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Program for late work night needed.


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And the second:

       From    Sunset  -  2 minutes
       To      Sunrise -  1 hour  (next day)
    Or (
            From    Sunset  -  2 minutes
            To      Sunrise -  1 hour  (next day)
        And Control 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway KPL8 - A - Hallway / Hallway KPL8 - F - Work' is switched On
   And Control 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway KPL8 - A - Hallway / Hallway KPL8 - F - Work' is not switched Off

       Set Scene 'Outside / Landscape Lights' On

       Set Scene 'Outside / Landscape Lights' Off


I think there is a problem with this program. It was sunset-2 minutes. And the KPL button was not 'not switched off'. (It was on). So the prgram was false, so it went to the else.



No, that is not how that logic works. The switch was indeed "not switched off". This program will be true at sunset - 2 minutes. There really is no way for this program to not trigger and be true at sunset - 2 minutes. Did you look at your program summary page and see the last time the program ran and whether it was true or false? You could easily change the "from" time to something a couple minutes in the future to test it.


The purpose of the logic "not switched off" is in this fashion, switching off is a trigger and it activates the else clause. Any time the program runs for any other reason, a "not switched off" statement will always evaluate to true.

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No, that is not how that logic works. The switch was indeed "not switched off". This program will be true at sunset - 2 minutes. There really is no way for this program to not trigger and be true at sunset - 2 minutes.


Sorry, I made a typo, the kpl was off.

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No, that is not how that logic works. The switch was indeed "not switched off". This program will be true at sunset - 2 minutes. There really is no way for this program to not trigger and be true at sunset - 2 minutes.


Sorry, I made a typo, the kpl was off.



The status of the KPL is irrelevant. "control switched . . " has nothing to do with the status. It is strictly a statement that refers to an action taken on the switch by the user physically pushing it. It is ISY responding to the switch sending an "on" or "off" or "Fade" or whatever. Whether it is true or false has to do with the exact language. If the program runs by some other trigger, then "is switched whatever" will always be false, and "is not switched whatever" will always be true.


Anyway, I promise you, that program is true at sunset - 2minutes. There is no doubt about that. If a couple seconds later you pushed the kpl and turned it off, then it would go false. The last line "and not switched off" serves 1 purpose: to drive the else clause when you physically push the kpl button and it goes from on to off. . . which it will do no matter what time it is.

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My landscape lights did not turn on tonight. I got home just after sunset and changed the programs to turn on the appliance linc directly, not the scene. I tested the thens and else in the programs and the lights turned on and off appropriately.

Unfortunately, I had to go into work for a while at 830pm, so I hit the work late Kpl. When I got home at 1am, the landscape lights were on. Good. However, when I turned the work late Kpl off, the lights did not go off. I tested the else in my program and the lights turned off. Turning off the Kpl should have turned the lights out. Thoughts?


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Here are the two programs:

       Status  'Hall and Foyer / Hallway KPL8 - A - Hallway / Hallway KPL8 - F - Work' is Off
   And Time is 11:59:00PM

       Set 'Outside / Landscape Lights' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

       From    Sunset  -  2 minutes
       To      Sunrise -  1 hour  (next day)
    Or (
            From    Sunset  -  2 minutes
            To      Sunrise -  1 hour  (next day)
        And Control 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway KPL8 - A - Hallway / Hallway KPL8 - F - Work' is switched On
   And Control 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway KPL8 - A - Hallway / Hallway KPL8 - F - Work' is not switched Off

       Set 'Outside / Landscape Lights' On

       Set 'Outside / Landscape Lights' Off

I bought a new dual band appliance linc for the tree that I can swap out for the single band device controlling the landscape lights. It could be a communication issue, but when I tested the programs this morning by running the thens and else the lights turned on and off ok. I still am not sure what to do about possible communication or noise issues.

https://www.smarthome.com/forum/topic.a ... 4179#76185



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The first Program did not participate because the KPL button was On.


What does the ISY show for the button Current State now?


What does Programs | Summary show for second Program Last Run Time and Status?


Was the Program triggered at 1 AM (approx) and does it show a False Status?


If so then there is a comm issue as the Program would have issued the Off command. What type load is being controlled as a device that turns On but does not turn Off can be load related.

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Here is a screen shot for the programs. The load is a standard landscape transformer/timer box that has been on the appliance linc controlled flawlessly by HL for a couple of years. A few months ago I added an intermatic timer for moon lightsto it and that has also functioned fine. When I first started setting up my ISY a few weeks ago the appliance linc was one of the first devices I added with a simple on/off program which worked fine.

I may be having communication issues but right now I do not think I am. Since I am off of HL it does not appear that I am having the same problem with my breakfast lights flickering. I am picking up the tracer signal on my panel which is new and could be noise. However, everything seems to be working fine in the house. I am going to switch out the applicance linc for the DB device. Ideally, I won't be coming home from work in the middle of the night often, but when I do, like i did this morning, it is good to still have the landscape lights on.




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The highlighted Program was triggered at 1:15AM with a False status which means the Else clause ran. If you want to pursue an event trace at LEVEL 3 while the KPL button is turned Off would be the next step. No reason to think the Off command was not issued since the Else clause was executed.

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It appears to me that at 1:15 am you turned the KPL off. Turning the KPL off is a trigger and will run the "else" clause as per the last line of the "if" section which is "anded" to the rest of the clause. There is nothing in that program that can cause it to run false at 1:15am except for manually turning the kpl off (actually pushing the button).


"And Control 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway KPL8 - A - Hallway / Hallway KPL8 - F - Work' is not switched Off"


It was my understanding that this is what you wanted to happen, but maybe it isn't.

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Yes, I came home at 115AM, work not partying, and the landscape lights were on as I wanted. However, I then turned off the work late KPL button which should have run the else and turned off the lights, but they did not turn off. I did switch out the appliance linc to a new dual band device. Here is the level3 event viewer when I sent on on via the admin console to the landscape lights directly and then ran the IF of the work program. It looks like communications are good.




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OK, so the program did what you wanted, it was a failure to communicate. The question then becomes is this a repeating comm problem or just a random miss.


If you didn't do anything, they would have tried to turn off again at sunrise minus 1 hour by the program. Or if you turned the kpl on then off that would also trigger the program to shut them off again.


Sometimes you have something making noise/sucking that is on randomly and is hard to pin down.


What about just hitting a manual run then/run else. This should turn the lights on/off. Per chance you don't have two different lights that you accidentally named the same.

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Yes, the manual runs worked, Even before switching to the dual band. I may have noise on my system. My circuit tracer is picking up a false signal on my panel. Apparently a cfl can generate a false signal and interfere with insteon transmissions.. I'll have a chance this weekend to try to find a faulty cfl. I have not replaced one in a while.

Thanks for your help.


No duplicate lights/scene names.

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