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Hi Michel:


Quick, still unanswered problem.


I have instances when I find my Siemens DSL modem/router is "off line". My wireless computer will see it and have an excellent signal, but there is no talking between them. When I look at the router, the "WLAN" light is off. During this time, none of my peripheral items, i.e., ISY, cameras can be veiwed internally. I then have to re-boot the router which always brings the "WLAN" back on. I can then veiw the cameras, but not until I re-boot ISY will it be visable! I'm not sure if the peripheral's would be visable outside (on the internet) as I am always on site when this happens. My area just recieved fibre optic very high speed cable. They will install to homes this fall. I look forward to that, especially for the cameras. I think that it will be much more reliable than this setup has been. I'm guessing that my above problem has some sort of IP address change thing happening? Until I get the new hookup, I need help.


Any ideas?

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aLF, when your WLAN light goes out that means that your DSL modem/router is not seeing the Internet, or Wide Area LAN. It could also mean that its locked up. Hence the reason you can't get anything to work on your internal network. And the reason that you have to reboot your ISY.


My power is supplied by Florida Flicker and Flash, better known as FP&L, and we have lots of storms here. I was having a problem with my ISY falling off of the network. The ISY would look for a DHCP server to get an address from, and after a few attempts it would give up. I believe this was changed in one of the beta releases to where it would look forever.


I also wanted to see my lights from the outside world, and with my router I had to assign an IP address to the ISY so that I could forward from the outside world to it.


It sounds like your routers is your culprit. It sounds like you have enough time before you get your fiber optic cable. You need to contact your ISP and get them to replace your modem/router.


If you DSL goes down, that would be another time when your WLAN light would not be lit. And even under these circumstances everything on your internal network should still work.

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aLF, when your WLAN light goes out that means that your DSL modem/router is not seeing the Internet, or Wide Area LAN. It could also mean that its locked up. Hence the reason you can't get anything to work on your internal network. And the reason that you have to reboot your ISY.


WLAN would indicate Wireless Local Area Network, or the wireless portion of your router.


WAN would indicate Wide Area Network, or the internet portion of the router.

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Hi aLf,


The reason that your ISY does not automatically come on line after you reboot your router is that you are running 2.6.0 ... this is solved in 2.6.1 and above. Of course, this does not solve the reason why your router goes off line ... time for a new router, perhaps?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel:


Quick, still unanswered problem.


I have instances when I find my Siemens DSL modem/router is "off line". My wireless computer will see it and have an excellent signal, but there is no talking between them. When I look at the router, the "WLAN" light is off. During this time, none of my peripheral items, i.e., ISY, cameras can be veiwed internally. I then have to re-boot the router which always brings the "WLAN" back on. I can then veiw the cameras, but not until I re-boot ISY will it be visable! I'm not sure if the peripheral's would be visable outside (on the internet) as I am always on site when this happens. My area just recieved fibre optic very high speed cable. They will install to homes this fall. I look forward to that, especially for the cameras. I think that it will be much more reliable than this setup has been. I'm guessing that my above problem has some sort of IP address change thing happening? Until I get the new hookup, I need help.


Any ideas?

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