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How Would "Bathroom Light" (wiki) Program work with Zwave?


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All of my devices on ISY are Z-Wave, I do not have any Insteon devices at all, and trying emulate some programs mainly to automate the Lights in my home with the ELK Motion Sensors I have everywhere.


In my research over the past months I've been running into a lot of "Scenes" and motion sensor jumper settings, or battery levels that do not relate to me and i'm having trouble grasping this because of references to hardware on the Insteon side that i'm not familiar with, or am not sure what code to replace with for my setup...


I would like to remove programming from my Vera via a (Smart Switch Plugin) that handles all of this in module form, and accomplish the same thing with ISY via programs.



Motion Sensor(s) from ELK trigger a light ON if it's light outside, 50% if it's dark outside, and 10% if it's past 11pm. Then off after "X" minutes of no motion detected,


Caveats; if someone manually changes the light level, or shuts lights off it should remain at that level for "Y" minutes of no motion detected then reset.


I have a little over 100 zwave devices and elk sensors in each room. For example I would like the trigger allow for a few different sensors (Staircase Landing motion, Stairway motion, and Foyer motion) to trigger stairway lighting lights to different levels based on my goal above.


I hope this isn't too much to ask, but I would really appreciate it, and i'm sure with more Zwave folks jumping on board this will be extremely useful to them also.


Thank you,

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Hi Big517,


Quick question: what do we use to figure out when there's light outside?


The rest is pretty standards stuff. You basically can have 3 different folders:

Light Outside

Dark Outside

Past 11PM


Then, in each folder you would have:








The only other issue is when someone manually turns the device on/off. In which case:




Program disable




Program enable




With kind regards,


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I do not have any devices that show up under the "control" condition...


I'm using the Climate Module as there is a weather station that supports Light Level near me.

I have 2 root programs calls "Dark Outside" and "Light Outside"

Dark Outside is Enabled when Light is = 0

Light Outside is Enabled when Light is > 0


Is it best to put a condition in the folder to enable the folder when one of these programs are active, or just add the light condition as an "IF" to the program itself, or am I going about this the wrong way altogether?

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Hi Big517,




I do not have any devices that show up under the "control" condition...

I am so very sorry. I completely forgot that in most cases devices must be queried to get a status back. And, thus, no Control. This is going to make it a little challenging. Let me get back to you .


I'm using the Climate Module as there is a weather station that supports Light Level near me.

I have 2 root programs calls "Dark Outside" and "Light Outside"

Dark Outside is Enabled when Light is = 0

Light Outside is Enabled when Light is > 0


Is it best to put a condition in the folder to enable the folder when one of these programs are active, or just add the light condition as an "IF" to the program itself, or am I going about this the wrong way altogether?

Either one works ... using folder is my preference for categorization and grouping.


With kind regards,


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Hi Big517,


I am so very sorry. I completely forgot that in most cases devices must be queried to get a status back. And, thus, no Control. This is going to make it a little challenging. Let me get back to you .




No Problem at all... Also I notice you reference "Scenes" is there an option to create scenes with just ZWave Devices, or would I I have to add devices to the program individually at this point?


Thank you,

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Then, in each folder you would have:








I have been messing with this all morning. This does not work. Is it because the Motion sensor trips off before it gives enough time for the Wait time to shut the light off? The light will either shut off and not turn back, or stay on... Very strange results.


I've also emulated the X10 Bathroom Light from the WIKI with undesirable results.


Is there another way?

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I have since deleted that program and found a solution from another post referencing ELK sensors. It requires a minimum of 2 scenes.

One to turn lights ON based on motion violation.

One to turn lights OFF based on Sensor Secure


I am using 3 scenes however in case there is a reason I need to interrupt something in the future.


Here is how I have it setup and working (at least for now)


Scene 1 = Hall Lights Timer (this timer simply waits then executes the next program that shuts off ALL lights in hall when no motion is detected)

Scene 2 = Hall Lights OFF (all lights in area are sent OFF command individually)

Scene 3 = Hall Lights ON (Daytime / Night / Sleep) 1 program in respective folder to adjust lights based on conditions.


I'm using my SLEEP program as an example.




Program Day (If climate light > 0%)
Program Night (If climate light = 0%)
Program Sleep (from 10:30pm to 8am next day)
- 2nd LEVEL
    - HALLWAY 
          - DAY (If program Day is true, allow programs to run...)
          - NIGHT (If program Night is true)
          - SLEEP (If program Sleep is true)


I nest a the ALL OFF and TIMER Program in the base of the HALLWAY folder and Nest the Individual (Motion Light ON) programs inside of the Day/Night/Sleep folders.


Program 1 Motion lights SLEEP ON

       Elk Zone '2nd Floor Hall' is Violated
    Or Elk Zone '2nd Level Foyer' is Violated

       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall LED downlights' 37%
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall Chandeliers' 12%
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall Niche Sconces' 19%
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall Niche Spotligh' Off
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Sitting Area Tall L' 27%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




HALL LIGHTS TIMER (this provides the Wait time before executing the OFF command)


       Program 'Hall Lights Motion Disable' is False
      |     Elk Zone '2nd Floor Hall' is not Violated
      | And Elk Zone '2nd Level Foyer' is not Violated

       Wait  30 seconds
       Run Program 'Hall Lights OFF' (Then Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




HALL LIGHTS OFF (this contains all the lights in the hallway that will turn off when triggered


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall Niche Spotligh' Off
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall LED downlights' Fast Off
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall Niche Sconces' Fast Off
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall Butler Pantry' Off
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Hall Chandeliers' Off
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Sitting Area Tall L' Off
       Set '2nd Level Foyer / 2nd Level Sitting Niche Light' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I hope this is posted properly and makes sense.

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Hi Big517,




I do not have any devices that show up under the "control" condition...

I am so very sorry. I completely forgot that in most cases devices must be queried to get a status back. And, thus, no Control. This is going to make it a little challenging. Let me get back to you .


With kind regards,



Any update on how to disable or prolong the timer if the switches are manually manipulated?

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