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Water Leak Sensor Not Working - I Think


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New to all this, but I don't believe that my water sensor should be behaving the way it is. After some searching on here and the Smarthome forums, it seems others sometimes have the same issue, and since there hasn't been a resolution posted yet that I've found, wanted to get something started here, and hopefully follow it all the way through and post a resolution for others to see if need be in the future.


I've got my ISY-994i / PLM setup with 2 SwitchLinc's (working perfectly) and a water sensor (more items to follow but I'm taking things one item at a time trying to figure things out).


The water sensor (2852-222) paired easily to the ISY. It's reading DRY:On, HEARTBEAT:On, WET:Off. As it should.


If I hit the top sensor button, I get it to blip DRY:Off, WET:On. As it should.


If I put the senor in a puddle of spilled water, and leave it there, I get a few different responses.


1.) It works properly (what I believe to be properly). Remains constant DRY:Off, WET:On. Until I removed the sensor. This is the least common occurrence (only happened once).


2.) Nothing happens. It doesn't register the water (somewhat common occurrence).


3.) It blips quickly from DRY:Off, WET:On back to DRY:On, WET:Off...even though it's still sitting in water. (most common occurrence).


I've tried this same test with just a little bit of water to sitting in a good bit of water. I've tried it on difference surfaces. Same results.


I was on hold for 40 minutes with Smarthome today, then another 30, and had to hang up both times as I got busy at work, so I submitted for help with their online form. (purchased the stuff form them)


Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a bad sensor? Is it doing what it's supposed to? I have audible water alarms now. If even the smallest amount of water gets under them to conduct between the 2 metal prongs, they scream loudly and don't stop until you take them out of water. I assumed this sensor should do the same, that is, read WET:On until it's no longer wet.


Other posts I've read on this had similar issues, but no one came back and said yes, I got a replacement sensor and it works as it should (as I believe it should anyway). I've got plans to get 21 of these little buggers for the house...but need them to operate to be useful! (Will also cross post this onto the Smarthome Forum).

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That is the way my Leak Sensor works although I have not had mine miss water completely. Take the bottom off (as though changing battery) and clean the metal contacts on the inside of the bottom plastic section removed. Do not scrape them, simply make sure the metal is clean. Make sure the bottom piece is fully seated in the Leak Sensor.


I triggered a Program when the Sensor turned the Dry Off (or maybe Wet On). Did not care if the condition corrected itself back to Dry. I never saw a false so if Wet was indicated there was a problem regardless of how long the Dry Off/Wet On condition lasted.


Some have returned units and got the same results. Others have seen longer (persistent) wet indication.

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Thanks for your response here, and on the Smarthome forum Teken.


I found this link yesterday, and had already planned to "borrow" it. :)


Much appreciated that you passed it on though. Guess I'll just go with how they are (and this program to make up for it). I'll also update this thread on what Smarthome's opinion on the matter is.

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Thanks for your response here, and on the Smarthome forum Teken.


I found this link yesterday, and had already planned to "borrow" it. :)


Much appreciated that you passed it on though. Guess I'll just go with how they are (and this program to make up for it). I'll also update this thread on what Smarthome's opinion on the matter is.


The program is most excellent and the Author should be paid for coming up with it! I have had this program running for about five days now. If it wasn't for this program I would not know the Leak Sensor was out of RF range. I have already found out that the two bathroom sinks are not able to communicate to my Insteon network.


All of these dual band devices are really for not, when installed into a metal J box. I have deployed another AP (Access Point) to see if the Leak Sensor can get through the wooden cabinet doors and will report back. I have added my list of improvements for the next generation of this device.


Good luck and please report back your experience!


Teken . . .

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Smarthome's response was to just exchange the sensor, no other feedback.


I'll probably keep it, and just run as is, but will run a bunch more tests on it to ensure I get a blip every time. Any single instance of not picking up the leak at all (no blip) would be unacceptable and in that case I'd exchange it...but not point exchanging it if it blips every time.

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"Borrowed" the above program from the link. Much thanks to the original poster for awesome work!


Setup email and text notifications. Tested the water sensor maybe 15 times.


Results were:


2 occurrences of me putting it in water, and it not liking. Meaning WET:On never occurred.


Several occurrences of the blips, meaning WET:on blipped, then back to WET:Of. Email and text notified me, so this is ok. (most common result)


And lastly, 2 occurrences of WET:On remaining. I'd put the sensor in the water the same way each time, and two of the times, the WET:On remained constant on.


Very weird that this water tester "doesn't like" some water. I'd think it was a defective tester, except others have reported the same result. Hopefully Smarthome has something in the works to fix this issue. They came through with the heartbeat from what I'm reading, so hopefully the come through with a better way to read/sense water. Like I said earlier, I have some audible alarms that as long as there's enough water for connectivity between the two metal surfaces, the alarm sounds. They're not at all picky, and work with just the slightest bit of water.


With the proper program written as has been shared, I don't at all mind the "blip" on now, I just don't agree with the picky nature of when it should go off. Water is water!

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