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KeypadLinc Timer Dimmer

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Long time device that has always worked properly ... Until recently.

It is a KeypadLinc Timer Dimmer installed for my Garage Lights

It is part of a scene with a different KPL8 button as a controller in my Foyer

I have the scene triggered by a program when either of my garage doors open.

These have always worked properly.

Lately when the door triggers the scene the KPL8 LED will light but the physical KeypadLinc Timer Dimmer does not light or turn on.

When I look at the ISY and it's logs - it 'thinks' that it is on and that it turned it on.

I have tried deleting the scene and redoing it. I have also tried removing the KeypadLinc Timer and adding it back as well as a Factory Reset (at least I think I reset it).


Using the latest firmware and GUI as well as Mobilinc.


I have had a few other 'instances' of devices appearing on when they were not on but kinda brushed them off as occasional anomalies. Synch as a scene triggered by a motion sensor and a KPL led lights but the responder switch does not 'fire' to turn on its load. This garage light seems to act up quite a bit.


I don't remember any reliability issues when I started with the ISY99 but have had troubles like this ever since I replaced it with an ISY994 ... I even bought a new PLM at one point thinking that was causing communication errors.


Can anyone offer any clues or suggestions on what may be happening?



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The clues that jump out at me:


a) it worked but now doesn't

B) ISY log suggests the program DOES run


This suggests to me that the ISY is seeing the IOLinc changes in state, and that it is reacting, but for some reason the scene is not responding properly. The fact that it once worked but now does not suggests to me that the scene is set up properly.


I would be looking at comm problems between the ISY and failing keypadlinc. Try manually turning on the scene from the ISY. Does it work properly? Try running the program then (or else) path. Does the scene turn on properly. Try controlling the offending KPL button directly. Does it work?


Confirm the the ON level for the stubborn KPL button is not set at zero, for some reason.


It could be the signs of impending device failure, but I would tend to ignore this possibility at this point until other options are exhausted.

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Hello Dwight,


The above steps are certanily something to look at. I would also like to offer our services to remote into your computer to look at the system. Please feel free to contact me if you still need help.




Steve L

UDI - Support

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Scene test reports that it works fine.


I am still wondering if it is a comms issue - I tried to think of what may have been added to my circuits and when I started to notice this type of anomaly.


I have removed a Copper Wiring Devices Combination 2 port USB Duplex Receptacle that I had added in a while ago to see if that makes any difference. I have also moved a FilterLinc from a UPS unit and put it on my Venmar AVS Duo air recirculating unit.


I will report back as to whether these changes make any difference - it may be a while as it is intermittent when I notice these types of 'non-reactions' happening.


Thanks for commenting guys and thanks for the offer of help Steve - I may just have to take you up on that if this doesn't clear up!

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Well - that did not take long at all to have it happen again!


Did a scene test and it reported it was all right. Right after I posted this morning I left for work. I opened my garage door at 7:15am.


The scene with the KeypadLinc Timer (responder) and the Keypadlink Dimmer LED (controller) was activated. The KeypadLinc Timer did NOT LIGHT UP nor did the physical load turn on.


The ISY and MobiLinc reported that the KeypadLinc Timer was on at 100% but the load was not on.


I am at work now and looked in on the ISY remotely. The KeypadLinc Timer was still reporting it was ON. I ran a QUERY at 8:15am on the Device KeypadLinc Timer and then the status went to OFF (correctly).


So I am leaning toward a device malfunction with this type of response from the switch!?


Here are some details if anyone cares to look into this and offer suggestions:

Scene = GARAGE 5 MIN.

0F.4E.CB - (2484DWH8) KeyPadLinc Countdown Timer v.2D (GARAGE TIMER KPL - B is 5 minute)

13.86.6B - (2486D) KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 Buttons v.35 (FOYER KPL - F is Garage Light LED)

Trigger = 1F.51.3E - (2450) IOLinc v.41 (GARAGE DOOR #2-Sensor)



       Control 'Garage / Garage Door #2-Sensor' is switched On
   And Status  'Garage / Garage Timer KPL' is not 100%

       Set Scene 'Garage / Garage 5 Min.' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Note: My wife left through Garage Door #1 at 7:12am and the physical light functioned correctly - the LED lit for the 5 min. timer and the physical load (two incandescent bulbs) lit properly. I originally had CFL's in here but replaced them to see if they caused the issue I was having.


Thanks for looking!



ISY-Events-Log.v4.1.2__Thu 2014.03.06 08.15.32 AM.txt

ISY Error Log.v4.1.2__Thu 2014.03.06 08.38.10 AM.zip


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In case someone cares to look at my error log above - here are the details on the ip addresses listed: = SageTV set top extender box = SageTV set top extender box = Windows 8 computer mostly serving SageTV = Vista Home Computer


Not too sure what all the traffic is about with the ISY994!?



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Thanks for running the Scene Test. With it running successfully the link records exist. Link records are not intermittent. Either the KPL Timer is intermittent or there is a comm issue. The ISY Scene has no ACKs so a device that does not receive the initial Scene command would not be retried. Normally I would expect comm issue in this case. If it is a device issue they are no longer available so a different approach would be required. I'll go through the event log.

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Thanks Lee,

This one one of my first Insteon devices that I bought - long before I had an ISY and only had the SmartLinc and a few devices - then I got hooked on INSTEON - ha! (We seriously should have meetings to help us poor souls out ...)


Knowing the power of an ISY and programs I certainly would not replace this Timer anyways - much more flexibility with a SwitchLinc ON/OFF.


I don't have an extra one to replace this unit to try but I do have a new SwitchLinc Dimmer that I may just pop in there to try it on the weekend - with the incandescent bulbs I would be fine with that unit - not too sure if I change to LED bulbs?



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Thanks Lee,

This one one of my first Insteon devices that I bought - long before I had an ISY and only had the SmartLinc and a few devices - then I got hooked on INSTEON - ha! (We seriously should have meetings to help us poor souls out ...)


Knowing the power of an ISY and programs I certainly would not replace this Timer anyways - much more flexibility with a SwitchLinc ON/OFF.


I don't have an extra one to replace this unit to try but I do have a new SwitchLinc Dimmer that I may just pop in there to try it on the weekend - with the incandescent bulbs I would be fine with that unit - not too sure if I change to LED bulbs?






There are many dimmable LED's that work just fine with the SLD. No worries.



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