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Leak Sensors - A (Suggested) Complete Program Package


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$sLeakLaundryRoom must be a "State" variable to cause a trigger and the programme must have the enable checkbox checked


That was EXACTLY the problem. I failed to make the sLaundryRoom variable a STATE variable. Thanks so much. It's nice to have another set of eyes to review issues like this. I appreciate the help.

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So far I have 4 leak sensors installed, 5 more to go. I pulled the trigger on the ELK WSV2 today, was waiting for the smarthome valve, but still back-ordered.

I have the io linc to control the valve and am testing it with a leak sensor to see the behavior. I created a scene and set the leak sensor wet as a controller and the io linc relay as a responder. When I place the sensor on metal it does tigger on then the io linc will go from Off to On. Ill set the relay On to close the valve and use the 12v output from the valve to give me the status, (copying this set-up:


Should I have a program as a back-up to close the valve. I was thinking of using a double program with a 30 second to 1 minute delay. Just in case a leak sensor in a bathroom accidentally gets wet I can implement a variable or device status to abort the program so the valve does not close.

Thought and ideas are welcomed. Thanks in advance and again for the incredible leak sensor programming.


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How are you guys placing your leak sensors. They seem to trigger perfectly on metal. I put some water on the kitchen counter then put the detectors into the water, saw a flash of light on the sensor, but it never showed wet. When I dipped the sensors into a little bit of water in a container, it triggered wet and stayed wet. Is it possible that having the contacts on the counter is causing trouble. Should the leak sensor be placed on something to lift the contacts off the floor.


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How are you guys placing your leak sensors. They seem to trigger perfectly on metal. I put some water on the kitchen counter then put the detectors into the water, saw a flash of light on the sensor, but it never showed wet. When I dipped the sensors into a little bit of water in a container, it triggered wet and stayed wet. Is it possible that having the contacts on the counter is causing trouble. Should the leak sensor be placed on something to lift the contacts off the floor.


From what I have read in this forum (mine is still in the package), others are having the same problem. The sensors need dirtier water to trigger them as pure water is an insulator. The sensor should work fine placed on concrete or with a dirty water leak. Try some salt or baking soda in your test water.

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I already sent back 8 of them and was told the firmware was updated. Maybe they sent me back the 8 I sent in. I kept one that worked fine. With the great programming in this thread even the quick wet on triggers the notification. Ill have to do some more testing in water with all of them. I have written before that if I have a metal leak, we'll pick it up right away.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

When I run the startup program, all the variable 2 programs begin running "then" and set the state variables to 1. The problem is that after 25 hours they all set to 2 and the variable control 2 programs stop running. I've verifies that all the heartbeat sensors are showing as on.


Once I rerun the "then" in the startup program, everything goes back to normal for the next 25 hours.


What am I missing?

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When I run the startup program, all the variable 2 programs begin running "then" and set the state variables to 1. The problem is that after 25 hours they all set to 2 and the variable control 2 programs stop running. I've verifies that all the heartbeat sensors are showing as on.


Once I rerun the "then" in the startup program, everything goes back to normal for the next 25 hours.


What am I missing?

The Heartbeat will always show On unless the sensor is triggered by water. Check the last run time of the VariableControl2 program on the Programs Summary tab. The Last Run Time will be over 25 hours ago which means you are not receiving the Heartbeat. The Wait times out after 25 hours, the State variable gets set to 2 and the program ends. A receipt of a Heartbeat would run the Then clause of the VariableControl2 program and reset the Wait timer. Temporarily move the Leak Sensor closer to an Access Point to test.



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It happens to ALL battery powered devices at ISY reboot because battery powered devices CANNOT be queried. The Leak Sensor sends a Heartbeat message every 24 hours on what is a clock running in the Leak Sensor. If the ISY is rebooted 1 hour before the 24 hours elapsed it will take 1 hour before the ISY is aware of the Leak Sensor Status. If the ISY is rebooted 23.9 hours before the 24 hours elapse in the Leak Sensor it will take 23.9 hours.


That is what this Program logic is handling.



$sLeakKitchenSink is 1

And Time is Last Run Time for 'KitchenSink - Variable Control 2' + 26 hours




If 26 hours elapse the Leak Sensor is not communicating with the ISY.

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  • 1 month later...

So I have my leak sensors set up with the great leak sensor programs to notify me of a leak. I want to also get a notification if my Elk valve closes and need some help. I set up two programs.

