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MobiLinc (iOS) version 4.0


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Anyone having time-out issues? It seems if I lock my phone, and don't do anything for even just a few minutes, and unlock the phone, then the red bar is gone and the voice control under settings in mobiLinc has turned to off. Don't think that's right, but I just tested it 3 times in a row with the same results.


However...if I stay on my phone for a bit, the red bar comes back, and the voice control works again. Is it supposed to time out when the phone is on lock screen?



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I don't believe so per Wes. I also saw this same behaviour. There is an option to stop the sleep mode in the settings.


Give that a try and report back.





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Hi huddadudda and KHouse,


This red bar is 100% controlled by Apple. We cannot turn it off.




Anyone having time-out issues? It seems if I lock my phone, and don't do anything for even just a few minutes, and unlock the phone, then the red bar is gone and the voice control under settings in mobiLinc has turned to off.


We are testing a fix in our lab today to address this. If it passes we'll be submitting an update to Apple for approval. There's a condition that can occur in certain background audio scenarios that trigger this issue.



Anyone know how to set lights at a specific dim level?


If you are referring to Voice control, setting specific dim levels with voice isn't currently supported. It's something we're looking into adding.



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Wes, yes I was specifically asking about dim levels for the voice command. Something like "set to X%" or "dim family room lamps" and Mobilinc dims based on its setting (where you select 5,10,15...) - I guess the workaround would be to make a scene with the level you like the most for those lights. Wish this was made clear before buying, I was expecting full voice control.

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Thank you for this great version upgrade. I am thinking about buying a few old iPad to place it around my house voice voice control plug-in. Does this new voice control feature works with all version of iPad or just the version with Siri? Will it works with iPod as well, and what generation? Can you please recommend?




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iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.6. Upgraded to 4.00.00 yesterday. Purchased Voice Control add on. Didn't have much time last night, but as I set it up, it listened for one command. As i reviewed the setup video today and reviewed my set up I've named my Voice Prompt and turned the "Voice Control" to on - but it now won't hold the setting. I just go back to favorites, or even just to My settings (back one screen) and then back into Voice Control setup - it is turned back off. It did ask me last night if it could have access to the microphone and I told it yes.


I'm not at home, so don't know if possibly Voice Control is only available on the LAN, vs remote and on LTE, but that is the only thing I can think of.


What else could I be missing?

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Hi KL,


The only requirement is iOS 7. Only the first generation iPad is not upgradable to iOS 7. As long as the iPod Touch can run iOS 7 it will work with this update.


Hi gdntx,


Please try the following:

- Force quit MobiLinc.

- Reboot your phone.

- Start MobiLinc and then turn on the mic in the app.

- Wait for the vocal prompt.

- Try your voice command again.


If you continue to have issues, please send us an email with the steps to reproduce to: support@mobilinc.com



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I bought voice control for my iphone 5. It works great for single light switch device. For 3 way switch, it doesn't work. Example, I got a switch at the bottom of the stair and I named it "stair light". The one at the top, I can't set it to the same name. So when I say "turn on stair light". The status of the bottom switch turn to On. The top switch still Off. And the light doesn't do anything.

Is there a way to make this work?




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You have a different problem. The proper method for three way switches is to place both in a scene as controllers/responders. Ref: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... ay_Circuit


Then you can apply a voice command to the scene and remove the voice command from the individual light switches. ML intentionally prevents you from entering duplicate voice command. Otherwise, ML will not know which device/scene to control.

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Hi KL,


elvisimprsntr is correct. For a multi-way switch, these devices should all be in a scene. Then for voice control, apply your voice name to the scene. That way MobiLinc/ISY will turn your scene on which will turn on all your switches in your multi-way switch.



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The new update was posted in the Apple Store. Installed with out a hitch, haven't had the chance to fully test this version. But, thus far it appears to be more responsive.




Could future versions of the iPhone App include more Insteon icons from the list of images to choose from? I ask because the one's offered are extremely sparse and do not reflect the devices in the home or give the user the ability to upload their own.


