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False positive on Insteon/ISY Program


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I have a teenager who is bad about leaving the lights in her room on. To help teach/remind her to get in a good habit, I added following program, however since I'm new to this I must have forgot to cross a t or dot an i somewhere. Please have a look, and see why I may be getting false positives.


I will get the text that fan has been on in room with no motion detected for 30 minutes, but then when I check the room the fan is off.

Any guidance is appreciated.



On Mon-Fri

From 6:00:00AM

To 10:00:00PM (same day)

And Status 'Room1 Motion Sensor' is Off

And Status 'Room1 Fan' is On



Wait 30 minutes

Send Notification to 'Group1' content 'Room1 Fan Message'

Wait 30 minutes

Set 'Room1 Fan' Fast Off



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Oh and yes I'm checking the fan immediately after the notification, so it should not be off at that point. This is to allow time for her to go turn of her fan that she forgot to get her in a good habit, but if it still does not get turned off within 30 minutes it will go off anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The fan is being controlled by a 2477S Dual Band SwitchLinc On/Off Switch.


So after rethinking the program logic, one thing comes to mind.


After the first...Then

Wait 30 minutes

Send Notification to 'Group1' content 'Room1 Fan Message'


Would the program just blindly send the notification 30 minutes after the 'if' criteria were met? or is the 'if' criteria assumed still? In other words does the current way it's written only check at the beginning, but not current status again just prior to the notification being sent?

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Referring to TJF1960's question above, is there a way I can have the notification message, include current ISY device status? I see variable options, and have used them before (like current date time), but not sure how to get ISY device status.

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Referring to TJF1960's question above, is there a way I can have the notification message, include current ISY device status? I see variable options, and have used them before (like current date time), but not sure how to get ISY device status.
Only if that device is what triggered the notify program. In that case: In Custom Notification select Alert. You can select Node Name or Node Address which will supply the name or address of the device which ran the notification email.

If the notify program was triggered by an If Status of device then select Action to report the status of the device. If it was triggered by If Control device then select Control.

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What you can do as a work around until the feature you want is available is create a simple program which monitors the status of the device and switches an integer variable to 1 when it is on and 0 when off. Then have the text/email send you the variable value so you will know whether was on or off when notified.



Status RoomFan1 is on


set $iRoomFan1 = 1


Set $iRommFan1 = 0

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Or you can use Custom Email Substitution Variables to get device status as shown here:


http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... _Variables


For Example: $(sys.node.11 22 AA 1.ST) for the Status of device 11.22.AA



Ah, I didn't realize you could pull status of other devices and have them displayed, I knew you could with variables. I haven't played much with notifications. Thats great info, Thanks.
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