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Whats the best way to transition scenes?


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Just wondering what the best way is to transition from one scene to another? For example from say sunset scene to a nite-tv scene? I get that you can say "If this" - "Then that" in a program and turn the scene you want on and then turn off the other lights via a program - but what about lights that need to be turned off that were turned on and not included in the sunset scene? Does this make sense? Right now I have a program setup that says if I press a KPL button then a program runs that turns off all the lights I dont want on that were turned on for the sunset scene for the nite off - then run the tv-nite scene but for lights that maybe are still on in a bathroom or something that are not normally on how do I get those to turn off?

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but what about lights that need to be turned off that were turned on and not included in the sunset scene?


If I had a case where I wanted activation of one scene to turn off certain lights, I would include those lights in the scene, setting the ON level to zero.

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Yeah good point but that would be a lot of lights in one scene for the whole house. Plus the changes of sending that many commends at once could cause failures where lights dont turn off or go to the level you want. Repeats may help though. Too bad you cant copy a scene like you can programs to make it easier to do as well. Then I could just do an "All Inside" scene, copy it and apply the lighting levels.

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Turning an ISY Scene On and/or Off is a single Insteon message. No ACKs, no retries. There is no load on the Insteon Mesh Network associated with 2 devices versus 20 devices. That many loads turning Off all at the same time may be an issue from an electrical load perspective. Might pay to turn each floor off separately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My lighting design includes two master scenes: all lights inside, and all lights outside. Any device or switch which controls or powers a light or fan is part onf one of these two scenes. At the end of the day, my program turns off these two scenes.


If I were to ever want to transition to a different scene, with all other lights to turn off, I would consider a program which first shut off the ALL LIGHTS scene, the activated the new one.

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