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ISY fanlinc bug when adjusting a scene


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I wanted to write a program to adjust the on level of the bedroom light for after my wife goes to bed (she's a teacher and gets up ridiculously early). The idea was to have a really slow ramp rate after say 9:50 and an on level of just 5% to allow me to get to bed without banging myself up and (hopefully) not disturb her. I ran into issues where in multiple posts people talk about adjusting the on level in a scene by selecting the device in both the "In Scene" and "Set" boxes. It makes sense to adjust the responder but I couldn't get the Local On Levels to change, only the scene settings whenever the program would run. I couldn't understand what people were talking about selecting the device in both boxes.


Well, it turns out I was trying to do this with a fanlinc. The setup I have is a KPL with nothing connected to its load controlling a fanlinc. Apparently, the KPL button can be selected in both boxes, but the fanlinc cannot. This means that there is no way for me to adjust the local on levels of the fanlinc light that I know of. Is this a bug with my ISY-994i or a limitation in the fanlinc itself, because that would suck. Has anyone else come across this phenomenon? I'm running 4.1.0 right now, fanlinc is v.41 and (not that it matters but) KPL is 8 button v.43. Thanks for any advice you guys can give me.


- Bryce

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The FanLinc Light is a Responder Only device. There is no button/paddle accessable on the FanLinc to turn it On/Off locally (yes, there is a Set button but you do not have access to it). It is being controlled by a KPL button so there is no Local On Level involved. The Program to change the On Level and Ramp Rate specifies the KPL button in the 'In Scene' parameter and the FanLinc Light node in the 'Set' parameter. Two Adjust Scene statements are needed, one to set Responder On Level and one to set the Responder Ramp Rate.

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Thanks for the quick reply. I'll try that tonight. This stuff sure is a little confusing sometimes. If I get it working, I'll try to post a screen shot for anybody else who might need it. I searched pretty extensively on the forum and couldn't find this exact scenario. Thanks again.


- Bryce

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Particularly if things do not work please post back. Each piece taken by itself is not too bad but when all the parts are involved it can be confusing. The nice thing about Responder versus Local values, once understood they have not changed over the years. Let us know.

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