The first lets me know that the relay has closed the valve:

       Status  'Water Valve / Water Valve io Linc-Relay' is On

       Send Notification to 'Eric text' content 'Water Valve has closed'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Relay On = Water valve closed.


The next program lets me know that the sensor has turned on. I know that this is the only way to know for sure that the valve has closed, but to me getting the two notifications lets me know with high certainty that the valve is closed.

       Status  'Water Valve / Water Valve io Linc-Sensor' is On

       Wait  15 seconds
       Send Notification to 'Eric text' content 'Water Valve sensor on'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

This sends a message to confirm that the valve has closed.


I also have two buttons on a kpl to control/monitor the water valve. One button can close the valve, fast on required, or open it. The other button is a monitor to tell me the status of the relay. If I turn the valve off with the kpl then I can see the sensor status by looking at the other kpl button.

So I do not need to be notified if I press the kpl button. I only want to be notified if the kpl button closes by some other means (such as a leak, since the leak sensors are all controllers of the valve). So how can I set this up. I'm thinking it could be something complicated with variables. Pressing the kpl would set a variable to a value of 1 for example, and the notification programs would not run if that variable is not=0.

This also just made me rethink about that scene. If any leak sensor shows wet, then the valve closes by scene control. On testing this works fine, but in theory if the wet then turns off, couldn't the relay turn off closing the valve.



My valve which I posted in another thread: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=13540


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  • 1 month later...

I don't use variables a lot but this made it very easy for me!  Just installed it and everything seems to work fine.. my only question is when I linked the sensor ISY recorded 3 devices.. Sensor-Wet, Sensor-Dry and Sensor-Hear.  Seems to have cut off the full name "Heartbeat" and shortened it to "Hear."  I wasn't sure it linked correctly so I deleted it and re-linked but got the same thing.  Just curious if this is new in 4.2.5?

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I don't use variables a lot but this made it very easy for me!  Just installed it and everything seems to work fine.. my only question is when I linked the sensor ISY recorded 3 devices.. Sensor-Wet, Sensor-Dry and Sensor-Hear.  Seems to have cut off the full name "Heartbeat" and shortened it to "Hear."  I wasn't sure it linked correctly so I deleted it and re-linked but got the same thing.  Just curious if this is new in 4.2.5?

Nothing changed in v4.2.5 for me from v4.2.3.


Yes the name lengths can be a problem for some software and each one shows folder names differently.


Three status points are correct and the points that ISY usually sets up for the Leak sensor.

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Nothing changed in v4.2.5 for me from v4.2.3.


Yes the name lengths can be a problem for some software and each one shows folder names differently.


Three status points are correct and the points that ISY usually sets up for the Leak sensor.


Yes, it seems to have been my naming was too long.  I had used "Dehumidifier Leak Sensor" and tried various combinations but "LS Dehumidifier" allowed "Heartbeat" to be written out in full.


By "software" I'm assuming you're refering to ISY version (4.2.5) and not OS.  I'm using XP f that makes any difference.

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  • 2 months later...

Two days ago my laundry room leak sensor was not communicating with the ISY.  I pulled it from behind the washing machine into the kitchen.  I was able to get it to communicate and triggered wet which closed my water valve, so it seemed to be working fine.  Today at 6pm I received a leak sensor problem notification, Laundry:3, VC2 program not running.

I just came home and coms appear fine.  The laundry leak sensor dry and heartbeat are on, wet is off.  The leak sensor variable control 2 program shows running, true, last run time last night at 1102pm.  The variable control 3 program shows idle, last run time at 105AM today.

This is from post 1:

4. Brief Explanation

4a - The 10 second wait in Variable Control 1 serves to stop multiple emails from being generated if the sensor "flutters" when it first activates.
4b - The Variable Control 2 program should always be in a "Running Then" state, looking for the heartbeat signal. If it's missed then it changes the variable to status = 2 which triggers a notification email.
4c - The Variable Control 3 program serves as a "watch-dog" for Variable Control 2. If it's stopped (manually, ISY issue, etc.), then it changes the variable to status = 3 which triggers a notification email.

I am having a little trouble figuring out what went wrong and why I received the notification. It does appear that everything is working fine.  I want to make sure that my leak sensors are working an that I am not going to get a text in the middle of the night for a malfunction.



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