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KPL Indicator Lights with All Off


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Just got my ISY 994i last week and am loving it so far. MUCH better that the Smarthome stuff I wasted my money on. I have a question that I'm sure I can do but am at a loss for so far. I have a few situations where I want a KPL button to show when a light is on for any number of other lights but then to turn one on, then all off if pressed again. Example: By my entry I have a "Kitchen" button that I want to use to turn on the cans if off or to turn off all the kitchen lights it pressed again. I also want it to come on if either the cans or cabinet lights are tuned on. BUT, if I turn both on an then turn one off, I need the button to stay on for the KPL.


Cans pressed on - KPL button turns on

Counter pressed on - KPL button turns on

Counter or Cans off but other on - KPL still on

KPL Kitchen button turned on - Kitchen Cans turn on

KPL Kitchen button off - Cans and counter go off


I can't figure out how to do this with a scene(s). Does this require a program? Sorry if this has been addressed before but I can't seem to find it. I have the same desire for my downstairs lighting. Toggle one light on or all off but not any press other stuff off.

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That complexity cannot be done with Scenes. Insteon Scenes do not have the conditional logic you describe. Programs are needed. Note that a Secondary KPL button LED must be controlled with a Scene. An Insteon Direct command cannot be used in a Program to turn a Secondary KPL button On or Off. A Direct command cannot identify a specific KPL button. Define an ISY Scene, add the Secondary KPL button as a Responder in the Scene. The Program(s) turn this Scene On/Off to turn the KPL button LED On/Off.

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The requirements indicate a different set of devices should react to the On button press versus an Off button press. Also a KPL button should be On if either of two devices is On. A Scene alone cannot provide that type of logic. The logic to accomplish this level of sophistication has to be implemented with ISY Programs.


There will be Scenes involved in the implementation, such as needing a Scene to control a Secondary KPL button LED, or a Scene to control multiple devices at once which is the power of a Scene but the Scenes cannot be driven directly from a button press. Program(s) will have to be triggered by a button press, by a device being turned On/Off, etc which contain the logic to determine what devices are currently On or Off and control KPL button LEDs in response. Also an On button press turning On one device and an Off button press turning Off multiple devices requires Program logic. Again, the Program logic will utilize Scenes but they will be driven by Program(s) rather than directly by a button press.


I don't see any reason why the requirements cannot be implemented. It is simply how much effort you want to expend to accomplish the various complex results.

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Define a Scene for the Kitchen Cans with the KPL Button and the switch that controls the cans both as controllers. This will handle turning on/off the cans with the KPL button.


Define another scene with just the KPL button as a responder. This will be used in the program below to turn on the KPL button when any of the "other" lights are on.


Define a third scene that includes all of the lights as responders that you would like to turn of with the KPL button.


Create programs as follows:



  Status Kitchen Cans is > 0%
  Status Other Light 1 is > 0%
  Status Other Light 2 is > 0%
  Status Other Light 3 is > 0%

  Set Scene KPL Button On

  Set Scene KPL Button Off




  Control KPL-X is Switched Off

  Set Scene AllKitchen Off


Pressing the KPL button when it is Off will turn On the kitchen cans. Pressing the KPL button when it is on will turn off the kitchen cans (since it is a controller of that scene) and whatever lights are in the KitchenAll scene (which may very well also include the cans).


If any light in the monitor program is on at all, the KPL button will be lit.



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