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i/o link sensor report


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I have three i/o links set up in my garage, one for each door. Recently the isy has not been picking up changes in sensor status. The i/o links report the correct status when queried and the relays respond to on/off comands so I don't think it's a communications issue. I am running 4.05. The only changes I have made recently is updating mobilinc and installing a 220volt swich on an unrelated circuit. Any ideas? Thanks

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Is the LED showing sensor state still reponding as you expect?


The ability to talk to the relay does not, in my mind, guarantee the ability to hear the sensor.


There are only a couple of things that I can think that might cause this problem...a communication problem, or a hardware failure. I suppose it may be possible that a corrupt link database may be a possible cause, so it may not hurt anything to perform a "restore device" from this ISY.

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If the leds on the IOLincs are not responding to a change in sensor state, then I would begin to suspect a hardware issue. It could be wiring. It could be the relay itself. It could be the IOLinc.


You could eliminate the iolinc from consideration by shorting the sensor terminals and see if the iolinc led changes state.


I am finding it hard to believe that this happened simutaneoulsy on three iolincs. Any electrical storms lately?

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Is it that the I/O Linc Sensor state changes are sometimes missed or they never change (ignoring Query) when watching them through the Admin Console? Are the I/O Linc Sensors the only thing that does not present state changes to the Admin Console?


If they never change in the Admin Console look for a link record problem, most likely in the PLM if all three I/O Lincs have the same situation. The PLM link database can be rebuilt using File | Restore Modem (PLM).


There could also be a comm. problem if the Sensor state changes are intermittent. A quick check of comm. quality to the garage is to run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. Issue a Query a few times and watch the Hops Left=x count. Hops Left=2 is best, Hops Left=0 is worst. A consistently changing Hops Left=x count from Query to Query usually means comm. issues.

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If there were other devices in addition to the I/O Lincs that were not showing state changes in the Admin Console my first conclusion would be the PLM lost some or all of its link records. Sometimes a very short power outage (0.5 to 2 second range) can cause havoc with Insteon devices. The power supply starts to bleed off but power is restore before the device completely shuts down. A complete lose of power for a minute or more is much better. Could also be the PLM is near its end of life.


If the problem was limited to the I/O Linc sensors I do not have a good explanation. The PLM can fill with duplicate and outdated link records making adding new links impossible but this does not usually affect links which have already been added and working.


Something to watch to see if it happens again. If it surfaces again I would look for other devices having similar issues because the PLM is having problems with its link database.

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We did have a few brown outs last week. Too bad you can't use USB with PLM. Thanks again for your help


I assume you meant a "UPS with the PLM". In some cases you can. Several users here have placed their PLM's behind UPS/Filter combos effectivly isolating them from the powerline network. Then add Access points near by - one on each phase. This forces the PLM to use RF only. (requires 2413S PLM) As a result, for any non dual band powerline devices, you lose one hop out of the 3 to the PLM -> access point jump. If you have a solid network that may be OK but if things are marginal, losing a hop may worsen your reliability.


This is certainly not the recommended setup but if you are prone to power problems, this might help.



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