When using the iPhone vs the iPad Mini it really does feel lots of things are missing. I know there are limitations given the size of the iPhone screen size etc.


But having all the basic Insteon device icons should be the most basic that a person should have available to them. Cartoon images are fine and don't need to be the real ones as they are displayed in the iPad.


Much thanks!


Teken . . .

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Hi Teken,


Could future versions of the iPhone App include more Insteon icons from the list of images to choose from?

If you have specific suggestions, please email to support@mobilinc.com. I keep a list of requested icons.


When using the iPhone vs the iPad Mini it really does feel lots of things are missing.

Could you be more specific as to what's missing and where?



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Hi Teken,


Could future versions of the iPhone App include more Insteon icons from the list of images to choose from?

If you have specific suggestions, please email to support@mobilinc.com. I keep a list of requested icons.


When using the iPhone vs the iPad Mini it really does feel lots of things are missing.

Could you be more specific as to what's missing and where?




1. Insteon Icons: What ever Insteon has produced should be available for the end user to apply so its reflected in the UI. Other none related icons would be HVAC related like Furnace, AC, Stove, Microwave, Computer, Server, Router, Switch, Coffee Machine, Toaster, Heater, etc


2. I will need to look at the iPad and compare what is different and report back.


3. Energy Readings: There is no method in the iPhone to see watts for a channel only the KWH for a channel. There should be a visual indicator of the total combined KWH consumed for that instance and the dollar cost.


Teken . . .

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For me, this new version (with voice module) is a tipping point in home automation. In the past, voice control has been unreliable and unpredictable, but it finally seems to be practical.

I can't help but think that the next wave of hardware will be networked microphones. If SmartHome develops $20 insteon microphones I'd install a dozen throughout the house


I hope UD and/or MobiLinc will be ready to support this functionality!


Nice job Wes

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Is there anyway to make the notification from MobiLinc a constant one? This probably more applies to Apple hardware/software...but what I'd like to do:


If my fire alarm goes off, I get an email/text from the ISY + push notification from MobiLinc. If I'm with a client at my desk for example, I'll ignore that...but if I can get some tone or vibration that is a constant ON until I acknowledge it, for those emergency type notifications...that's be great.



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Thanks tandar!


KHouse - Here's what I'd do. Write a program(s) that will toggle a variable back and forth from 1 to a 0 every 2 seconds or so. Then in MobiLinc setup a notification to send you a PUSH on that variable when it hits 1 and 0 (or either). Then in your critical scenario, run your program to toggle the variable. MobiLinc will keep receiving PUSH notifications every few seconds until you clear the condition.



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Hi tandar,


In the current version, no. However, it might be possible to implement something like this. There are a number of iOS restrictions we have to work with. We'd need to experiment with this and see if it's even allowed by iOS.



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Hi Tandar-


I am sort of doing this already. I have a number of programs that respond to my Geofence triggers. Those programs contain a second state variable to enable/disable them. I have a 2 separate programs to toggle that variable 1/0 and I have assigned voice commands to the then branches of those 2 programs.


Example Geofence triggered program:

   s.ProxEnabled =  1
  and Xathross_iPhone = 1

  Do whatever...


Voice Command: Enable Proximity Detection


   s.ProxEnabled = 1



Voice Command: Disable Proximity Detection


   s.ProxEnabled = 0



Hope this helps.



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Maybe not the right place for this...but...any tips on getting a Foscam FI9821W V2 going? I've purchased the plug in, all set with the camera setup, can use it's link to connect remotely from other computers...but in MobiLinc I just get a black screen. Not sure what to do/try.



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Hi KHouse,


With the V2, make sure you have the very latest firmware installed from FOSCAM.

In the camera setup you need to enter in both port numbers in addition to the camera IP, username, and password. Check the camera's setup for the RTSP port number.

The FOSCAM camera profile will support the V2's JPEG, RTSP, and Pan/Tilt settings.


Note that MJPEG is not available with the V2. Select "Do Not Use" during the MJPEG setup of the camera.



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