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ISY suddenly random issues

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Hello Friends


My ISY has been working flawless since I installed one year ago. It has more 50 devices, 100 programs and is connected to a ELK. It is in v.4.0.5


Suddenly last week it started to have random issues, like turning on all the devices randomly, and some programs are having randomly working. Also sometimes the lights indicators are not in the same state that ISY shows in the admin console.

The issues are becoming more frequent and more randomly. I checked on the admin console , and sometimes I got the green arrow 1011 in some devices , but later disappear.


Could you guys help me



Thanks and Regards

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Sounds like something has changed on your electrical system. Something new added that is attenuating the signal or generating noise. Or possibly a failed phase bridge. If you have access points bridging your phases, unplug and replug them to reboot them. See if that helps.



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I would attempt to unplug my ISY and leave it off for at least ten minutes. If a power supply capacitor is going it may finally go bad on rebooting or heal itself for a while. This does sound like the ISY, to me, and the most common thing in electronics to go is the power supply caps that absorb so many glitches and the tough job of smoothing out the rectified AC voltage.


If that affects how it works for awhile I would be opening the case, looking for burnt or leaking components, and hitting the PS caps with cold spray while operating and observing for changes. This is providing no warranty is involved, of course and these random events are frequent enough to make an appropriate evaluation.


Having said all that, do the modules all interact OK with each other, without the ISY active? Do all other functions in the ISY work OK?

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Something has changed, obviously. Another possibility is that various devices around the house are aging and creating difficulties, such as light bulbs and power supplies and transformers. I wish I had a good method for positive and quick troubleshooting. I would start with the ones that I've the green arrows. What kind of load is on these devices.


I also second the phase coupling suggestion. While there are no guarantees, I would positively ensure you have communication across legs of your electrical system.

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