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KeypadLinc on ISY 99i/IR Pro


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I am trying to install KeypadLinc dimmer 8 button on ISY 99i/IR Pro (1050) , firmware UD 99 v.3.3.10. When trying to add the new Insteon device, I enter address, the device type as 2334.2 keypadLinc dimmer 8 button. Is this the correct device to select?


The actual dimmer keypad is 8 button, black model 2334-226.


Problem is it doesn't add addresses for all 8 buttons, it only adds address for ".1" button. It doesn't add the other 7 buttons. Is this compatiable with the ISY 99i/IR Pro. Hopefully it is since the controlinc has been discontinued and I need to add something to use in it's place. I was told the KeypadLinc would work.





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Well in that case, I guess I'll just use them as manual devices. Just spent $300 for 3 KeypadLincs to replace the discontinued Control Lincs. Can't afford to spend another $400 for the 994i. Will just continue to use the 99i to control the Insteon lamp modules and the KeypadLincs to control the lamp modules without linking to the 99i.


This stuff is just getting too expensive. I think it is time to go back to X10. Still have X10 devices 20 to 30 years old that still work and have not been discontinued or obsoleted. They just keep on working.


Probably should return the $300 worth of KeypadLincs to Smarthome and get my money back while I can. May just do that.





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Looks like the KeypadLinc does work under 4.0.11 UI with 3.3.10.


Appears that the KeypadLinc only controls one scene and will therefore only show up one time on the ISY network of devices and if the other buttons are programmed to control other devices, it will not show which devices those buttons control, Unlike the Controlinc which will show each device that each button controls.

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Did you Delete and add back the KPL using 4.0.11? Moving to 4.0.11 alone would not solve the problem. When processed correctly the KPL will have either 8 nodes (8 button mode) or 5 nodes (6 button mode) and those nodes can be assigned to ISY Scenes just as the load control node can.


If those nodes are not created when the KPL is added using 4.0.11 it is not compatible with 3.3.10. There are other things 3.3.10 will not handle even if 4.0.11 works for this KPL. The best approach is to move to a 994i.


Thanks Brian

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just to add to confusion

running 3.3.10 and 4.0.11 and a 99i I did add a 8 and a 6 keypadlinc dualband (2334-232) dimmers and all buttons programmed these were added succefully and replace existing older one in my 99i program


then the third one (a 6 button) I did not pay attention to it.

it added it I replaced my broken one with it and blew my ui out

once I got back on line the old keypad was gone and the new one


re did the add device and it would only come back as a single button

checked java and ui and firmware deleted and reinstalled 20 times (heck the 2 previous 6 btn dimmers took?)

would never create more than one button WITH THE NEW BUTTON DIMMER


then added a 6 button dualband "switch"(instead of a dimmer) installed all six buttons

went back to the dimmer still only 1 button


I quit.. installed my 994 and up and running including the new 6 button dimmer with all six buttons...

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  • 5 months later...

Ouch. I cannot tell from the posts if 4.0.11 is the solution for this or not. I replaced a broken 8 button keypadlinc dimmer with a new one and only see one device. I have a number of scenes set to the old switch including some programs and it obviously no longer works.


Is there still an upgrade option from 99i to 994? I think I saw that it expired last year and $400 to get this working again is a bit steep.

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The 3.3.10 image (last image to run on 99i) does not support the newest KeypadLincs. SmartLabs changed the device type when the KeypadLinc was updated to Dual Band. There has been an update option available for moving to a 994i but I no longer see it on the UDI web site. That option was available starting back in Feb/March 2013.

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Thanks Johny & Lee,


I tried to contact them but did not get a reply. I have over 50 devices and this was one of the main/most used controllers and all 8 buttons triggered a program in the isy99i. Not sure where to go from here but given that I never expected my 99i to go obsolete (which it effectively did) I can't help but consider a full priced upgrade as a very last resort (how long before the 994i becomes obsolete?). Anyway, if anyone hears of a way to trick the 99i into detecting all 8 buttons or if anyone hears of a reseller with the older 8 button non dual band devices for sale, please let me know.

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Sorry if this is received twice as not sure the original went through:


Thanks Michel. Just ordered the 994i Pro upgrade. Thanks also to UD for extending the upgrade for so long. I assume I send the 99i back once the new unit is received?

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