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Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main.jar


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Hi there,


A couple of days ago I noticed that my scheduled ISY routines were not running i.e., lights were not going on and off. So I rebooted the ISY controller at which point the scheduler started working again.


However, since then I can no longer log into the Java admin console, i.e., http://ip address/admin


Here is the build information on my device:


Model: ISY 99i 256

Platform: ISY-C-99

Version: 3.3.10

Build Timestamp: 2013-01-17-01:38:06


Note I am running of OS X

Java 7 update 51


I am going to try and include some screen shots. Basically I get to the "Please keep This Window Open!" screen.

At this point I was told that I was missing the plugin. This is strange as I have been logging in for years now.

So I downloaded the latest Java plugin (Java 7 Update 51).


Now I get to the same screen but now I am seeing an "Error, click for details" error message.

Clicking reveals the following: "Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main.jar: http://ip address/web/insteon.jar"




I am hoping that someone can help out as I am dead in the water at this point i.e., no admin access to my system.






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Thanks for the information on adding my ISY address to the Java exception list. This did the trick for me, I now have access to my ISY99i admin console with the latest Java update installed on my Mac.


this ticket can be closed.




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I just performed the "recommended" Java upgrade and now have the "missing required permissions manifest..." error. Of the 2 choices you propose, I assume I can't try option 1 as my controller is an ISY-99IR-Pro. The other options works in the sense that I can get to my admin console. However, if I try to open the admin console from within the Universal Devices UI, I keep getting the same error. Is there a way for me to continue launching the admin console via the "Admin console" button in the Universal Devices UI?


By the way, I was under the impression that the 99 was higher end than the 994. If 994 is better, what's involved in upgrading to it? Will all my current programs carry over? Are both controllers fully compatible?


Many thanks!

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I encountered the same error condition after updating Java for Chrome on 1/26/2014. Solved the problem by adding my ISY994i URL to the Java Exception List. But I couldn't find the exception list when I went into Java from Control Panel. The following procedure worked for me:


Start/All Programs/Java/Configure Java

- Click on the Security tab

- Under Exception Site List, see if your ISY99x URL is in the list.

- If not, click "Edit Site List"

- Click "Add"

- Enter your URL in the format "http://[iP Address]:[Port number]"

- Then "OK" out of each dialogue box

Of course, I then got all the requisite warnings the I should not trust the URL (Do you have your mother's permission to do this? :D ) but, since it's MY UL, I told Java it's OK.

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I had the same problem after going to Version 7 Build 51 today (Jan 18,2014). Error had something to do with security permissions. I went to the Control Panel | Java settings, then to Security tab. Then I added my ISY's IP Address and port number (e.g., to the exception list and that fixed the issue.




Tom C.



Thanks Tom C. I used this to solve my same problem!

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