device using all 3 options for the existing links. When I would enter the device ID and select any of the 3 options for the existing links, I got returned to the normal GUI without anything being added. I tried an older ver 52 PLM, a new 2.75 out of the box and the 2476D was right out of the box also.

This stuff is great when it works and I look forward to learning how to overcome these issues.

Best regards,


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Thanks for the response. I'm guessing it's more noise or PLM related issues, but since AnthemAVM and IndyMike had mentioned similar things I figured I'd mention it also. I'll try the switchlinc in my home this week to see if it links OK, but I did finally get it to link to the other ISY.

Could you please expand on the 4X4 with the EZIO8SA, possibly in that forum. I would really like to understand the in's and out's of getting these things talking. I have some friends in the oil field bussines who could really use some input monitoring as well as the email notifications. I'm trying to develop an application, but until I understand how to get these talking to each other every time I'm reluctant to tell them I can do it.



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... this is because we used a method that's only available in Java 1.6 and, as we all know, the only Java 1.6 available for MAC is the developer version.




I'm pleased to report that Apple finally caught up with the rest of the world and officially released Java 1.6 for Leopard. The INTEL MAC ONLY update isn't appearing under automatic updates yet but can be downloaded from Apple. Hopefully a PowerPC version will also appear soon.



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Just to be clear, I believe that my issues were due to an excessive amount of X10 activity on the powerline while I was attempting to link. Once I disabled the X10 transceiver the linking went smoothly.


If you believe your new switch location may have noise issues that are preventing linking, I have a little trick that may help.


I typically run a pre-check on new units by wiring them to a 14/3 power cord. A replacement cord for a power saw will typically suffice (3-prong). Simply pigtail the Hot, Neutral, and ground and then cap the switched output (red). Plug the cord in next to your PLM and link away.


If you are concerned about having the pigtail connections "in the open", you could also pick up a plastic outlet box and terminate in the box.


If this works, it will serve to confirm that the actual device location has a problem (Noise or signal level).





Thanks for the response. I'm guessing it's more noise or PLM related issues, but since AnthemAVM and IndyMike had mentioned similar things I figured I'd mention it also. I'll try the switchlinc in my home this week to see if it links OK, but I did finally get it to link to the other ISY.

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IndyMike, I do the same pre-installation bench test on my new wired-in devices with a replacement power cord AND a rubberized replacement lamp socket. That way I can link it to the ISY, and then run through all the device functions with it plugged into the same house circuit, if possible, as where it will be installed.


This beats having to pull out a newly installed device that doesn't work out of a junction box.

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C Martin,


I believe there was an issue with program sorting when using lower screen resolutions (my 1024 X 768 laptop would not sort).


This seems to be resolved with 2.6.4. My laptop now sorts the Program Summary window with a resolution of 800 X 600.


Could you provide some additional detail - resolution, OS?




I downloaded the new update-

It still doesn't provide sorting by clicking on the Tabs in the Program Summary window.

I do get to do sorting in the primary window or device window.

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I believe that this is still a Mac issue. We were told it was because the Java for Mac was behind the PC version of Java. With the new update I was hoping this was resolved.

i am using a 20 inch IMac, so resolution should not be an issue.

Like I stated my Main screen, in the network pane, does allow sorts. The program summary window does not do sorts. That's the main window where sorts are needed.



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I believe that this is still a Mac issue. We were told it was because the Java for Mac was behind the PC version of Java. With the new update I was hoping this was resolved.

i am using a 20 inch IMac, so resolution should not be an issue.

Like I stated my Main screen, in the network pane, does allow sorts. The program summary window does not do sorts. That's the main window where sorts are needed.



My apologies - I didn't read far enough back in the posts to discover that you were using the Mac OS.


From your post previous to this - I'm assuming that the new update that you loaded was the Java 1.6 update that RatRanch was referring to?


Past that, I'm pretty much useless when it comes to a Mac. Just trying to set things up for the experts (the ISY team).



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I appreciate any and all input.

I did download the new Java 1.6 and no help on the sorts.

BTW I am running a Mac with a Virtual Vista machine - the Vista side works great.

It's interesting - the subtle differences between the operating systems.


There are good things about Mac and good things about Windows. It's what you get used too or what you grow up on!





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Thanks so very much for the update and the link: it's been added to our website.




We'll check it out. In the meantime, please make sure you cleared your Java cache (which, in the case of MAC, may require computer reboot).


Thanks and with kind regards,



... this is because we used a method that's only available in Java 1.6 and, as we all know, the only Java 1.6 available for MAC is the developer version.




I'm pleased to report that Apple finally caught up with the rest of the world and officially released Java 1.6 for Leopard. The INTEL MAC ONLY update isn't appearing under automatic updates yet but can be downloaded from Apple. Hopefully a PowerPC version will also appear soon.



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Thanks for the update. So, how does one clear the cache now in 1.6? Would you be kind enough to post what you find in our MAC: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=782


With kind regards,




Funny that you mention that - I went to clear my cache and things have changed on that window.

Can't find the button to delete the cache files.





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I got a replacement RemoteLinc this am, and went to put it into the ISY. I hit Linc RemoteLinc, warned about loosing all the links, and if that wasn't what you wanted go to New Insteon Device.


I put in the address and hit okay, and it just take me back to Admin Console. I put the RemoteLinc in linking mode and it still didn't work.


Any ideas?

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