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Upgrade from isy99 to isy994 - dowgrade 994 firmware or not?


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I've come across conflicting advice on this.


I have an isy99pro, and have updated it to 3.3.10, which is the latest version supported in isy99.


I purchased an isy994pro on the upgrade program. It was pre-loaded with 4.0.5.


Can I simply restore by backup from the isy99 to the isy994? That backup, of course, was made with 3.3.10?


Or, do I first have to downgrade the isy994 to 3.3.10, restore from the backup, and then update back to 4.0.5?


This is not mentioned in the official upgrade instructions:


http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... r_ISY-994i


But I had seen that advice elsewhere, perhaps on this forum, but can't find it again.


p.s. What are 3.3.100 and 3.3.101? Should I care about these?


The 3.3.10 backup is installed on the 994 at 4.0.5.


Do not down grade 994.


There is only one official 3.3.10. Sounds like finger checks. Can you post a link to where these are mentioned.


What was the solution to not obtaining an IP address through DHCP?

There is only one official 3.3.10. Sounds like finger checks. Can you post a link to where these are mentioned.


It's actually fairly hard to find the previous releases. I don't know of any official page that links to them. I just modified the URL in the browser address bar to back-up to the directory containing all of the releases, and I noticed 3.3.100 and 3.3.101. One is dated about a year ago, and one is recent.


Otherwise, you'd have to search the forum to find the link to a specific version.


What is a "finger check"?


What was the solution to not obtaining an IP address through DHCP?


[red face] I had to power cycle my switch.


FYI, the isy994 *does* connect to the network even if the PLM is not connected. It will come up in safe mode.


Under the forum Category “Current Releases, Betas and Bug Reportâ€




go the Release post for the Release/Beta of interest. The one for 3.3.10 is below. That topic has a link to the 3.3.10 downloads. There are actually three downloads at 3.3.10 which apply to the various 99i/994i hardware combinations available at the time.




Finger Check is a typing error. Looking where you were looking rather than a specific post I think they represent the three possible 3.3.10 downloads.


I suggested making the PLM available so the front LEDs would not be indicating the lack of a PLM along with whatever else was going on. Simpler to evaluate when looking at one symptom at a time.


The downgrade recommendation was one I had made a month or two ago to another user that was swapping a 99i for a 994. I remember Michel saying that there had been some database changes and that if you wanted to go back to the 3.3.10 FW from the 4.x betas, you should restore a 3.3.10 backup after the downgrade. This lead me to believe that the safest upgrade path on a new 994 from a 3.3.10 99i would be to start with the 994 at 3.3.10, restore the 99i backup then upgrade the 994 to 4.x from there. This may have been unnecessary.


Michel- could you comment on this?




Hi Xathros,


Thank you for the explanation. You only need to restore your 3.3.10 backup if you downgrade and thus the reverse is not true: you should be able to restore your 3.3.10 backup on a 4.0.5 and everything should be migrated properly after reboot.


With kind regards,



Restoring my 3.3.10 backup from my isy99 to the isy994 (running 4.0.5) worked.


I get one error on startup:


Couldn't resolve Localhost. On MAC: fix /private/etc/hosts


I have localhost listed there, but not Localhost (capitalization)


Yes, I am still having the Localhost issue.


Not sure what I am supposed to do with my "faulty Java installation on Mac".


I have JDK 6.x which I need for some development.


I have JRE 7 downloaded from Oracle. It seems to install in a completely different directory, and seems *only* to support the web plugins and WebStart. (Which I thought we were all supposed to stop using due to dire warnings in the press...)


I have to admit I'm throughly confused about the Mac Java situatiuon and 6/7. Along with everyone else.


If you are on Lion or Mtn Lion, you should install Java 1.7.25 from Oracle. UDI has been recommending that users uninstall the 1.6 branch of Java on the MAC but software update keeps putting it back and it hasn't caused me any grief so I just left well enough alone with that.



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